This CD Title includes the drivers for the VENUS 64V2 (S3 775 Trio64 V2/DX) VGA card: A. Drivers for 64V2 (S3 775). B. MPEG driver for Windows 95 under directory "MPEG_95" C. MPEG driver for Windows 3.1x under directory "MPEG_31" D. Video for Windows 3.1x driver under directory "VFW31" The drivers are in their respective directories: MANUAL VENUS 64V2 VGA User's Manual ADI423D AutoDesk ADI drivers DEMO64 DOS and Windows demostration GALILEO utilities of Windows 3.1 MICROSTA Microstation PC 4.0 and 5.0 DOS protected mode drivers OS2 OS/2 2.0 and 3.0 drivers S3UTIL S3 utilities WIN31 Windows 3.1 drivers WIN95 Win95 drivers version 2.30.03 S3WINNT Windows NT drivers for 3.51 NT351 Windows NT 3.51 drivers version 1.16.01 NT40 Windows NT 4.0 drivers This CD support autorun features, the installation screen will come out after you click the CD-ROM drive under Windows 95. You can also click the "Aopen" icon to bring up the installation screen.