GoMoku Narabe (GOMOKU.EXE) is a Windows shareware version of an ancient Japanese game. But it is more. It is also an introduction to some interesting Japanese culture and provides tools to explore a fascinating and accessible area of Mathematics. GoMoku Narabe is written in Visual Basic 3.0. As such it requires that VBRUN300.DLL exists in your Windows System directory. I have a 'slick' install program that takes care of everything having to do with installation but for file exchanges across BBSs it takes up too much room -- adding almost 300K to the files. So . . . to install GoMoku Narabe, please do the following: 1. Check that VBRUN300.DLL is in your Windows System directory. If not, please download a copy ( there should be a copy on the BBS from which you downloaded GOMOKU.ZIP) 2. Create a directory GOMOKU 3. Copy the files GOMOKU.EXE and GOMOKU.HLP to this new GOMOKU directory. 4. Create a program manager icon for GOMOKU.EXE by adding it as a file in your GAMES program manager group. That's it. Thanks for using GoMoku Narabe. I hope its challenging, fun, and educational at the same time! Steve Neeley