ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Alternative Lifestyles ķ Anarchist Ū°±²±°±²±°±²±°±²²±°Ū Philosophies ķ Conspiracies Ū°±²²±°ŪßßßßßßßßßŪ°±Ū Destruction ķ Fiction ķ Freedom Ū°±ŪßŪ°±Ū Ū±°Ū Hacker Ethics ķ Hacking Tutorials Ū°±Ū Ū±°Ū Ū°±Ū Hacking Utilities ķ Individualism Ū°±Ū Ū°±Ū Ū±°Ū /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Ū°±Ū Ū±°Ū ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŪ°±Ū ś ÄÄÄ A N A R C H I S T ÄÄÄ ś Ū°±ŪÜÜÜÜÜŪ°±Ū Ū°±²±°±²²±°Ū ś ÄÄÄ P H I L O S O P H E R S ÄÄÄ ś Ū°±²±°±²±°±±°Ū ßßßßßßßßßßß ś ÄÄÄ U N I T E D ÄÄÄ ś Ū°±ŪßßßßßßßŪ°±Ū ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Ū°±Ū Ū±°Ū Ū°±Ū Ū±°Ū Paranormal Phenomena ķ Political Ū°±Ū Ū°±Ū Ū±°Ū Ū°±Ū Opinions ķ Pranks ķ Religion Ū°±Ū Ū±°Ū Ū°±Ū Ū±°Ū Scams/Frauds ķ Scanning Results Ū°±Ū Ū°±Ū Ū±°ŪÜÜÜÜÜŪ°°Ū Security ķ Social Engineering Ū°±Ū Ū±°Ū Ū°±²±°±²±°±°Ū Telecommunications ķ Unix Support ßßßß ßßßß ßßßßßßßßßßßßß VAX/VMS Support "That's the third quake since we got here. I think this moon might be seismically active." -- Kira from DS9 Well, these quotes are in style, and I just couldn't let that one go. DS9 sucks! Watch VOYAGER! Anyway ... we have a new member, Excessive Mayhem. With three years exper- ience in the underground, and previous phile-writing experience, he should be a great asset for APu. We are still looking for new members, however our requirements have increased slightly: at least one phile per month, and each phile must be a minimum of 5k (without the introduction and ad for THAP at the bottom). If you want to join, contact me on THAP. The other members are all on THAP as well. And now for our regular user list: Sine ģ Falstaff ģ Virtuoso ģ Excessive Mayhem Here's a list of APu releases so far: ŚÄÄÄĀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄæ ³ # ³ Title ³ Author ³ Date ³ ĆÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³001³ A Simple Unix Decoy (DCOY) ³ Sine ³ 95-02-05 ³ ³002³ Hacker Security (SAFE) ³ Sine ³ 95-02-17 ³ ³003³ Political Correctness (RACE) ³ Sine ³ 95-02-20 ³ ³004³ Young Hacker's Guide to X.25 Networks (X25)³ Sine ³ 95-02-27 ³ ³005³ Maintaining a G-Phile Library (LBRY) ³ Sine ³ 95-03-04 ³ ĄÄÄÄĮÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĮÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĮÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄŁ The three- or four-letter word in brackets refers to the filename it was released as. For example, (DCOY) would mean that the file is APU-DCOY.ZIP. Upcoming from APu: My next phile, which should be out in a week or so, will be on the subject of encryption and other data protection methods. Falstaff has promised his phile on basic Unix commands by the end of the week, and Virtuoso's 'preaching' phile about the advantages of anarchy should be released by Monday if all goes well. I still don't know what Excessive Mayhem will be writing, as he just joined us a few days ago. And now enough with the introduction, let's go on to the phile itself. It's shorter than I would have liked, but nonetheless a good production. Keep on hacking, śSine -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6 mQCNAy9GqwgAAAEEALk/hjSprZ0bsVCHZUCn1dE+w3FKtnEVJUgY9CkEOy6IpBve hFFKeM4cSlJYrHoDKgRRLLe5NZ4jEHLqdIHbThMQH0rVI/73YaXsVN/2Msk07PkD yEzAKcqoLccSQrsNj3j/GQAUqY22tLBSbwyLb9gdFBVJfAeXh6tKuMCs+sFRAAUR tCtTaW5lIG9mIEFuYXJjaGlzdCBQaGlsb3NvcGhlcnMgVW5pdGVkIDxBUHU+ =knAI -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 MAINTAINING A G-PHILE LIBRARY For Research, Reference, and Entertainment by Sine Released Saturday 04 March, 1995 ŚÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä ś ³ Introduction Everyone loves exciting and intense hacks. You are locked in a game of wits against the system administrators. They want to find you. You want to cover up your tracks. Through trial and error and many close calls, you manage to avoid detection. But this is only one part of hacking. Few are lucky enough to be success- ful by this tactic alone. We are scientists; much of our learning comes from hands-on lab work, but a lot of it also comes from reading about the work of more experienced scientists. Scientists write research papers and theses about their work, and hackers write g-philes. G-phile means General Phile. Strictly speaking, it means hacking/phreaking philes of a very general nature such as 'The Basics of Hacking' or 'ESS Explained'. However it has come to mean, in a loose sense at least, all informative H/P/A-related philes. A reasonably sized and well-organised g-phile collection will prove to be an invaluable aid. This doesn't mean you should spend your life reading about hacking instead of doing it. But by reading about the system you are currently working on you can formulate a plan, which will allow you to get the most out of your hacking time. By reading you will also be able to find out hidden details and functions that you can later explore and thus have more fun. Reading is also very important for beginning hackers. Throughout December 1994 and January 1995, I read all the issues of Phrack, as well as about five megs of other g-philes leeched from FTP. This provided me with essential information that allowed me to begin my career with proper background, rather than fumbling around in the darkness and learning everything by trial and error. A third thing that g-philes provide is entertainment. Reading about hacker cons, jokes, old news and messages from 1986, and related things fall under this category. This is the sort of thing you can read on a boring afternoon. ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä ś ³ Choice of Philes The obvious thing to decide now is your choice of g-philes. There are many different types of g-philes, but since APu is an H/P/A organisation, that's what I'll deal with. Drug-related g-philes, term papers, and related information is also available if you have the inclination to look for it. I've always thought of H/P/A as a triangle. Members of the underground, as I see it, usually choose one or two to be on top, as their main focus, but still have an interest in the other two. For example, a typical H/P advocate would spend most of his time collecting H/P g-philes, but would still have a small interest in anarchy. Consider the chart below: H P H P P A A H A \ / | | \ / | \ / | / \ / \ | / \ | A P A H A H H P P Typical Computer Phone Crank Techno- Computer H/P Dude Hacker Phreak Caller Anarchist Crasher You decide who you are and what your priorities are. You should try to find some philes for all three areas, though, because you never know when your interests will change. With the exception of anarchy (where the philes are usually quite short and specific) it's probably a good idea to choose longer philes. While this is of course a generalisation, you'll quickly find out that on the average 10k+ philes are better than 2k philes that belong more in a mess- age than a phile. 50k+ philes are the best. They are usually general overviews rather than specific information. ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä ś ³ Obtaining the Philes The next step is of course to begin collecting your g-philes. If you are reading this phile you probably have access to some sort of H/P board or Internet connection. So obtaining g-philes shouldn't be too much of a problem. I recommend downloading the board's file listing, making a copy, and then browsing through it, deleting all the entries you aren't interested in. You now have a selection of philes which you can get as soon as you've accumulated the necessary file points. Another possibility is the Internet. I obtained all 46 issues of Phrack through FTP. By far the best site that I know of is ftp.eff.org (home of the Electronic Frontier Foundation), which carries dozens of H/P maga- zines. Get the newer issues of several magazines, and if you like them get the previous ones. Phracks or other magazines are hard to use for reference, because the file size is so large (900k+ for newer issues of Phrack) and there are many unrelated philes in each issue. So what I did was rip up my Phracks, figuratively speaking of course. I stored the useful information in indiv- idual files, and deleted the rest. ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä ś ³ Organisation of the Library Now you've built up a reasonable collection, say, at least a hundred g-philes. At this point it might be alright to keep them in one directory, but as your collection grows the management of it will become increasingly difficult. You need some sort of organisation. There are a few possible ways to organise your g-phile library. The one I use, and I think is the simplest, is to organise your philes into three main directories: Anarchy, Hacking, and Phreaking. I also have a Misc directory and a Zines directory to keep my Phrack collection. These main subdivisions lasted for a while, but soon I had 500+ philes. I decided to start purging, and in a few days I had weeded out the low- quality philes and had about 200 medium- to high-quality philes left. Though more manageable, this was still too much for my broad divisions. My rule of thumb was less than a screenful of files per directory, and my Hacking directory had almost 100. So I divided it further. Anarchy was divided into directories like Philosophy, Big_Brother, Destruction, Pranks, and Theft. Hacking was divided into directories for all the major operating systems, and a Misc_OS directory for everything else. It also had X.25, Misc_Networks, and a few others. Phreaking had Boxing, Cosmos, Services, and Soc_Eng (Social Engineering). There are a few other ways to organise your philes. One is to do it by date, so you would have one directory per year. Another way is to use the divisions I talked about before, but divide your library into two main directories at the top: Good and Poor, or Long and Short, or 3L33T and LAM3-0, whatever. It's up to you. ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä ś ³ Using the Library Your philes will be useless unless you read them. That's my suggestion: READ EVERYTHING! Spend at least an hour a day reading your philes until you've finished all the ones that interest you. Your g-phile library will also be invaluable for reference later. Dividing it into directories makes this a much simpler task. In this case printing some of your philes will help. (Printed paper is much harder to get rid of when the cops come, however.) ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä ś ³ G-Philes You Shouldn't be Without Remember that all of this is my opinion only. If you know of anything you think is better please tell me about it, I want to get it! Seven Excellent Hacking G-Philes 1. THE NEOPHYTE'S GUIDE TO HACKING by Deicide. Approx. 180k, written in 1993. The phile starts out with information about ethics and things to do to avoid being caught. Next it talks about X.25 networks and how to reach them. Then it goes system-by-system and explains the use of each system, common accounts, and some commands once you get in. I have printed this out and keep it in my room for reference. A must-read. 2. USERS GUIDE TO VAX/VMS by Black Kat. Approx 128k, written in 1990. This phile proceeds, at a rapid pace, through the basics of VMS commands up to programming and networking. Whether you're an expert or a novice at VMS, this phile will almost certainly be of use to you. 3. THE COMPLETE DATAPAC NUA LIST by Deicide (again?). Approx. 110k, written in 1993. I use Datapac a lot, and this g-phile provides a long list of NUAs as well as some useful information about Datapac at the beginning. 4. THE SPRINTNET/TELENET DIRECTORY by Skylar. Approx. 140k, written in 1993. It starts with an excellent guide to using Telenet and an explan- ation and list of error messages, then goes on to a scan of all Telenet NUAs with system types and note. 5. THE PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENICS GUIDE TO ENCRYPTION by The Racketeer. Approx. 32k, written in 1993. If you think encryption is unnecessary, read this and you will change your mind. There is also some practical information on using PGP (superior to the PGP manual, in my opinion). 6. A HACKER'S GUIDE TO UUCP by The Mentor. Approx. 26k, written in 1990. This is starting to become a bit obselete, but nonetheless a great read. It provides basic information about UUCP as well as information specifically for hackers. 7. A BEGINNERS GUIDE TO NOVELL NETWARE 386 by The Butler. Approx. 72k, written in 1991. Though it's fairly old, Netware 386 is still very common and this guide is excellent for anyone who wants to hack Net- ware (it is very common in schools). Three Excellent Phreaking G-Philes: 1. THE FINE ART OF TELEPHONY by Crimson Flash. Approx. 80k, written in 1992. There isn't much how-to information about actually hacking the phone system, but after reading this for the first time I had an under- standing of all the basic aspects of telco. A must-read for any aspiring hacker/phreak. 2. AT$T ESS(TM) FROM TOP TO BOTTOM by Firm G.R.A.S.P. Approx. 62k, written in 1993. This phile goes into mind-boggling technical details of the digital switching system that is becoming more and more common around the world. 3. THE DEFINITIVE COSMOS by Erik Bloodaxe. Approx. 51k, written in 1990. I'm not sure whether this belongs under Hacking or Phreaking, because COSMOS is a union of both. Either way, Erikb's phile provides both general information on COSMOS systems and a comprehensive list of commands. Three Excellent H/P Magazines: 1. PHRACK MAGAZINE. Get all the issues, or at least the newer ones (30- 46). This is where I learned a lot of what I know about hacking, and it allowed me to start advancing quickly once I started working 'in the field.' Newer issues average 900k+. There's a huge amount of infor- mation in every issue. 2. LOD/H TECHNICAL JOURNAL. This is targeted at a more advanced audience than Phrack is, but it is still excellent. The information in here is probably the highest quality in the H/P world. Four issues were pub- lished, with #5 being 'unofficial' but just as good as the others. 3. COMMUNICATIONS OF THE NEW ORDER (CoTNo). As far as I know five issues have been published. The issues are fairly small compared to Phrack or LOD/H TJ, but it is nonetheless a good source of information. Ś ÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä ś ³ Conclusion The purpose of hacking is to learn (that's right, NOT to make PhRee FoNe CaLLz) and while a lot of knowledge can be gained by actually hacking into systems, research is also a good way to expand your knowledge. There's a lot of information available at libraries; but it's usuall dry and written for the non-technically-minded (those who think a 'switch' is something that turns lights on and off). The best information lies in the vast array of g-philes written by hackers and phreaks around the world. By collecting this information, your knowledge base can grow substantially. Until next time, śSine ĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶ Originally released to 416/905's largest library of H/P information: ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄ ś ÜÜ ° ÜÜ ŚÄÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄ ŚÄÄ ß ž Ž²Ż ßßÜś ŚÄÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄ ŚÄÄ ŚÄÄ ŚÄ ŚÄÄÄÄ Ś ±ÄÄ Ū Ū ° ±ŚÄÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ŚÄÄ ŚÄÄÄ Ś ŚÄÄÄÄ ŚŽŻÄÄ ŽŻ ŽŻÜܲ ß ÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ŚÄ ŚÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄ Śž ÄÄ ÜÜŪßŻß² ± Ż ÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ś ŚÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄß° ŽŻ ž ŽŻ Ū ÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄŽŻÄÄ ² Ū ß ÄÄ ŚÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄ Ś ±ÄÄ ŽŻ ŽŻ ž ÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄ ŚÄÄ Ä Ū Ū ° ŚÄÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄ° ° ܲÜÜÜ žŻß ŚÄÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄÄ Ż ° ŚÄÄÄ ŚÄÄÄ ž -/- The Largest H/P Board in 905/416 -\- The Hayden Andre Project - 905.513.XXXX