KEY COMMANDS FOR FEAR V1.0 "1" - Axe/Throwing Axe/Throwing Flaming Axe/Morning Star "2" - Shotgun/Sniper Rifle/Magnum "3" - Super Shotgun "4" - Nailgun/Blaze Gun "5" - Super Nailgun/Rapid Fireball Launcher/Laser "6" - Grenade Launcher/Radio Tag Bombs/Flamethrower/Blaze Thrower/Freeze Thrower "7" - Missile/Homing Missile/Guided Missile/Nuke/Guided Nuke/Timed Nuke "8" - Lightning Gun/Lightning Ball Gun/Tractor Beam Motion Detector Cujo --------------- ---- "M" to fire "Z" activate dog "<" to reload "X" command dog to stay/follow "C" teleport dog to your location Radio Tag Bombs "V" toggle dog between attack/non attack --------------- "A" turn on dog's collar lamp "B" Detonate "S" toggle between yours and Cujo's points of view "N" Disarm "D" Display Cujo's status Proximity Mines Decoy Portable Teleporter --------------- ----- ------------------- "E" Fire mine "G" Fire decoy "-" Memorize location "R" Disarm "H" Activate decoy "+" Teleport to memorized location "J" Detonate decoy "K" Turn off decoy Chase Cam Other --------- ----- "F7" Toggle views (chase/normal) "Q" Fire tracer "INSERT" Increase distance "W" Fire stinger "HOME" Descrease distance "'" Fake death "/" Hit the deck Skins ">" Drop exploding backpack ----- "F" Shoot flare "[" Scroll previous skins "L" Laser sight/Laser spotlight "]" Scroll next skins "\" Self Destruct "I" Toggle between tractor/lightning modes "Y" Drop light bomb "PGUP" Compass Jetpack "BACKSPACE" message mode. ------- "SPACEBAR" Double jump to throttle "PGUP" Fly up "DEL" Fly down Multiplayer commands -------------------- Deathmatch 3 = Deathmatch with monsters Teamplay -1 = A game of tag Impulse 202 = Add player to team