ÜÜÜÜ Û Û Û Anarchist Mon 20 Feb 1995 ÛÜÜÛßß Philosophers Phile 003: Political Correctness by Sine Üß Û ÛÜÛ United ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This is the third phile released by APu, and it remains an organisation with only one member. Remember that I'm still looking for new members, so if you want to join APu as a writer or field researcher please contact me on The Hayden Andre Project BBS in 905. Encryption is in style these days (for good reasons), so if you want you can encrypt your messages with the PGP key listed at the bottom of this phile. Members should be able to produce one phile every two months as a BARE MINIMUM. This is my third phile already for February. The quality of your information is less important, however. We are not a purely technical organisation; as our name implies, we are also looking for philes about the hacker psychology and related things. Today I'm going to rant and rave about Political Correctness (PC). Even the word "Correctness" implies some sort of fascist control, and "Political" reinforces this. Today at school I found that the teachers were distributing propaganda pamphlets entitled "Hate Groups and Racists in Canada". Don't get me wrong, I'm not a racist, racism sucks. But the PC anti-racist movement is even worse. Claiming righteous intentions, they proceed to ban and censor and brainwash everyone. That is what PC is all about; either you agree with the principles of PC or you are deemed Incorrect, and you are labelled "racist", a "Nazi", or whatever. I don't think this Politically Correct drivel should be banned. Nothing should be banned. But this should not be officially endorsed by the school system. They have no right to endorse this crap as being The Right Thing for all students. Now for the article itself, liberally sprinkled with my comments in brackets. (I scribbled these comments on in pen during class, I just expanded on them here.) - - - HATE GROUPS and RACISTS in Canada [HATE and RACISTS are written in 'slashed-up' red writing to make them look "evil." Underneath it is a collage picture consisting of a grim- looking vulture floating in the air, an evil-looking vulture with a skull and crossbones on his neck standing on a skull with the Maple Leaf, more vultures inside the skull sticking their heads out, two "School Crossing" signs, a multi-tailed barbed whip … la KKK, a white boy with a stupid expression who looks like a young Hitler, a moronic little girl with no expression, the back of somebody's head, a white girl looking into the head of a snake who appears scared, and a black boy with a stupid grin on his face. At the bottom of the page is a small box with the following: Watch the Documentary HEARTS OF HATE The Battle for Young Minds CTV Tuesday, February 28, 1995 Check local listings for broadcast time So this entire brochure (8.5 x 11 unfolded) is probably just a disguise for this CTV ad. Anyway, onto the next page ...] HOW HATE GROUPS OPERATE _Hate_groups_ [Bolded] zone in on all kinds of teenagers: nerds, skin- heads, jocks, university students, dropouts, 'A' students and punks. [This says nothing, except making punks sound like the opposite of 'A' students, which is, uh, not Politically Correct as it *stereotypes* punks as being stupid.] _Hate_groups_ package their message to suck you in. They give you what you like: Rock bands, music videos, computer nets, uniforms, magazines, telephone hotlines, and Nazi trinkets. [They give me what I like? Hell, what's wrong with that? Though I don't understand why 'uniforms' is on that list.] _Hate_groups_ create scapegoats. They blame other racial groups for every problem. It's easy and it's simple. [That reminds me of something. Oh yes ... it reminds me of this brochure! You're using racists as scapegoats for your problems, which are already inflated. You yuppie scum are driving around in Cadillacs and then complaining about how your 'lifestyles' are going down the tubes. Other people's lives are going down the tubes, and your 'lifestyles' are going down the tubes. Fuck.] _Hate_groups_ are really good at cranking up your ego and making you feel important. They know you want to look older, they know you want to impress. [Cranking up your ego? You mean like those "You CAN stop racism" comm- ercials? Another pointless comment.] _Hate_groups_ find articulate students to infiltrate schools. These students put up posters, distribute racist flyers and organize recruiting events in school yards, pool halls, private homes, shopping malls, donut shops. [Infiltrate? These students are spreading a legitimate message, but because it has the 'racist' label slapped on it, it is made to sound like they're spies and con men. Besides, your PC goons in the Student Council do the same thing.] Many adults in hate groups have criminal records and don't want to get busted again. They use teenagers to do their dirty work distributing illegal material or committing assaults. [I don't know where they got the crap about assaults, but as for distributing illegal material, all the power to them! No information should be illegal. Excessive banning ... kinda reminds me of ... that's it! Hitler's Germany! At the bottom of the column is a picture of a vulture in a Nazi suit leaning on a cane which is pressed in some bald guy's belly. A kid carrying a giant mallet is reading something off a piece of paper (maybe singing), and a guy listening to him is falling down. Whatever this means is beyond me. They probably just learned how to cut and paste and are having fun with their new discovery. At the top of the next column is a picture of a donkey-headed man looking at a sheet of paper and scratching his head, with another vulture in a Nazi suit sitting at a table with a paper in one hand and one of those cool German-style beer mugs in the other.] THEY THINK YOU'RE STUPID _Hate_groups_ are betting that you're stupid. [So are you, because only those with an IQ lower than their computer's BogoMIPS rating would believe any of the crap you're spewing out.] They say that people of different colours or religions shouldn't hang out together. Who are they to pick your friends? [Who are you to burn books, censor speakers, and physically damage the property of 'known racists'? Of course you wouldn't like any of your PC goons hanging out with the redneck crew. Hell no. That would give their innocent minds bad ideas.] Some hate groups say white women shouldn't work or have careers. They should stay home and have lots of white babies. Are they for real? [Of course they are. Really, if the women agree to this, there's no reason why things can't be this way. But you, with your narrow mind that dares not beyond the sacred barrier of Correctness, would probably force women to work before allowing this 'alternative lifestyle.'] _Hate_groups_ admire some pretty disgusting characters like the Nazis and Adolph Hitler. Sure, these guys might have had interesting outfits, but can you imagine living under the Nazis? What would that mean to your freedom, to your choice of jobs, music, clothes? [Freedom? You're talking about freedom? The Nazi's ideology was even more fascist and restrictive than the PC agenda. But it is still a viable opinion. By not allowing them to exist, you are denying them freedom. And when one person's freedom is lost, all our freedoms are damaged.] _Hate_groups_ say they want teenagers to have more freedom of speech. But when former teenage members wanted the freedom to quit the group, they were harassed and beaten up. [I can't argue with this one, this is the only valid point they have in the whole brochure. If they had concentrated on this point instead of on racist teachings maybe they would have made sense.] _Hate_groups_ harass and assault people who aren't their colour. Then they accuse all the other races of being violent. So much for consistency. Guess they never heard of Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi. [You printing thousands of copies of this pamphlet. That's harassment. You harass people not because they have a different colour, but because they have different opinions, different philosophies, and different life- styles. We should all love blacks because of MLK Junior? And we should all love Indians because of Gandhi? That's about the stupidest fucking excuse for racial harmony I've heard in my life.] Teenagers in Edmonton, Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto have gone to jail doing what hate groups told them to do. Smart eh? [The purpose of this statement seems to be to scare kids away from their beliefs with threats of jail. That's the sort of thing that happened in Hitler's Germany and still goes on in fascist countries around the world. Kudos to those teenagers. While I don't agree with your philosophy, you fought for your freedom of speech. Don't give up. Next column ...] WHAT'S THE LAW? You have the right to express opinions others may not agree with. Question issues. Think for yourself. But you can't attack a whole groups of people because of their race or religion. That's hate. And hate groups are very clever at disguising what they say. Listen carefully to these so-called innocent remarks: [These people have the nerve to tell me what I can't say. Why? Because it's hate. Hate is a human emotion, it is not 'evil' in any way. If I felt really hateful, I might just go down to a busy street corner and shout racist names at people. As I see it, as long as I don't cut into anyone else's freedom, I can do whatever the fuck I want. Of course you wouldn't like that, would you? I'm hateful. Listen to me. I HATE you. I HATE the fucking guts of every single fucking PC advocate. I HATE all of you. I'm not going to 'cleverly disguise' that remark. Now we see a picture of two vultures in old-fashioned clothing sitting at a table, with lines shaped like bubbles of speech coming out of the top of their heads.] "Immigrants just come here to rip off the system." [Hell, you're ripping off the forests by making thousands of copies of this crap.] "Hardly any Jews died in the Holocaust." [Jews = Holocaust = Jews ... that's what we're all made to think. Six million Jews died in the holocaust, but twelve million died in total. What of the other six million who died in concentration camps? Mostly communists and anarchists, as well as retards and cripples, and others who were deemed Incorrect. Of course nobody remembers them. Especially not the politically correct who don't support communism or anarchy.] "Minorities run the media." [Minorities are running this little publication of yours, which has been endorsed by the Board of Ed and is being distributed around schools.] "What about white rights?" [Hell, what's wrong with bitching about white rights? While it's all crap, there is nothing wrong with this statement. Just some bible-thumping Christian fundamentalist bullshitters, but that doesn't give us the right to ban them.] THERE ARE MANY LAWS AGAINST HATRED IN CANADA. And at least 3 levels of government that administer them. Police have a duty to enforce these laws. [So you're telling me that the police are agents of your fascist system. Thanks for the new information. I feel enlightened.] THE CANADIAN CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS under Section 15, guarantees everyone equality under the law and equal protection without discri- mination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour or religion. [Equality under the law. This is a fair rule and has NOTHING TO DO with racist groups. It only covers the passing of racist laws and other related things. The Charter of Rights also mentions freedom of speech, something which you are completely ignoring. Can't say I'm surprised, though.] HUMAN RIGHTS CODES at both federal and provincial levels protect our rights from hate and racism. The Canadian Human Rights Act also makes it illegal to repeatedly communicate hate messages by telephone. [So when somebody calls you a name, you run to the government and say 'protect me.' Why the hell are you complaining about taxes and crap like that if you treat the government as your mommy? If that's what I thought of Big Brother, I would certainly become a good citizen. Yeah right. To all you phone anarchist out there: keep cranking! I'm even planning an APu phile on crank calling ideas.] CRIMINAL LAW: Hate propaganda is illegal under the federal Criminal Code. Sections 318 and 319 prohibit the incitement of hatred against identifi- able groups distinguished by colour, race, religion or ethnic origin. [This brochure is also hate propaganda. You're inciting hatred against the identifiable group you term 'racists'. That's the end of the third column. All three columns were on the same side of the 8.5 x 11 sheet, and along the whole bottom is printed:] This pamphlet was written and produced by Investigative Productions in association with the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police in consult- ation with The Canadian Jewish Congress. [So the police are in this too, eh? A conspiracy of hate more massive than the largest 'hate' groups. Now onto the next page, and the last two columns.] WHAT ARE HATE GROUPS? [Whoops! Wasn't that supposed to be the first page? Of course you'll say I didn't read it in the politically correct way. Believe me, this is the brochure's fault, not mine. I read it the way at least 99% of brochures are meant to be read. YOU'RE the ones being Incorrect about your methods. You did The Wrong Thing.] _HATE_GROUPS_ ARE RACIST. They spread lies and hate against other ethnic and racial groups. Their hatred is based on prejudice: skin colour, language, religion, sexual orientation or disability. Hate groups come in many colours. They believe their race is superior to all the others. [You, the Politically Correct, believe that your methods and lifestyles are superior to all others. Your hatred is based on alternative ideas. I'm not talking about alternative in terms of being gay or anything. That you have been conditioned to accept. I'm talking about anarchy, commun- ism, insanity, punk, 'drug' cultures, techno-cultures, etc.] _HATE_GROUPS_ PRETEND to be like other organizations. They often disguise themselves as church groups or heritage and rights groups. [Church = Non-Tolerance = Racism = PC. You're all alike. Then there's yet another drawing: a vulture with a five-tailed whip is holding up a sign saying "Freedumb of Skreech!". Sorry, whatever your message was, it came out the wrong way. You are laughing in the face of freedom of speech. You are what Hitler would be like if he wasn't in power. Next to the vulture is a stack of books, three of which are labelled as "Hitler Youth", "Mein Kampf", and "Karate Boys". A skull lies on top of them. Above the skull are more signs: "Join the Libeltree Gnat!", "Acne Front Needs You", and a partial sign which I can only make out as "Goof". Whatever that is.] _HATE_GROUPS_ WORK UNDER NAMES SUCH AS The Heritage Front, The Liberty Net, Northern Hammerskins, Aryan Nations, Church of the Creator, Ku Klux Klan, Mountain Church, etc. [The Canadian Jewish Congress, the Ontario Human Rights Board, the Canad- ian Association of Chiefs of Police, etc.] NOT ALL HATE GROUPS ARE VIOLENT. But most are connected with groups that are. Some members operate paramilitary training camps, have been convicted of violent crimes, drug trafficking and weapons offenses. [PC has crossed the line into violence as well. A few months ago I heard about a group of masked 'anti-racists' throwing rocks at the home of a 'known Nazi'. Anti-racist doesn't automatically mean 'good citizen'.] _HATE_GROUPS_ NEED MEMBERS AND MONEY. They can't get enough adults to join them. They figure kids are stupid and easy targets. _Hate_groups_are_ organizing_in_schools._Trying_to_recruit_teenagers_like_you._ [Replace 'hate groups' with 'anti-racist/PC groups' and the above will still be true. Now for the final column ...] WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT HATE GROUPS STOP HATE FROM SPREADING. Complain to your teacher, principal, school board, Human Rights Commission, or the Police. Some Police forces have Hate Crime units. [More like Thought Crime units. Really, the idea of having kids students to the authorities like kids to their parents because of name-calling and booklet-spreading is really quite absurd.] RESIST THE RACISTS! Form an anti-racist group in your school. Invite students from other ethnic groups. Bring in speakers who can help you sort through hate propaganda. Support victims of racism. [Let's turn this around to an ad for a racist group: "Resist the Other Races! Form an Ethnic Heritage group in your school. Invite students from your ethnic group. Bring in speakers who can help you sort through anti-racist propaganda. Support victims of anti-racism." Wow! It still works! What a surprise! Maybe racists and anti-racists have more in common than I thought! ;) ] DON'T JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS that members of hate groups have emotional or social problems. All kinds of 'normal' kids get sucked into hate groups. [You're ignoring the kids who join hate groups because they agree with the group's philosophy and have minds of their own. They're not all brain- washed into joining. Below is the stupidest picture in the booklet. It's one of those heads that can be viewed normally or upside-down, making a 'normal' looking face and someone with no hair and a beard. (Of course it's ruined because it's so badly done.) On one side it says "Not All Skinheads Are Racists", and the same thing upside-down on the other side.] IF A FRIEND IS INVOLVED in a hate group, discuss the information she or he is given. Or find someone who can. Don't let propaganda go unchallenged. Remaining silent or believing it's something a friend will outgrow means you approve. [Once again, them telling us how to think. More propaganda. It 'means you approve'. Excuse me, but it's up to me who I approve, not up to you. This is another statement that also applies to anti-racists. Anybody involved in these anti-racist paramilitary or propaganda groups needs psycho- logical help.] COMMIT YOURSELF TO ZERO TOLERANCE of racism. Nobody should face ridicule, prejudice, exclusion or slander in any school in Canada. It's against the law. [Tolerance. Tolerance. If there's one thing anarchists have and racists and anti-racists don't, it's tolerance. '100% tolerance' is a better philosophy. Nobody should face a restriction of their freedom.] EDUCATE YOURSELF! There are many books about Canadian hate groups and racists: [A list of a half dozen books are listed. Books like "Is God a Racist?" and "Web of Hate". Reading these books would be like a short prison sentence. More propanganda.] - - - That's the end of the brochure. (I don't know how much more of it I could take!) Reading this has reaffirmed my faith in the way of Anarchy, where the endless bickering, the rain of propaganda, and the harassment would be non-existent, simply because racism/anti-racism is a non-issue. Several words were spelled in the non-Canadian way, which means this was probably written by (a) illiterates or (b) Americans. I don't know which one is worse. No offense intended, of course. ;) Keep on hacking, and keep up the Anarchic spirit, úSine -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6 mQCNAy9GqwgAAAEEALk/hjSprZ0bsVCHZUCn1dE+w3FKtnEVJUgY9CkEOy6IpBve hFFKeM4cSlJYrHoDKgRRLLe5NZ4jEHLqdIHbThMQH0rVI/73YaXsVN/2Msk07PkD yEzAKcqoLccSQrsNj3j/GQAUqY22tLBSbwyLb9gdFBVJfAeXh6tKuMCs+sFRAAUR tCtTaW5lIG9mIEFuYXJjaGlzdCBQaGlsb3NvcGhlcnMgVW5pdGVkIDxBUHU+ =knAI -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----