Title: Petdogs Filename:petdogs.zip Version: 1.0 Date :9/13/96 Author: Jerry Lee, student at UCSD Credits: Stu Jackson, my boss, for the idea of this gun, his voice for the sound, beta testing, and paying me for programming Quake C Bernie Harris, my other boss, for ideas and helping me try to make a new mdl for the dog, but it failed. Descripton of Modification -------------------------- I made a doggy gun that allows you to shoot real live doggys. What the gun does is spawn real dogs, but they're at your command. They follow you around until they see an enemy. Then they attack and do your dirty work for you. After the monster is dead they come back to you a follow you around again. You lose them after each level. Each dog you make costs you 5 health points because you use your life force to make them. Be careful because you can kill yourself by producing dogs. If you don't like that, then change it. If you don't know how to program then tough. The DoggyGun is toggled by pressing 6 twice. You switch from Grenade Launcher to DoggyGun. Note: if you make too many doggys the game will run slower, unless you have a pentium pro of course. Type of Mod ----------- Quake C: yes Sound : yes MDL : No (I tried) How to Install -------------- I included the progs.dat and the sound goodboy.wav to the zip. Unzip the file in a subdirectory under quake called petdogs. In order to use the new sound you need to unpack the pak files in directory id1 under quake. I've included the unpacker with the zipfile to make life easier for you if you don't have one. Or you can use your own. Move the unpack.exe to directory id1 and then type -->unpack pak0.pak . When thats done type ---> unpack pak1.pak . Now everything should be unpacked, but now you need to either delete pak0.pak and pak1.pak or move them elsewhere(i.e. make dir pakfile under directory id1 and move them in there.) Now move the sound goodboy.wav into the directory c:\quake\id1\sound\player. Everything should be set now. If you don't want the sound thats fine, but a message will appear saying can't find player/goodboy.wav everytime it's played. Now type quake -game petdogs at the quake prompt. Upcoming Mods ------------- Having only one pet dog, but you give commands as sit and stay and be a watchdog, recall him at anytime and put him on a leash so he doesn't attack, and retrieve ammo for you or weapons. The dog will be able to get health boxes to heal himself when hurt and maybe get doggy armor when you get armor. Copyrights ---------- Don't even think about touching this program. (What am i going to do if you do anyways??)