WARCRAFT II: TIDES OF DARKNESS LANDS OF AZEROTH SERIES: Part 5 LIBERATION OF HILLSBRAD Scenario Version 1.00 Created by: Darryl Knickrehm Nehemiah Tull Description: This pud is a one player pud. A small sector of the nation of Storgarde has been trapped within the Hillsbrad mountains as well as its army imprisoned. Unfortuantely there is only one gold mine in these mountains and it is located deep within the evil orc clan named The Black Tooth Grin Clan. The hopes of this sector of Stromgarde rebuilding its mighty army is slim. Luckly, local armies have been sited in these moutains trying to free themselves of their horrible slavery. But to the nation of Stromgarde's dismay they are lost in these horrid mountains and some have been captured. The mighty nation of Stromgarde must now find these lost armies and liberate the Hillsbrad Mountains of the filthy orcs and human traitors that may hide within the shrubery and lurking in the shadows. Contents: Liberation.pud Readme!.txt Other notes: If you like this pud or have any suggestions please feel free to write me at: knickrehm@earthlink.net Other Levels of the Lands of Azeroth Series made by Darryl Knickrehm: THE LANDS OF AZEROTH SERIES Part1 LAND OF AZEROTH Scenario Version 2.00 You must rescue the forces of Alterac and the small task force of Sir Anduin Lothar and defeat the mutinous Alterac and Dalaran forces and the evil orc clans that lurk nearby. Part2 HELP FROM THE ORCS Scenario Version 2.00 In this pud you get to do something you couldn't do in the game: YOU GET TO BE BOTH HUMANS AND ORCS!The plot is that a small renegade orc clan with its leader,Zuljin, have defected to the humans. Your job is to find this clan, team up with them and destroy the Bleeding Hollow and Twilight's Hammer Clans, which are near by. Don't expect it to be easy. Part3 RESCUE AT DALARAN Scenario Version 2.00 The fiendish orcs have attack the small town of Dalaran. You must now find the city of Azeroth and build a massive army to destroy the nearby forces of the Bleeding Hollow and Burning Blade clans. Part 4 WIZARDS OF STRATHOLME Scenario Version 1.00 The lords of Stormgarde has sent a peasant into the forest of Stratholme. He must build a small town and search out the mysterious wizards located deep within the Stratholme mountians. From there the league of wizards will help you in your fight against the evil orcs. Beware! The dead lurk in these mountains! Also levels by Nehemiah Tull: RIVERTOWN Scenario Version 1.00 The orcs have devestated the humans near the edge of the river of Alterac. It is now the turn of the people of Rivertown to fight back. They must fight on frozen rivers across the delta and defeat the evil tribes of Stormreaver Clan, Twilight's Hammer Clan, and the Bleeding Hollow Clan. These pud's can be found at http://home.earthlink.net/~knickrehm/warcraft2.htm