Dark Hour Levels Procedures for loading levels: 1. Single Player Levels (one player with monsters, some levels may not have exits ) a) Run Quake b) Hit ESC button. At the Quake main menu, you must select single player c) Then press new game. Note: If steps a) to c) don't work, that means something is wrong with your registered version of Quake. Check your Quake manual for technical support. Also, remember that Dark Hour levels won't work on the shareware version of Quake. d) Press ~ key ( upper left key on the keyboard, just below the ESC key ) to bring up the console e) At the console prompt, map , will load any single player Dark Hour level ( if the level was installed ). For example, typing map gauntlet will load the level gauntlet and you can start playing that level. f) If you are tired of the level you are on and want to start another single player level, you simply press the console key ~ and load another level ie map manhunt. A list of all single player levels is in the Dark Hour manual. g) You can save/load single player Dark Hour games the usual way. Just hit ESC, single player, save and choose a slot to save under. 2. Multi-Player Levels ( Deathmatch - two or more players in one level, some levels may not have exits) a) Run Quake b) Hit ESC button. At the Quake main menu, you must select multi player c) Press new game (if you are the first person to start ). Press join a game (if you are joining in) d) Choose the type of connection between players ( modem,direct modem, IPX, TCP). All players must have the same connection media (ie TCP) or else they won't be included in the deathmatch. e) After choosing the connection media, you will have to make sure that the setup for the connection media are all correct. If they have incorrect, you will have to change them manually. Incorrect setup values ( ie inncorect PORT, IRQ value for modem ) could result in freezing Quake. f) Press Begin Game. If your connection media / values are all correct, you should enter a Quake registered level and play the deathmatch with whoever wants to join in. Note: If you cannot enter a Quake registered level after steps a) to f), then you either input the wrong media connection values or your Quake registered version is not working. Check your Quake manual for technical support. Dark Hour levels do not work with shareware version of Quake. g) Press ~ key ( upper left key on the keyboard, just below the ESC key) to bring up the console h) At the console prompt, map , will load any deathmatch Dark Hour level (if it was installed) For example, if the person with the Dark Hour deathmatch level installed, loads the level using the console map wargames then all players will be brought into the wargames level. But, you need to have that deathmatch level (ie wargames) installed on every player's computer in order to play it. i) If you want to change levels, you press console key ~ and load another deathmatch level ie map arena. Here, again, you must have the specific deathmatch level ( ie arena) installed on every player's computer in order to play it. It is recommended, in general, that all users playing the Dark Hour deathmatch do a full install. This should be done to ensure that each user can load a level without worrying about weather or not the other user(s) has that particular level installed on his computer. A list of all deathmatch levels are listed in the Dark Hour manual.