-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T h e B r o t h e r h o o d o f ------------- * * * * * * * * * * ------------- ---------- * * * * * ---------- ------- * * * * * * * * * * * ------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * News letter Issue #2 Volume #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited and written by: YAUN-Ti & False God -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this issue... (1) It's not dead it's growing -Words from YAUN-Ti- (2) -INTERVIEW- YAUN-Ti and Digital Anarchiist (3) -INTERVIEW- False God and Sparky (4) FEATURE STORY -Fireside chat with Joe Habibi- :) (5) Letters -FEEDBACK FROM THE SCENE- (6) Last Words/ NEWZ /-And some quotes from the scene- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****CONGRATZ*** - Well before you dig into the tasty issue #2 I have some cool news for ya - The Illusionist had a son... Here is some of the news he told me... " His name Brian. Born Wednesday Morning. 8 pounds 6 ounces, and 20 inches long. Poor little sucker got circumcised yesterday. Wouldn't you hate be circucised if you were old enough to remember it? " -Illusionist - If you see him on the scene wish him and his family well. GOODLUCK!!! - ****CONGRATZ*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Its not dead, its growing (Holy shit batman they read it...) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whats the good word? Here is issue number 2 of The Brotherhood of 405 letter. I can't bealive the words I've heard out there from the Brotherhood members about this newsletter. You guys loved it. I was told its about time someone did somthing like this. I was told how kick-ass it was. All I can say is Thanks, but I did it for you. Not alot of people know me on the scene, I don't actually call everywhere, and the few boards I do call I don't post much, but with my sources and all, I know alot of whats going on out there. Thats what me and False God are going to bring you; News on the boards YOU call. I'm actually suprised it got the reviews that it did, I guessed it was just going to be another newsletter about somthing nobody gave a shit about. But you fuckers proved me wrong, and I thank you. The only downside is everyone was just rushing E-mail or chatting with me on boards saying I want to be in the group. Well you all are. Me and False God are just the news bringers so to speak. I'm also a little upset with everyone asking me about numbers and nups to every board out there. I should of expected it, but I'm not the place to get that information, the Sysops who run those boards are. I understand its hard to get into the scene if nobody knows you, but it can be a dangerous for sysops to just let "anyone" in. Crying about it is not the way to go. Its all about who you know, who knows you and access. If you don't have those, work on them. Anyway, what I was going to harp on in this issue about was the "scene" in 405. I hear from everyone how its growing. I hear from everyone how its dead. Well to be honest with you, Its what you make of it. We have some serious sysops out there who give a shit about the boards they run. They get affils. They become distros. They care about users and get what users want. Then there are those lame fucks who put up a board for the sake of having one. There are those who get what they want to get, screwing the users in the process. There are those who lie about being affiled. Its these boards who claim to be part of the brotherhood who are nothing but a PD board (and a sorry one at that) with the latest copy of LSL2.SHIT ...sad. Support those boards in 405 who get a new affil. Support those boards who have local success. (Like GTCMnet on Terminal State that is LD in 5 states now.) If you run a board and your serious about it, get some affils, become a distro site or 2. Make 405 a spot people from up north in Canada will call. Those who said that 405 is growing are right, just take a look around at the boards in the Brotherhood. Support them. Thanks again, YAUN-Ti -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) Interview: YAUN-Ti & Digital Anarchist -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After talking with Digital Anarchist I have come to the idea that he has to be one of the "Loudest" and "Honest" people out there. I honestly think his views and opinions on shit add a little spice to the mix of the Brotherhood. Call his board and right away you'll see what I mean with his users suggested political prefrence notice. This is my interview with the black sheep of 405. YAUN-Ti: How long you been on the scene as sysop/User in 405? Digital Anarchist: well.. as far as the warez P/H/A scene goez.. I'd say.. about 2 and a half years.. YT: The first exposer to the "Scene" you had. DA: I'd say that would be in late 91 or 92 when a great board called Stud Duck came up.. I was friends with a guy named Top Hog who knew the sysop and he got me access.. it started as a small board.. you know.. 200 meg or so.. but back then that was good.. as time went on it grew to about 1.2 Gig plus 700 meg of tape.. then the sysop.. uh.. Captain Avenger or something like that.. he got sick of it all and took his board down.. ever since then the warez scene has been shit.. now.. p/h/a scene.. I'd have to credit Insomnia (Sysop of Altered Reality) with that.. he's really into it.. oh by the way.. I'd like to take this chance to let everyone know that Insomnia's board will be back up in late August. YT: News flash, heh, Any ideas if it will be the same type baord, Name and software? DA: I think the name will be the same.. but new software.. I convinced him to switch to Renegade.. as far as the look.. he's really looking for some nice ansis and stuff.. he just lost alot of connections when he had to leave.. he moved from Yukon to Norman you know.. Me and Insomnia are friends in the 'real' world too.. we go to the mall.. scope chicks.. you know.. the usuall shit. YT: Your board name came from graveyards old sysops 2nd big try, you two know each other as well? DA: Well.. that's a rumor I'd like to kill.. I was in Military school (hahahaha) and I called him from school one day and I had thought of the name while in school.. I told him of it and later found out that HE liked it so much he used it.. it was totally my idea (taken from MTV's show), but as far as me and BlackCloud.. yes, we're friends outside of the modem world.. just uh..wednesday I belive him and I went to Quail Springs.. I'd say right now.. BC is one of my best friends.. originally we did meet over the modem though. YT: Your board, man, has some pretty open message areas, Its like this is what you want here, if it offends, fuck it, what made you throw thise type message bases in there, like "High Times" Explain that to me? DA: well.. it kind of goes with my life.. I can tell you.. I was a social reject until the 10 grade or so.. In the 10th grade I got high for the first time.. I'm not saying that smokin' pot "makes you cool" but belive me.. it changes your outlook on life.. and basically.. it did change my life.. anyway.. I have always seemed to enjoy rocking the boat so to speak, and causing a ruckus or whatever.. I'm sure most can remember when I ran Infectious INSANiTY and FiDONet assholes were crawling up my butthole about the virii I was spreading.. you know.. I like pissing people off.. I mean..if your my friend then I won't fuck with you.. but... if you say something I don't agree with.. belive me.. I'll be the first person to let you know exactly how the fuck I feel. YT: Ever had any problems with other people in 405 with your "attitude" of this is it if ya don't like it, oh well? DA: yes that's it basically.. and.. I really can't think of anyone specifically. With my first bbs.. I can remember MANY people.. Deanna Luke (Beggar's Forum) and Shawn Evans (fucking Poser)..and basically every other FiDO sysop.. like I said.. they had a huge problem with not only my baord but with my firey toungue.. They even called my 'daddy' on me.. I found it rather humorous.. but that's the life of a teenage sysop I guess... other than them, no one has ever really given me any shit.. YT: So, I take it you and the PD scene NEVER got along. DA: Not really.. the ONLY PD board I call as of now is The Bull BBS.. I must say.. for a PD board, it is very high quality.. very new files and if I need a utility I can always find it there.. I am (of course) under a different alias there. YT: What else does your board offer those interested besides the rather off topic messages? DA: A wide variety of music discussions and one very excellent Network out of Philadelphia called UHFNet (Underground Hacker's Federation) which of course is a P/H/A based net, but it is very ON topic and stricktly monitored. I'd like to take this opportunity to let any SysOp interested in joining UHFNet know that an application is available on my system, and although it is a long distance net, I am the Oklahoma HUB so no one in the 4o5 will have to poll LD. YT: I hear that there only 3 openings per area code this true? And how many are filled now? DA: I looked through the rules but couldn't find that.. as far as I know it's as many as I feel like carrying.. and right now, I have no limit.. so COME ON guys.. send in those applications to HellBound BBS (NOT the local one) YT: Now a question me and False God love asking, Your fav. 405 boards.. DA: My favorite board right now is easily Final Prophecy..and some others that I enjoy are The Wicked Garden (because of his kick ass music subs) and really.. that's about it.. I have others I like.. but those are my favs. YT: Are you more of a warez person, or are you more into P/H/A or art or all? DA: I am totally opposed to Warez. I mean.. I have money.. not to brag but my families income is around 100,000+ a year.. I mean.. I have enough money to buy the damn programs.. these programers work their ASSES off to put out amazing programs and these little snot nosed punks who are too fucking cheap to go and buy the program want to steal it.. that makes me fucking sick.. that is just total laziness.. I have warez access on many boards.. and I would never narc them off.. but you can ask HiT MAN.. I have warez access there, but I have never downloaded a warez file from him.. EVER... I really enjoy looking at the art work, but my big thing is P/H/A.. I mean...I just really am fascinated by the fact that there are soo many ways to blow up so many things.. YT: What are your feelings on those who don't have the cash, and use the scene for software..I mean thats what the word Pirate is all about. Getting it for free, is it just that you don't agree with the groups who bring and send out the warez to the users everywhere like its not hurting anyone? DA: Well.. it's not HURTING anyone physically.. but financilly.. I mean.. sure.. one guy downlaods Ultima 8. thats 60 or 70 bucks the programers not gonna get.. but that's only one guy.. think about the hundreds of THOUSANDS of pirates out there. we're talking potentialy hundreds upon thousands of dollars lost to people too lazy to get out and get a job.. and McDonald's for Christ's sake.. I mean.. that's what made America great..is those that WORK for what they have.. one reason I support Anarchy is in my view.. Anarchy is not the total absence of goverment.. but rather the Reform of the goverment. YT: I like your attitude, but like many Its somthing I don't agree with. If those people suddenly stoped pirateing, you think the software prices would drop? Does this mean your totally opposed to the users that pirate? DA: I'm not opposed to them as people.. I mean.. most if not all my modeming friends pirate.. I'm still friends with them.. I just have to put myself in the programers place.. I mean.. busting his ass.. staying up late nights and scratching his head over a piece of code he cant get to work.. and after hours and hours of brain busting the codes finally come together to produce something this man can sell to feed his FAMILY! I mean.. how about if you work and you're paid every friday.. let's say.. you work all week.. and pick up your check friday.. on your way home your mugged.. and this happens EVERY FUCKING Friday.. It'd get kind of annoying to say the least after a while. YT: Thats a good point and I'm not disagreeing with you, but I guessed with the CD-ROM's now, that would end it. Now I there are pirate groups who will put the warez on a cd for you through mail. DA: sure.. that is what Roman of the Arena does.. he recives one from the THG I belive.. or maybe TDT once a month.. also a few TAPES.. and I wanted to say one thing.. I know I am very loud and aggressive with my views.. but I am ALWAYS willing to listen to anyones views also.. YT: I'd say your the black-sheep of the "scene" here in 405, you agree? DA: possibly.. I think there's alot of people who agree with me on alot of things, but just don't wanna risk their Reps. by saying so.. that's ok.. I mean.. I'm loud but I haven't lost a thing.. I mean.. here's my list of Affils.. uh.. BGR/PHAiT/HiV/UHF/CLF/CP/EXiLE and a few others I can't even remember.. belive me.. most people look up to someone who's willing to not just 'Go with the flow'. YT: Do any of the members of those groups support piracy? DA: No.. those are ALL P/H/A groups/nets. The BGR as a matter of fact hates warez people worse than me.. I belive they put out a file on it.. I have it on my board somewhere... but the description is Why the Warez scene and P/h/A scene doesn't mix. YT: Wouldn't you say Pirateing software is a form af anarchy? DA: I suppose it could be considered that.. but just remember.. I'm just saying that I wouldn't do it.. if someone else wants to do it then more power to them.. I just don't belive in it.. and it's funny hearing me say that because I'm the type who would blow up a mailbox and not even blink.. you know.. I mean.. what others wanna do is their own deal.. long as it doesn't affect me.. If someone wants to jack off in the middle of the street... you know.. as long as they don't bust on my windshield.. then I could care less.. YT: So it goes down to I'm gonna throw it up the flag-pole, if you want to salute it then ok, if not, ok. Right? DA: pretty much.. yeah.. YT: Very interesting views on shit. I'm sure there will be more "rocking the boat" from you in the future..Anything else you would like to say or add? DA: Oh.. just that if you're affiliated with FiDOnet you can suck on my fat fucking cock. YT: Hahaha... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digital Anarchist and some of his many views on shit. Agree with him or not you have to admire his honesty. Give his board a call if you haven't yet. Here is some info for those interested- The Alternative Nation BBS SysOp: Digital Anarchist CoOps: Blackcloud & Gatoperro 4o5.72o.1666 NuP: GREEN DAY NetS: UHF/GTCM AFFiLS: BGR/PHAiT/EXiLE/CLF/CP SoftWare: Renegade 5-31exp. Speed: 14.4k USR Sportster Note: If you're a lamer that got ahold of this file.. don't bother calling.. because I call EVERYONE voice before they get ANY ACCESS AT ALL.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3) Interview: False God & Sparky -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For these past 3 weeks, you guys might have seen or even talked to a user going by the handle of Sparky. Being an outsider we at the Brother- hood wanted to get his point of view on 405. He has some interesting points that should be taken into consideration. We need to get our scene bigger and better. Here is some of what he had to say about it: False God: How long have you been in Oklahoma? Sparky: About three weeks...I leave Saturday...that will be one day short of three weeks. FG: And did you call many boards here while you were here? SP: Well, my dialing list has 33 boards on it from out here but I was also here last summer for a month and most of the boards are left over from my previous visit. I probably called about 20 boards that were actually still up and from there there were maybe five boards that I called consistently. FG: What did you think of the scene here in Oklahoma? SP: Well, the BBS scene as a whole was lame, but no lamer than it is in CA. Public Domain boards are more or less required to suck before cause most of the users who are of any interest to communicate with tend to have the juevos to pop their heads into the underground scene, and once they do so, most of them have no desire to go back. However, the private boards were kind of a fresh change from the somewhat repetitious appearance of private boards in California. Those boards whose goal it was to get stuff not l too long after its release pretty much failed to do so, but as far as the mess- age areas are concerned, I really enjoyed meeting and talking to the vast majority of the people in the scene out out here. FG: Is there much difference in the people in CA and the people here in OK? I mean the personalities, are they different? SP: To some extent, yes. The people in CA are very diverse, basically depending on which which scene they focus on. The PD people are pretty much anal retentive and dull no matter where you are, but in CA, the warez people are arrogant and speed-hungry and don't really seem to talk about much aside from warez. In California, people seem to be really focused on whatever scene they're in, be it warez, art, h/p/a/v/c, or whatever, and they don't seem to really give a damn about anything else (i.e. the outside world). Out here, people seem a lot more laid back and have more interest in talking about real life situations situations and such. I was kind of expecting to feel like a complete outsider when I popped onto the scene out here but I feel like there are more users on the same wavelength as me out here than there is in CA. FG: I have heard some users in the nets that go out of state refer to Oklahomans bible thumping, ignorant, dirty, imbreeding slobs. have you found this to be true? SP: Oh yes. Completely. I can't think of a single person out here who doesn't fit that description. hehe...not true. It seems like the so-called "bible belt" is holding up the pants of most of the people out here (it seems that every single establishment I've passed has had the word "Christian" or "God" in it regardless of whether it actually had anything to do with religion) but the people I've actually spoken with out here don't seem terribly religious for the the most part. And on boards, most of them seem to hate the fact that there ARE bible thumpers out here. As far as ignorant, dirty, and inbreeding, the area my a dad lives in (he's the reason I visit oklahoma...he moved out here last summer) is pretty much the back woods of Oklahoma and the three or four neighbors he knows are pretty much the epitome of redneck simple-minded hicks, but most of the people I've talked to on boards seem to be the complete opposite. FG: One thing that 405 doesn't have it seems, is nationally known users. Sure we have a few, but we don't have the ACiD and iCE quality that others are blessed with. Do you think that there is a reason for this? I or is it just that there is no real talent out here? SP: I think the main problem is that the underground BBSes in this area code are scare. OF the the 33 boards on my dialing list, I think like six or seven of them are actually private boards. My dialing list in CA is compiled almost entirely of private boards...Because of this small number of private boards out there, and the small number of users who call these boards, there isn't a very large group of people from which to find quality artists and such. However, those who are actually in ANSi groups out here are quite talented. I don't know of a single user in the area code who is in either ACiD or iCE and those are by far the two most popular groups. TiTAN seems to be the talk of the town around here, but i I have heard very little about them outside of this area. Until very recently, I could have counted the members of TiTAN on my fingers, but all of them are very good at what they do. Unfortunately, with such a small group, it's hard to get a whole lot of exposure regardless of how much it is deserved. This is the main reason why I wanted to be and became the the 310 distrobution site for the group...I feel that they need to be given alot more recognition than they've gotten and I'm going to do every- thing in my power to put them in the spotlight. FG: If you could suggest one way of making the scene in 405 better, what would it be? SP: Um...er...tough question. I'll have to think for a minute. The most obvious er...solution would be to have the underground boards go a bit more public to try to drag some PD people down with them, but going public is risky...except with art boards. You can't exactly get busted for drawing an ANSi. I haven't seen any boards out here that were predominatantly anarchy boards so I can't really make any suggestions for that area. The warez seem to come in very slowly, and and the easiest way to solve that problem requires a bit of digging into the pocketbooks by the SysOps...they will need to start calling LD and getting files from other places until the have more to work with, and gradually they will begin to stand out more, whereupon they can start getting hooked up with big couriering groups and the like and then they'll more or less be set. Easier said than done, I know, but it seems like a lot of users are willing to call long distance, so they should use that option to their advantage a bit more. FG: What were your two favorite boards, and why? SP: Bastard. Now I'm going to be deleted from every board in 405 except for which ever two I mention here. Well, Terminal State and Thieve's Guild (yours and gatoperro's boards, respetively) are two of the three boards I plan on continuing to call once I get back to California so I guess they are the boards that have had the biggest impact on me. (The third board is Scooter's Dome but I'm only calling there to swap files. So it's not quite the same.) The art scene seems to be the most laid back of the three main underground scenes and both TS and TG are mainly art boards. I really can't think of anything I DON'T like about either board...this board has a lot of quality posting activity, it's part of some of the best nets out there, and it has an impressive transfers area (not that I've done a whole lot in it). Thieves' Guild is one of the most impressively-modded Renegade boards I've ever seen, and it also has a quality message area, although it is not currently netted. I haven't been on there very long and I don't think I've even looked at the transfers area but I'm completely satisfied just kicking back and reading posts and replying to messages and the like. These two boards seem to be the two most active boards I'm on in the underground scene and there doesn't appear to be any extremely worthless users on either board to screw up the quality. FG: Ok, one last question before I let you go. Is there anything you'd like to say to anyone or anybody as your last words so to speak? SP: If you're implying that I should do some greets, you are sadly mistaken. I'm not going to stoop to gatoperro's level. Hehe. Umm...well, I will probably be seeing most of the users I care to talk to even after I go back home because I'm going to call the aforementioned boards LD, but I although I do not really like the state of Oklahoma itself, I am going to miss the BBSes in the area and will probably end up missing my flight due to exhaustion from all the goodbyes I'll have to do before I go. FG: Thanks alot man. SP: No problem...thanks for thinking of getting an "outsider's" opinion on the boards out here and picking me as the victim. :) I enjoyed it. FG: Heh, and we'll expect a follow up next summer on the improvements of course. SP: Well, hmmm...it seems that things have picked up a lot since last summer, so I expect that my next visit will be even more rewarding. FG: Yeah, let's hope so. SP: Goodbye Oklahoma. :) FG: heh. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, he certainly had alot to say. I think it's simple. We need to get off our butts and get something done. Call LD once and awhile, get some art packs and spread them around. Get into nets, hell start your own. Do what you can to make 405 a better place for us all. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) FEATURE STORY/INTERVIEW: Joe Habibi (No Carrier) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, here is a guy you might have known for a long time, or you might just have heard some things about him or his board. He's been around for quite awhile as you'll find out, and has been known by many handles. I hope you enjoy his comments and maybe they'll bring back some memories of the good old days. .-FG-. False God: how long have you been into computers? No Carrier: Wow, it all started when I was 15. My parents bought me a NEC 286 for Christmas.. I remember trying to format the hard drive the first time I had it, cause I was pretty illiterate then. FG: how long did it take you to start up a board? NC: I didn't start up a board till about 1 year later. I bought some cheap Star 2400 baud modem and threw up Telegard like everyone else.. and that was all it took. FG: so, you had a normal board at first, nothing special? NC: I used to run The Cliffhanger. Used the handle Motley Crue back then. It's been a pretty well kept secret until now. heh FG: That was a pretty busy board, do you like running a public board better or worse than private? NC: It's pretty hard to say. I liked the public scene cause the activity was there, with going private you lose a lot of it. But running a public board you really don't have people that are interested in a good looking board. They just want files, and they could care less what the color scheme looks like or how much time the sysop put into the board. FG: How much time do you put into your boards? NC: Wow, um, I've spent alot of time on working on Private Sector. I'd have to say a couple of months this time around. I started working on it when I came back from out of the country, and that was about 3 months ago.. FG: Over the years you've had to have made a few enemies, have you had any real problems with people? NC: Amazingly enough no. I haven't had anything come back around on me. I used to be pretty bad, fucking with people and shit.. but I've since calmed down and laid back a bit. I remember Mad Dog was one of those people that I didn't get along with, him and The Guardian.. but that was long ago.. and I've since forgotten about it. FG: About 1-2 years ago, you had a group called DWi, and now you're starting that back up, care to explain a little about that? NC: Yeah, I started DWI up with Greaser about 2 years ago.. it was basically a couriering group to better the warez here in Oklahoma, the group eventually crashed and was history. The idea was good, so I decided to start it back up. But this time around it's just not warez, it's art too. See, everyone complains about the warez and art not getting here, so I want to help out. Just need some people to help me, that's all. FG: Does it seem to you that Oklahoma doesn't have very many people who take an interest in getting the new art and warez here from the out of state boards? NC: Yea, I only know of a few people that actually call out of state and will pull some files. There are the big warez guys, but they don't make it possible for us to get the warez at a reasonable price. The big warez boards charge alot of cash for access.. and that plain sucks. So, maybe things will turn around, but I doubt it. FG: What do you think of that "elite" I'm better than you, so you should pay for access attitude or that you never have anything to upload so you don't deserve access glow that some of the warez people seem to have? NC: I don't like it. I really never understood that attitude where you charge people for access. I've never charged people and I still got the shit. I've been accused though that I am one of those sysops who are too good for the rest of the locals, but I must disagree. I don't mind the local scene, but there are too many people out there who shouldn't be in the 'scene' .. I've also had alot of problems with users spreading the number like crazy. I've noticed if it gets on one board around here it's on all of them. FG: yeah, many people talk about that, some say that if they can't even figure out how to config a file scan, or how to do some easy commands, they shouldn't be allowed on, but what do you think about the newbies? Is there any way for them to learn other than getting in the more experienced people's hair and messing up? NC: I don't mind the newbie's. I think it's cool when someone finds out that there actually is another side to the computer world.. the only thing that looks as if it has changed is the level of difficult to get on a private board. It's too easy nowadays.. When I started out, finding boards with warez was hard, but it made it that much more fun when you found one. FG: yeah, it seems that there are "private" boards popping up everywhere, but alot of them are just thrown together, many of the sysops just seem to not care, are you one of the few that actually care what there board looks like and what kind of users you have? NC: Yeah.. I know my board isn't that great, but I always have open ears when it comes to making it better. As far as users go, I don't really care to the files only people.. I get the ld callers for that. I must say though that there are some sysops around here that do care about what their boards look like. Such as Gato's board.. it's such a sweet setup. FG: yeah, many of the sysops are using Renegade nowadays, what is your favorite software? FG: I love Renegade, but there are some lacking features. The best software as far as looks and configurability is Vision/2 .. but who wants to run that, when you can pretty much take it out with your hands tied behind your back. I like OBV/2 also, but it has cluttered the 405 areacode.. FG: ok, one last question, what are your goals for DWi and your board? NC: My goals for DWI are to have it a nationally based art couriering group.. I'd also like to have a strong spreading of warez locally without people having to pay for access. As far as my board goes? Well, I'd like to get over 20 users.. hehe FG: heh, ok, thanks alot for your time. NC: No problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( *I hear its up to 12 users..Good luck finding the board...;) *) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5) FEEDBACK FROM THE SCENE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who the fuck mailed this to me? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chaos Runs Amok on Vinculum Data Systems During the wee hours of the morning of August first several users wreaked havoc on VDS and the moderator C'kret D'syre. It all started when someone using their modem program Terminate hit the key combination for IEMSI chat. After the second time it happened Ghost in the Machine had figured out how to do it for himself. False God also realized what was going on and in a combined effort everyone using terminate got very pissed except the ones in on it. Then YAUN-Ti said fuck. Everyone then began telling YAUN-Ti to stop saying fuck. After system cleanup everyone logged back in. There was a private channel made where you could say fuck but the people wanted more. So everyone typed fuck and where going to be kicked out of the private channel but the sysop hung up on False God, the one who was coordinating the effort and had made the channel. After False God logged back in Ghost in the Machine coordinated YAUN-Ti, False God, Gatoperro, and himself an effort for each person to type on letter of fuck. the first time was not a success and Ghost in the Machine was kicked off. When GiTM logged back in and everyone was set straight a collaborative fuck was typed. Then everyone began whispering and hugging and kissing C'kret D'syre which pissed her off greatly, especially the whispers. Then False God was kicked off again. This time he could not even get into the teleconference without being kicked off. they claimed it was his modem but does your modem say 'Goodbye!' when it accidently drops carrier on you on VDS? I don't think so. finally False God made it back in. Some more highjinks ensued as well as the chanting of the Nine Inch Nail's song Closer. Finally False God and Ghost in the Machine where booted and then locked out. Followed by YAUN-Ti later the next day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This little letter by PERSONS UNKNOWN found its way in file mail to me. I Want to say that I am actually a fan if VDS and the system offerings there in. But I, along with several others, keep getting locked-out. It's not our goal to get kicked off, but to chat to others not in the scene about our opinions and ideas, and listen to theirs. If the sysop there wants to have that board of his running smoothly, he needs to hire moderators that are not going to degrade users by having their buddies team up on the "405" followers. I was told by the Sysop that he was going to have a talk with the moderators and tell them that their job is to 1. Help new users. That they do. What they do that I was told they shouldn't was become hatefull and have other users "choose sides" and start the -negative- actions with negativity of their own. I think this letter that was mailed to me is implying that raising hell at VDS is fun, but thats very uncoothlike (Is that a word? Heh.) But don't kiss the moderators ass. Don't stop bealiving in the freedom of speech, but keep in mind that not everyone is like the members of the Brotherhood, (Damn shame) and that there are FCC rules that VDS has to follow. (I know what do you call pirate software, but at least show a little respect to this PD board.) Because where else can the Brotherhood have an on-line chat box, hold interviews, and get together with fellow members and make plans for a party or lunch? Lets just hope that the sysop understands that WE can be just as loyal if not better than the PD scene. BTW---VDS, We plan on making a big donation in cash to you from the Brother- hood. We want to back your board, we could care less if you back us. -YAUN-Ti ________________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 5:30 am Thu Jul 28, 1994 From: Sparky To : Yaun-Ti Subj: Brotherhood of 405 Hey...I just checked out that little newsletter you wrote. Pretty cool idea, and it's a good thing you picked people who were articulate for your interview victims or it would have been really bad. :) I probably would be more impressed if I weren't reading it at 5am but it was still cool. One thing...let me get a word in edgewise before more people start shitting down the throats of pirates. Maybe an out-of-stater can put things in a new perspective. After all, warez may be the predominant focus out here as far as "underground" boards go but face it, even the best pirate boards out here look puny as compared to average boards in CA and IL and NY and the like. I'll be calling Terminal State to get .QWK packets from time to time and might join GTCM so if you want some input on what things are like in CA I'll be around. Right now my only real "connection" with the scene out here is the fact that I'm now the TiTAN 310 Distribution Site (actually, I'm not, but my board is :) ) but when I get the funds to make more LD calls I will be showing my face around here more and more often. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, Sparky, I haven't had a bad comment yet. I agree with the interviews, It could of been a flop. We all look forward to your LD calls, Spread the word to those CA people about us here in 405. (Your interview wasn't a bad choice also...;> ) Congratz on that 310 distro site! -YAUN-Ti ________________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Left By :ACID BLACKWALL Date :07/28/94 at 07:40a Sent To :YAUN-Ti Comment :dementia [405] Title :Brotherhood Hey I just read your Brotherhood of 405 news letter. It was pretty good, I'm impressed. I'm usually one that moans and grumbles and says "All these groups and mags are gay". But, I really liked it (also didn't hurt that my name was in it twice thanks to gatoperro :) ..) but anyway..keep up the good work. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, I tried not to have this cliche mag type setup. I'm glad you were impressed...(And you should be, your name made it again...;> ) -YAUN-Ti ________________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ghost In The Machine Base : Private Mail To : Yaun-Ti Refer #: None Subj: The truth... Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local hey.. i liked you brother hood mag.. you got one thing wrong though... False God was not the founder/prez/starter of The PHaCT.. I was...if you want the full story of it's origins, and what happened call me.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry dude, I'm only human. I knew you were in on it with FG, but failed to mention it. I'll get in touch with ya and talk to you about whats up with PHaCT for issue #3 or #4.. -YAUN-Ti --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (6) LAST WORDS (Quotes from the scene) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once again thanks. I have very little to add after all I've put into this issue. I think this news letter is going to take off, if it hasn't already. I want all sysops to mail their system info to the 405. (Contact Terminal State and use the matrix) We want to put together an issue full of all the boards in the Brotherhood and what they have to offer. No need to send a NUP, just info like your board name, its affils, your nets and shit like that. Also I want to remind all sysops not to let a stranger on your system. Unless your 101% sure. I realize your all saying duh, but I just want it fresh on your mind. This letter has found its way onto PD systems, and I don't want the boards in the Brotherhood getting screwed because of some lame idiot looking to go and tell his buddys on Fido-net how he helped bust a board. Other than the quotes for this issue and the NEWZ of the scene, thats it. Hope ya loved it, and mail any comments or news ya have to me or False God anywhere, or call Terminal State and leave feedback to the Brotherhood at the matrix. -YAUN-Ti -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWZ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***STILLWATER BOUND Nasty Suicide is heading away for some schooling at OSU. Best of luck to him. Look forward to his board coming back next summer. Sources say the board next summer may be called "Alcatraz Revisited". So If your wondering why Wicked Garden is down, it's cause NS is chillin' on the campus. ***IT'S BACK Blackcloud (You remember him from Graveyard...) is back on the scene with his new board. Its up and running, Lets hope this one stays longer than a week. It will be a cool place, if Blackcloud dosn't get side-tracked from his Sysop duties.. ;) The only downfall I can see with it is its running at 2400. Good luck Bc. Here is some info... Virtual Insanity 405-341-9361 NUP : Find it on many Brotherhood boards. NETS: UHFNet GTCMNet PHaCT Distro p/h/a/c/v support ***NEW NET ON THE SCENE Digital Anarchist has started another 405 based net. BongNet. The net features areas on Liquor talk, Acid trips, Drug Legalization, and areas of the like. Bongnet plans on a file scene also. Goodluck DA. ***Oh Mr. Hodges, I've seen files from your new 405-XXX-XXXX, Where are you? We are looking to talk to you. Good luck on this, but isn't October a few months away? Just wondering...Secret Chamber, coming in October, but here now. Good advertisement ploy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Quotes" "Sorry, but you cannot do that since you have been "squelched" by an operator of this system. If you are unsure of why this has happened, write E-mail to Sysop." -VDS (( I love that one...)) "Yeah, same guy ...he was really wierd, named his kid "Rex" because he liked his alias soooo much..Hmmmmm." -Jack Flack "Isn't that like a leading cause of spontaneous combustion?" -Rivas J'Kara (On the mixing of Taco-bell and Ever Clear) "I guess ANSi is like a tattoo, If it looks like shit everyone rags it, If its good work, you get praised." -PronG "Steve the Pigeon is a fag" -Unknown -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saying of the issue: Just fuck a Little Bit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: We of the Brotherhood are not responsible for this file causing you any mental or physical harm. If it makes you cry, It made us laugh. And disbealive any claims that we are out to kill helpless frogs. This letter was shiped virii free, and reading the contents will NOT transform you into a Vampire as some would like to bealive. Thanks, and Upload this mother everywhere. If you have a comment good or bad, mail them to The Brotherhood of 405 from the matrix of Terminal State. All letters will try and be printed.