DSP-DSP-DSP PRESENTS-=: ArKANsAS HemP BuST!!! "Our Church" BUSTED! Arkansas Marijuana Providers face 20 Years Info Gathered By: Johnny Rotten On August 2, at least five DEA agents raided a church in Cane Hill, Arkansas. The recently incorperated religious center created in part to provide medical marijuana. A small number of peyote cacti, and 435 harvest ready plants were siezed. The DEA values the plants at $1,000 each. The church Minister, Tom Brown, whos farm abuts the church property was arrected and faces six to 20 years for possession, manufacture and distrobution. Forfeiture proceedings were initiated both against the church, and Browns 39 acre farm. The church was incorperated this year. In an act of evil dispobediance, on may 1, brown and others planted marijuana seedlings on the land. The church convenants include production of medical herbs for distro to members and the Ill. They prohibit the sale of anything grown on the property. Church Members estimate 15 pounds of Marijuana had been distributed at the time of the bust, mostly to other members, some went to aids patients. The Church members plan to file suit for $435,000.00 dollars or the return of the plants, citing the new religious freedom restoration act, which states that the govornment must show, a compelling interest to interfere in religious activity. Church ministers belive since the govornment can show no compelling interest to interfere with providing medicine for the ill, or spiritual enlightenment to the church members, The DEA will be forced to return the plants or pay the price. Additionaly , Brown filed attempted murder charges against the lead agent in the raid, Stephen Lowry, claiming that his man, at least 2 of whom has M-16 rifles, tried to goad him into making a move that would have allowed them to kill him. "About 1:30 in the afternoon i heard a plane circling above," says Brown. "It was definately trying to get my attention, I came out of my home and waved to them" Brown belives the plane was a ploy to provoke him into getting his rifle. An hour later Brown heard his dogs barking. On investigating, Brown says he found a camoflauged agent poised beneath a bush, he says he tried to talk, but the agent wouldnt respond. Brown returned to his home and called the sherrif's department. "They said they knew nothing about either the agent of the airplane..and then i began calling the newspapers" When he went back outside, agents came out of the woods, and said they were going to take the plants. "But they werent going to arrest me if i didnt interfere.." Nine Days later, brown was arrested. A grand jury investigation is planned. During which, church members hope to testify. A conspiracy case against the church is feared. Brown sayshe is prepared to serve time if necissary. "I will not cut a deal, we will settle for nothing less then what we have coming, $435,000. I think we'll get senators testifying at this trial that this is what they intended when they passed the religious freedom restoration act.