Title : Zombies! Filename : zombies!.zip Version : 1.1 - Illusionary zombie bug fixed! Date : 11/12/96 Author : Ace_Dave -- Dave Weiden Email : Weiden@Trenton.EDU WWW : http://www.trenton.edu/~weiden/quake Thanks : id Software Type of Mod ----------- Quake C : yes Sound : no MDL : no Map and BSP included Format of QuakeC ---------------- unified diff : no context diff : no .qc files : yes progs.dat : yes Description of the Modification ------------------------------- Who doesn't love zombies? Well, I figured there was one type of zombie very much needed, but missing from Quake. Now we can love (loathe?) them even more. This package contains the QuakeC necessary to have a new spawnflag for zombies, that being the sleeping spawnflag. Oh, zombies can still wander aimlessly, or stand swaying in swamps, or even be crucified (spawnflag 1), but now they can also be lying down in a puddle, as if dead - or in a grave or coffin... (spawnflag 2). Now FOUR types of zombies ;). Take a look around in the one-room .bsp I've included, with the progs.dat in use, and I think you'll get the point... How to Install the Modification ------------------------------- Make a new dir in your quake directory. (ie c:\quake\zombies) then move this progs.dat into that directory and copy your *.cfg from c:\quake\id1 into the same directory. Move the zomb.bsp to your id1\maps dir Then from the c:\quake dir. type: quake -game zombies +map zomb Technical Details - you'd probably better read this... ----------------- Use the progs.dat supplied, or recompile, renaming zombies!.qc to zombie.qc and using whatever other source files you want. To use sleeping zombies in your levels, simply use your favorite editor's add entity function to give you a zombie with "spawnflags" set to "2". That's it. Try to give him enough room to stand up, or he'll just bump his head (twitch :). Sometimes Quake gives a 'walkmonster in wall at...' message when you're enclosing zombies in things like coffins, etc., This message is due to the bounding box size - which I didn't want to mess with, because when I did, everything went haywire. The solution I came up with (as you'll see from the code, was to just allow the bounding box error while the zombie is sleeping - it actually has a plus side - it makes it so an 'awakened' zombie within a coffin will CHECK if he can stand up (Carmack's code) and if he can't - he won't. Period. If I messed with the bounding box, he would just stand up, right into the lid of the container, and everything would get screwed. Besides, then we'd have the illusionary zombie bug, as I call it. This bug made it so the zombies 'weren't really there.' They would attack you, you could see them but you couldn't directly attack them - only with a radius effect. This was unnacceptable - when they would leave the container, as by a jump trigger - you wouldn't be able to see them anymore!! Trust me, it was a mess. I was tired (2 am), so I went to sleep. Zzzzz. Woke up next morning, and the idea came to me. 'Let the zombie have his bounding box errors (that's why you still see them), but once he stands up and is ready to fight, RESET HIS MODEL.' It works! Now, no more getting stuck in the floor (if YOU place them right), no more illusionary zombie (can damage), and no more disappearing if they jump out of the coffin. And they won't stand up if they cant :)! The code may not be the cleanest, but I'm learning. I didn't make crucified zombies gibbable (as seems to be kinda popular) because I figured they are just decoration. If someone puts them in a level, they're trying to create an effect. If you just destroy the decoration, you'll destroy the effect :) Author Information ------------------ Creator of OgreSaw.zip (small mod that makes use of some extra anim frames) Creator of WaterFlo.zip (flowing water for Quake!) Creator of LavaFlow.zip (take a guess...) Creator of Trees.zip (tree group files for Quest 0.92+) Creator of Chndlier.zip (chandelier group file for Quest 0.92+) Creator of Chthon!.zip (coming very soon!) Creator of Zombies!.zip (this package) Creator of more cool things to come... Levels, mods, textures... Copyright and Distribution Permissions -------------------------------------- Just give me credit if you redistribute / use it, and keep this text file with it. If you're a net-scraping, CD making, profitting off of other's work lowlife, like those Zone! and Actura people, contact me first for permission. I'll gladly give it, but ASK first. Availability ------------ ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames2 http://www.trenton.edu/~weiden/quake