ùúReign of Terrorúù [RoT] Presents... The Dark Apocalypse by Crypt Keeper Parasitic Non-resident .COM and .EXE infector Activates : Any Monday 16th (Monday after Friday 13th) The Dark Apocalypse is a non-resident infector of .COM and .EXE files. When an infected program is infected, the virus will infect up to three .COM or .EXE files the current directory, and then proceed to do the same to all directories before it (using the CD .. method). The search routine is set up so that .EXE files take higher priority (.COM files will not begin to be infected until all .EXE files in a directory are infected). The virus activates on any Monday the 16th, when it will replace the executable code part of the boot record on the current drive with code to reboot the system. This results in a reboot each time the system is booted from that disk. Infinite reboots! To infect a file, simply copy the .COM or .EXE file onto the root directory of a floppy with the virus, switch to that disk, and run the virus. It doesn't stay in the memory, so you don't need to reboot. The reason that the original DARK.COM in this archive displays "INFECTED FILE" when executes, is that DARK.COM is actually a small dummy program infected with the virus. The active length of the virus is 1020 bytes. ...Crypt Keeper [RoT/Virus division]