The result of our abdication of ownership (of our country) and the responsibility for governing same (to individuals more interested in themselves) than in the mandate given to them by voters = THE NATIONAL DEBT "All receipts of the Government (with a few exceptions) are deposited to the credit of the U.S. treasury regardless of ultimate disposition. Under the Constitution, no money may be withdrawn from the Treasury unless appropriated by the Congress." from Statistical Abstract of the U.S., 1991. To quote John Carder who said deficit figures given (in a previous upload "the Deficit") reported from the above Abstract were UNDERstating the real deficit, "The denizens of Congress don't want us to know how much they're spending, so they concocted -off budget-items. One way to check is to look at the National Debt" HEAR HEAR! Reported The The National Year Deficit GAP Debt 1965 -322.3 1966 -3.7 -2.5 -328.5 1967 -8.7 -3.2 -340.4 1968 -25.1 -3.2 -368.7 1969 3.3 -0.4 -365.8 1970 -2.8 -12.3 -380.9 1971 -23.1 -4.2 -408.2 1972 -23.4 -4.3 -435.9 1973 -14.9 -15.5 -466.3 1974 -6.2 -11.4 -483.9 1975 -53.2 -4.8 -541.9 1976 -73.7 -13.4 -629.0 1977 -53.6 -23.8 -706.4 1978 -59.1 -11.1 -776.6 1979 -40.2 -12.1 -828.9 1980 -73.8 -5.8 -908.5 1981 -78.9 -6.9 -994.3 1982 -127.9 -14.6 -1,136.8 one TRILLION dollars! 1983 -207.7 -26.7 -1,371.2 $ 60,662.00 1984 -185.3 -7.6 -1,564.1 1985 -212.2 -40.7 -1,817.0 1986 -221.2 -81.9 -2,120.1 1987 -149.7 -75.8 -2,345.6 1988 -155.0 -100.2 -2,600.8 1989 -151.9 -113.5 -2,866.2 $ 89,500.00 1990 -220.4 -26.7 -3,113.3 1991 -268.7 Not given 1992 -399.4 est Not given $ 125,000.00 That's right, add columns 1 and 2 to identify real Congressional spending. An invitation to write your Congressmen and Senators to ask what they've been doing with our money, and why they've been lying about it. They probably think they've been doing an excellent job because they've also given themselves handsome raises - from $ 60,662.00 in 1983 to $ 89,500.00 in 1989. Then, in 1992 when our total deficit will probably exceed FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS, Congressional annual pay comes in at $ 125,000.00. small wonder many of them have chosen not to run for election and decided to run for cover instead with generous pensions - sometimes in excess of their salaries - courtesy of the American taxpayer. No wonder they treat us as "jerks". They will only begin to pay attention to us when we become politically verbal and start insisting upon being heard. -- courtesy Dave Hughes BBS ini Old Colorado City (see trailer)