Protracker V1.1B Effect Commands ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 - Normal play or Arpeggio 0xy : x-first halfnote add, y-second 1 - Slide Up 1xx : upspeed 2 - Slide Down 2xx : downspeed 3 - Tone Portamento 3xx : up/down speed 4 - Vibrato 4xy : x-speed, y-depth 5 - Tone Portamento + Volume Slide 5xy : x-upspeed, y-downspeed 6 - Vibrato + Volume Slide 6xy : x-upspeed, y-downspeed 7 - Tremolo 7xy : x-speed, y-depth 8 - NOT USED 9 - Set SampleOffset 9xx : offset (23 -> 2300) A - VolumeSlide Axy : x-upspeed, y-downspeed B - Position Jump Bxx : songposition C - Set Volume Cxx : volume, 00-40 D - Pattern Break Dxx : break position in next patt E - E-Commands Exy : see below... F - Set Speed Fxx : speed (00-1F) / tempo (20-FF) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- E0- Set Filter E0x : 0-filter on, 1-filter off E1- FineSlide Up E1x : value E2- FineSlide Down E2x : value E3- Glissando Control E3x : 0-off, 1-on (use with tonep.) E4- Set Vibrato Waveform E4x : 0-sine, 1-ramp down, 2-square E5- Set Loop E5x : set loop point E6- Jump to Loop E6x : jump to loop, play x times E7- Set Tremolo Waveform E7x : 0-sine, 1-ramp down. 2-square E8- NOT USED E9- Retrig Note E9x : retrig from note + x vblanks EA- Fine VolumeSlide Up EAx : add x to volume EB- Fine VolumeSlide Down EBx : subtract x from volume EC- NoteCut ECx : cut from note + x vblanks ED- NoteDelay EDx : delay note x vblanks EE- PatternDelay EEx : delay pattern x notes EF- Invert Loop EFx : speed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------