ÚÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÙ ³ ÄÁ¿ÚÄÄÄ¿³ ³ ³ ³³ ³³ ³ ³ ³ ³³ ³³ ³ ÀÄij ³ÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÙ -/- -/- -/- MCi 1-800 Re-Routers -/- -/- -/- MCI's Re-Routing Service 2/2 A while back, I wrote an article explaining what MCI's 1-800 Re-Routing service was, and how to use it. Now I will show you how to get your /<-0DEZ So pay attention! You can recognize an MCI Re-Router because they are always in the 1-800-484-XXXX Series.. You can get in contact with MCI at 1-800-444-3333 ( You usually get stuck on hold and listen to that cheezy elevator music ) Here you must be a good Bullshitter. Have everything prepared. Written down in front of you, you should have A name An address A fone number A date of birth Social Security number - * Somtimes they ask * Just remember, a SS is in the XXX-XX-XXXX form..just make up any number, they dont really give a shit or do checks. Get the name/address and fone number out of the fone book, just flip through it at random and pick sombody, or better yet, pick out sombody you hate and make them go through all the shit MCI might give them if you really abuse their codez. I suppose the safest bet would be to pick a name of sombody that lives out of the Area Code, just to be on the safe side. Dial up MCI and bullshit your way through the rest. It helps ALOT if you sound older or are older. If you are younge, or have a small voice, this wont work! You have to sound like a regular person, over 21, that arouses no suspicion. Tell them you are pissed with AT&T, their high charges, and ask alot of information, as if you really cared, about their services. Seem interested about their different calling plans, their charges, WHATEVER, but ASK alot of questions. Dont just JUMP right into it and say hey, i want a re-router. After a few minutes of talking with the sales drone, comment about a service your business has, its a personalized 1-800 number that makes outgoing calls. Usually they will give you some information, and tell its around $3.99 extra per month, and additional charges per call. Somtimes they will just say they have never heard of such a service. At this point tell them to fuck themselves and hang up and try again tommarow. Occasionally you will get an operator so enthusiastic about it, they will spew out everything you want to know. Women work best for this. I talked to one lady so stupid, she told me how much she hated computers and how impossible they were. These are the kind of people you want. They are easy to get the information from. Ok, ask for the Re-routing service. They will take down information. At this point give them the names and numbers you grabbed out of the fone book, with one exception. Change the address a little. Not a lot, just a few numbers in it, so the person does not get a bill at the end of the month saying " YOUR NUMBER Dialed LONG distance for $1,000 this month " At which point your fucked. Just make sure they dont get that bill. If the person you are imitating already has MCI they may have their address already and not ask. At this point, if you want to continue, you will have to intercept their mail. its up to you. If all goes well, they will process the number, it may take a few minutes, but dont worry, this has happened everytime. They will issue you your 1-800 number, and you get to choose a 4-digit PIN code. SOMTIMES they give you your 6 digit code, but recently they have not been. If they dont, ask them to review the steps and ask them if that is everything you need, they may give it to you, or they may tell you it will be sent in the mail and that information cannot be givin over the fone line. There is a way around this tho, if you want to wait a week or so. If they dont give you your 1-800 number, call back in a week or whenever, make sure its a different operator at a different hour and day of the week, and ask where the hell your mail is. Be very pissed, very stern, and say it has not arrived and you need it for a business trip or somthing because you are leaving. Usually they will appologize, say it is going to be re-sent out, and give you the information then. Somtimes not, it all depends on the operators mood. So good luck. Now , lets assume all did go well and you got your /<0DeZ...now, your probably wondering, how do i use em? Just follow these simple easy steps. . . Step one Dial your 1-800 Number Wait for electronic voice punch in *90 wait for voice enter your 4 digit pin code wait for voice enter 6 digit code wait for that annoying voice again then enter 0 to enter a new number enter your new number...even if you are calling in the same area code, you must still enter an area code. Remember, DO NOT put a 1 in front of it. Nomattter where you are calling. After you enter the number, it should say, the number is set to complete to, blah blah, then just hit 9 to save and exit Step two Call back the 1-800 number This time just enter the 4-digit Pin, no *90 this time, and now ya should be set... Do step one voice over the fone, do step two in your terminal it should look like this ATDT 1-800-484-XXXX,,,,,XXXX ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ The number delays 4 digit pin The delays will vary. In some places and some lines, it can take up to 7, on others its only 2..so mess around with it and get the timing down right. Too early, it wont work, too late, and u get a real operator. Somtimes When you dial the 1-800, a voice operator will pick up and ask, what number are you dialing, or dialing from, just hang up n call back in a few seconds. When I first heard of this service back in the beginning of 1994, they would last around 2-3 weeks, which is pretty fuckin good. But recently, well, this is illegal, and i dont use this service, so i dont know, but they are rumoured to be good for a day or so, no longer than week, so who is to say. DISCLAIMER I dont use this service, or ever have, This is just information that was passed onto me, that i am passing onto you. If you get Fucked by this, dont blame me cause I never tried it, or told you to try it. This is very illegal. If you try this, or call up and harrass the fone company, you could get serisouly fucked for this. So dont try this shit, just read it, and be happy that you actually learned somthing, and not downloaded another text file with insane ramblings and K00L characters that you cant even fucking read. Greetz? Trackistar,Sedative,Mogel,Evilive Fuck everybody else. Korrupt