- NO SPECIAL RIGHTS FOR SODOMITES! (the opinion above is, Mine, Mine, Mine) Theme- Five alternatives to toilet papering. #1. Go over to your victims house ( at night properly dressed in Jungle War fatigues) and tape a thick rubber band directly on the glass. Then attach a quarter between the rubber band and duck tape. Here is where it gets complicated to explain. Daisy Chain a piece of 100 to 400 foot telephone wire through the quarter and tape. You can do this by drilling a hole, with one of those Black & Decker things. Now all that needs to be done is a tied knot at the end of the string. "So what, What the hell is this anyway." My friend you are now the proud owner of a cool little nerd toy. To operate it all you do is yank back firmly on the telephone wire so that the rubber band is pulling the quarter and tape off the window. Then let go! BOOM.. An echo just sounded throughout your targets house. Keep this process up and eventually these people will trace where the sound is coming from. What happened to me was that this dumb shits parents came outside and saw the little contraption and started to scream and woke their kids up. I was however safely tucked away in the bushes about 400 feet away safely pulling on the wire emitting deafening echoes through their house. HaHa! My friend and I didn't quite catch what the heck they were doing, but eventually a cop showed up and started talking to these people who were now outside in pajamas. The Cop, then began following the trail of wire to our hiding spot, so we quickly disappeared. Having talked with these people the next day they thought my toy was actually a BOMB! They had called the cops and reported this bomb on their house. Evidently two Porks on Patrol showed up and soon ripped the device of off their window. Yes!! So anyway, when you do this process now put a little note on the tape that says "BOOM YOUR DEAD" or something to that extent. --- If you wanted to actually make this a real bomb, take about 20 "caps, taken from kiddie toy guns." and glue them adjacent to the window and the quarter. This surprisingly makes a tremendous noise. Easily scaring the hell out of anyone inside the house. #2 Beige box your enemies house and call S&M or FAGGOT 1(900) numbers. The fee is like 3.99 per minute, so a 120 dollar phone bill is only 30 minutes away. Think of the beating your mark will get from his parents when they see their phone bill. (and the "Son I think we need to have that little talk") #3 Call up the Orange County Gay/Lesbian community counseling & lifestyle center at (714) 731-5445. Tell them your friends address and say that you need information sent in the mail to help convince your parents that being a faggot is natural and a perfectly healthy lifestyle. These homos also make house calls, so you can use your imagination on that. #4 When your chump leaves his car unattended put 4 tennis ball bombs under the tires. So then when he backs up. KaPOW! What is so useful about tennis ball bombs is that they are impact explosions, however they do not cause heroic damage, except singeing peach fuzz on his leg (maybe catching his car on fire). To make a Tennis Ball bomb get strike anywhere matches and cut the tips off of them. Then proceed by stuffing just the tips into a tennis ball. You now you are finished when the ball is as hard as a rock. If you really want this guy dead. Use a metal CO2 cartridge in place of the tennis ball. You can make a hole in these be hitting a nail through it. "BE SURE IT IS EMPTY" When the CO2 bomb is thrown packed with sulfur match heads it detonates a explosion equal to that of a pipe bomb. So get the hell away from it. Another safety note is to stuff the matches in it with the care of an egg being tossed at a company picnic. You won't want any friction. #5 Go into the back hard of this crummy orientals home and drop a partially used laser jet cartridge in their pool. Woo Flung Poo, will now have water blacker than a niggas asshole. This leaves permanet damage and cannot be irreversed. ahahaha! -quote of the day- "We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful"