<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >< ReVEngE: vIa the SmArt wAy >< >< ................................. >< >< brIngem' t0 thEir kNeEs >< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> >< aNotHer pHine Phile bRought t0 y0u >< >< -------- bY: -------- >< >< The Madman >< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> !DISCLAIMER! ------------ THIS LITTLE PHILE IS BROUGHT TO YOU FOR AMUSEMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!!! ------------------------ METHOD : - Say you have this loser at work or school that has wronged you in some vile way, and they realy deserve somthing..... well....let us say...SPECIAL. Well, here is what you do. You go down to your favorite sleazy magazine store and find some FAg magazine, the kinkier the better, nipple-rings, penis-clamps....etc are a BIG plus here. You may want to go incognito here, like maybe sunglasses and a hat or somthing, or just drive 40 - 50 miles to one. You wouldn't want this to blow up in your face or anything. Like finding out that the girl at the checkout counter, sits beside you in english class or somthing. Well, anyway, you get this sleazy, faGut magazine, and then you turn on your trusty printer and print out a quality-type mailing label, with say, your marks name address and a bunch of other crap like they alway's have on them, it may help to get a legit label and copy all of the numbers, etc. Just so long as it looks official. You could even add somthing like "INSURE 2 DAY DELIVERY, 5 YEAR CUSTOMER DISCOUNT" somthing like that, then you take the magazine and put your label with your marks name on it, and you crinkle up the magazine, so it looks like REALY used and abused. You could even stick some of the SELECT pages partially together using some IVORY LIQUID soap. Then... now here is the phun part, you hide it in the bathroom where you work or go to school, and kind of fold it and put it beside the toilet in one of the stalls, NOW THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO!! Believe me, nature will take it's course on this. Then you just forget about it. DO NOT mentione it to anyone!! Someone will find it and then the SHIT will hit the fan!! FaGuT rumors spread like a fart in an elevator. Your mark will undoubtable deny this to his deathbed, but the damage will already be done. ÚÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÙ ³ ÄÁ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿³ ³ ³ ³³ ³³ ³ ³ ³ ³³ ³³ ³ ÀÄij ³ÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÙ 05/28/94