WareZZZ, D00d.. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ You probably know a few of 'em. Warez-d00ds. Whenever I see one, a few questions come to mind. What motivates them? What is their purpose? Why are they here? Please, do not question my motives for writing this article for it is not intended to be warez-bashing. Warez serve a purpose. A serving purpose, that is. But, what's in 'em for the crackers, the couriers, the sysops? Does it give them satisfaction to _have_ the warez, or to be responsible for causing the software companies so much damage? Those for whom the latter holds true, are obviously childish, and hopefully for them, also at an age where it's more or less okay to behave in such a manner.. Those for whom the first holds true, I simply don't understand. I wish someone could explain though. The more intelligent scenes, coding/hacking and to some extent phreaking and cracking, 'sort of' need software to educate themselves. The warez puppies should have their gratitude, but instead are looked down upon because of their inferior amount of knowledge, caused by the time file transfers consume, time that they otherwise could have invested in educating themselves. Even most crackers are far from knowledgeable. Cracking is a trick people, and not a very hard one.. I leave you with the Big Question o' Life: Ä-Ä WHY!? -ÄÄ (Zerial. "Don't forget, dutch cheese rules!") ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Personal Greetings Fly Out To: DRoaDNaGeL (Sorry about that dude) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ