Welcome to the Coloseum! Are you ready for FreeLance Software's first release in a series of innovative, quick, strategic, multi-player games for Windows to spark you and your friends' adrenalin? If so, then... QUICKSTART A. First, SCOUT a Warrior in the Grounds (Coloseum.exe) 1. Keep clicking onto the SCOUT button until you find a great Warrior (you have 40 seconds) 2. Click TRAIN and then train two Attributes of the Warrior you have chosen 3. Click OUTFIT and outfit your Warrior with one Weapon, one Shield, one suit of Armour and maybe even a one Magic item (*Click OUTFIT to BUY item) 4. Rename Warrior by typing over current name 4. Hit FINISHED (then let another player SCOUT) 5. Hit EXIT then enter the ARENA B. Enter the ARENA to do Combat! (Arena.exe) 1. Click the names of Warriors to ENTER ARENA (or simply double-click names) 2. Hit GO (any of the 5 spots remaining will get monsters) 3. First Warrior to strike has best SPEED and Weapon Speed 4. Attacker may ATTACK opponent (or wait a while) 5. Attacker chooses Hit/Attack options, then clicks ATTACK 6. Defender chooses Defend option, then clicks DEFEND 7. Attacker clicks POINTED FINGER or hits SPACEBAR to ROLL 8. Higher ROLLS hit better, accompanying STYLE determines base DAMAGE from Weapon and/or (!)Special results 9. The Victor is the last Warrior standing 10. Surviving Warriors re-enter the GROUNDS to train and spend GOLD winnings for the next glorious battle! For a complete insider info-guide to the secrets of the COLOSEUM, please mail-away as shown here (or click INFORMATION in the Arena) To get "Inside COLOSEUM" contribute $9 to FreeLance Software: FreeLance Software Att: B.Radburn 56 James St., Aylmer, PQ Canada J9H 4S6 *A newsletter on the results and comments/questions/glory-stories from you and other players may also be sent early 1994 to all registered users. You will also be contributing to the development of COLOSEUM II with your suggestions, and other brand-new Windows entertainment under construction... Enjoy! Bruce Radburn President, FreeLance Software