============================================================================= The Cyber Sleaze Report for Thursday October 28 1993 ----------------------------------------------------- The following materials are copyrighted by CurryCo Ltd. and may not be re-distributed or Duplicated for any other means than personal entertainment. Failure is subject to prosecution. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Axl Rose gets this week's Buzz "Hi-5 Award." Once again Axl's dug deep into his wallet for charity. This time is was a six figure check made out to a child abuse rehabilition center in New York. Songsmith extrodinare, Billy Joel has become friends with Axl Rose over the years. I asked, Joel about his thoughts on Axl's wild lifestyle. He said, and I quote, "The boy completely lives out his image. He embodies the rock n' roll myth totally. He is doing it very well." Billy went on to say, "I wouldn't want to be in Axl's shoes. However, now and again I'd like to wear his little kilts!" (Kinky Billy. I'm sure Christie Brinkley would like to see that as well.) "I'd Do Anything For Love,(But I Won't Do That)" has number one written all over it for Meatloaf. But don't think Meatloaf is just an actor, singer, performer. He's also a great team motivator. For each of the last three years, Meatloaf has spent seven weeks coaching a High School girls softball team in Connecticut. What is Meatloaf's winning attitude, "Make sure it's fun, just like a rock n' roll show, no matter how many times you play the scene, it's got to be like the first time." Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam has it in for Paul Simon. Let's get right to it. Vedder's quote is the following, "I'm Paul Simon and I need a friggin' career so I'll go to Africa or South America and I'll take their music, but I'll erase their words and write in my own, because I'm so friggin' brilliant and cute. What shit.(Crap) Eddie then recited Simon's words, "You can be my bodyguard and you can call me Al . . . what a friggin' genius." If those feelings weren't harsh enough, Vedder actually saw Paul Simon backstage at the Bob Dylan celebration in New York. Eddie Vedder has a vivid recollection of Paul Simon. He recalls, "I had nightmares about him. He's friggin' scary. Have you ever seen his face, close up? He looks like a premature baby eaglet that's just cracked out of his shell. It's really frightening. Vedder's not worried about a boxing match. Eddie's quote, "I'm really only saying bad things about Paul Simon because I know if I ever meet him I can kick the shit (crap) out of him. I mean, he's only so friggin' tall." Feel free to insert the F-word for Vedder's last five friggin's. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyber-Sleaze is copyright 1993 by CurryCo Ltd. If you no longer wish to receive the Cyber-Sleaze, please send email to: cyber-sleaze-request@mtv.com in the message the line: remove CYBER-SLEAZE your name --------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyber-Sleaze is free to the internet community, however, your donations for overhead are appreciated (suggested $10) Send to: CurryCo Ltd. PO Box 419 Cedar Grove New Jersey 07009-0419 USA ----------------------------------------------------------- adam@mtv.com Keep The Vibe Alive ---------------------------- ---------------------------