*** unzip src.zip into your quake/megagib/src directory. Howkey .. EVERYTHING i changed is QUOTED with this sign: // !!!! VS !!!! you can't miss it ... the ONLY documented .QC file is soldier.qc (the one i began with) others are copy/paste with some local changes (a shambler need a more HIT to throw gibs...) there is only one exception.. i had to move ThrowGib and VelocityForDamage to a higher level than player_pain in players.qc ... i'm not C coder .. nor even any other languages coder, sorry for the messed code dudes... :) do NOT add more gib'age ... you could experience some packet overflow!!! Happy mess! :) vspirit@geocities.com / +32(2)3873391 24h/24 28k8 / oCG WHQ!