========================================================== SplitMissile v1.01 Tracer v1.0 by Punisher email: punisher@trojan.neta.com Auto Shotgun v1.0 by Biafra with supervision from Punisher Bouncing Fragmentation Grenade! 7/28/96 by Steve Bond Email: wedge@nuc.net WWW: http://www.nuc.net/quake improved by Punisher ========================================================== Description: Contains Steve Bonds Nail Grenade slightly moded to have recoil times and have to be activated. Also contains a tracer in the Super Nailgun which stays lit for a little while after shooting. It illuminates..... pretty kuel. There is a Split missile which after shooting out, splits (oddly enough) into 5 less powerfull missiles. Lastly contains an auto Shotgun much like the super nailgun...only shoots shotgun shells obviously. Well leeme know what you think. Instalation: Make a new dir in your quake directory. (ie c:\quake\pun) then move this progs.dat into that directory and copy your *.cfg from c:\quake\id1 into the same directory. Then run quake ala quake -game pun once inside quake hit ` to bring up the console and then type something like: bind a "impulse 13" bind s "impulse 12" bind g "impulse 14" as 12 is for the Split Missile 13 is for the Auto Shotgun 14 is for the Nail Grenade