Astro-Lite (c) Flat Broke Software 1993 User Support: Contact : Guy Straley Compuserve ID : 70402,1743 Phone : 206-957-4618 (If you are reading this file with Notepad 3.1, turn on Word Wrap, on the Edit menu.) Special Requirements: Astro Lite was developed to run under Windows 3.1 on a '386 or better pc. If you are running on a '286, you have our sympathies, and you should take a pass on this program. Adding Astro Lite to a Program Group: 1) In Windows, click on the Program Group you want to add Astro Lite to (we suggest the StartUp Group). 2. Select New from the Program Manger File Menu 3. Select Program Item 4. Select Browse 5. Change to the directory where you have un-zipped Astro Lite 6. Double-click on ASTLITE.EXE 7. Press OK You're all done! Have fun. And don't forget to try the "Silly" setting on the "Preferences" menu!