Left By Eniac Date 03/04/94 at 08:46a Sent To Korrupt Comment -904- Caller Title City of Illusions ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Beetle got busted for stealing a payphone....Someone had shotgunned toook the money and run then he came buy and grabbed the empty phone someone called the cops and he was busted...He is going to ask his co-sysop...And if its OK with him...COI will be moving to Jacksonville,FL (my cpu)...He is going to send a 120meg tape and I will unzip it onto my system and it will be just like the board before just a different number.... Eniac Left By Beetle Date 05/21/94 at 07:16p Sent To Korrupt Comment -818- CoI Title Heya ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Hey dude... Just gothcer account of what happened to me from Issue 8 of RoT... Omega Gave it to me... It was somewhat accurate... The facts: CoI Is Down I got Busted for Stealing a payphone. No one had a gun. It was a non-violent crime :). I was not an innocent bystander :(. Myself and two others stole it in cold blood. A Mormon turned me in, not a Senior citizen (although he was kinda old 'n' fat). All three of us were arrested. CoI *MIGHT* go up in another location, but it is somewhat unlikely. Beetle