Ü ÜÛßÛÜ ÜÛÛÜ ßßßÛÜ Released: 8/4/96 by Korrupt ÞÝÜÛÛ Û ß Û ÞÛÝ ß Type: Information on Hacking into C.U.S.D ÞÝßÛÜ Û Û ÞÛÝ - Rebels of Telecommunications - ÛÛÝÛÛÝÛÛÜÛÛ ÞÛÝ - Returns - ß Ûß ßßß ß - To the H/P/A Scene - -/- Hacking into the Clovis Unified School District -/- Ok let me explain to you what C.U.S.D is. It is basically a large school district in the (209) area code combined of 3 high schools, 3 Jr. High schools, and about 24 or 25 elementary schools (grade school). Now for years and years fellow members of the area have tried again and again to find the school district's computer number and access it. Luckily I've had the chance to obtain the number, though not the extension. And I also have found out what kind of system they are running and what not. So here's the information, you've been waiting for years to get your sticky little fingers on. District Phone Number : (209) 297-4000 ext: xxxx (The district office may have up to 9999 extensions) Your Job is to Wardial if you want the number. I know this though, the library extenension is #3350. The Computer room is in a seperate room in the library. District Computer System : Address # - Telnet FTP = Vax Id System HP9000 B.10.01 u 90001829 ttyp1 Well that is all that I know about the information on the system and where it is. Now you want to know what the system is capable of doing. So you want your grade changed. Of course you do. This system is the entire district database of grades to all students ,student information, teacher information, and e-mail accounts to district superintdents and employees. So if Hussong the Hmong wants to change his grade from a D to an A, he may dos so when in the system, but this has to be done at a certain time. Grades for the quarter are turned in the Monday after finals. So Hussong the Hmong would have to access the system say on wednesday, or so. After the grades had been entered into the main system and before they are mailed out to students. He would then access his grade, change it and when the school he was attending did a final tally on his grades they would put that new A he just gave himself on the Final transcript, and boy oh boy do those A's look nice on a college application. Well that is all I have today on the Clovis Unified School District. So see what you can do with it and go have fun. This Public Notice has been brought to you by Rebels of Telecommunications, sign up now at your local bell phone booth near you.....