by guido 4:15am 11/12/96 This is a qcc patch to add shields to players in quake. This is just a rushed hack that i might improve later. This asumes you have these. 1. an unpacker 2. the registered version of quake 3. quake c 4. a qcc compiler 5. at least half a clue follow these steps exactly 1. make a directory named test or whatever you feel like 2. copy your virgin .qc files into this dir 3. copy the combat.qc file from this zip into the dir named above 4. run your favorite qcc compiler to compile the changes. 5. run quake with these params quake -game test 6. cross your fingers. changes This patch to combat.qc modifies T_damage to include the use of shields on players. If a player has cells, then that player has shields. Shields to 2 things: 1.) Divide incoming damage by half 2.) absorb all incoming damage until cells reach zero Simple, right? Yes, the missile AI is on the back burner until I get my 3d vector math up to par again. (hey, it's been 4 years since I finished any form of math course.) Other patches to look forward to: RealLaser V1: A real continuous beam laser, new .mdl and .qc files. RandomGrenade V1: What will it do when it goes off???? RealAI V1: NOE guidance coupled with target lock for rockets. (What rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs... :) Questions, comments, etc mail to