Hiya! This is the E1M1 replacement file for use with Cameron Newham's Eliminator Bot patch for Quake. It is intended for use exclusively with these bots but may also be used in single player mode with no ill effects. I had to move some stuff a little bit in the single-player start area to avoid some problems I was having with bot navigation, but it's not noticable unless you really look for it.. Everything else is untouched. The bots can navigate almost every point in the level, excepting the pickup route for the quad damage. I don't know how to make them shoot doors! This also made it impossible for them to get through the door at the bottom of the river/lake that runs under the bridge (where you get the mega-health). They also won't attempt to navigate the steps to the room above the descending ramp where the other mega-health is, so instead of making them jump it, I just tossed the idea altogether.I know, I took the easy way out. :-) They also cannot get the shoot-to-reveal DB shotgun and shoot-to-reveal shell box. Maybe someday, but not today... All else is well within thier reach. Watch out, they seem to like 666 armor, and they swear by rockets. There are also a couple of camping spots. The C-Bots combine good AI with waypoint navigation, making them just a step away from the quality of a good human opponent. Hell, they're flat out better than some human opponents! The BSP file is already provided for you, so just toss it into the MAPS directory off of the dir where you keep yor Eliminator Bot progs.dat file. Then you can run it by typing MAP E1M1 in the console after you load a Quake multiplayer game like QUAKE -GAME ELIM14 (or whatever dir you have your Eliminator Bot progs.dat in). Impulse 166 generates a bot, and you can generate up to ten if you like chaos. E1M1 is small enough to be enjoyable 1 on 1, but I prefer to have two bots. Feel free to distribute this file, so long as it remains in it's original archive. You may use the contents of the .MAP file to your own ends, but please credit me if you use one or more of my ideas in your stuff. If you have any questions on developing Eliminator Bot waypoint sets, feel free to email me at rick@demar.agn.net. I also have a mail link at my Web page at HTTP://WWW.AGN.NET/RDEMAR... Any comments, critisms, or questions are welcome. Enjoy!! , Rick DeMar a.k.a -+=NightRunner=+-