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Since this is not the case, intuitive judgments must be made as to the quality of the cocaine and the nature of the adulterants present. To be effective, consumer-oriented purification techniques must be general enough to apply under a wide range of circumstances. These procedures are not used to make cocaine but to remove adulterants and impurities from cocaine already made. Since economics is always a prime factor in applying purification techniques, one point should be made clear. The cost of cocaine is dictated by the amount of it that is present in the original purchase (provided that none is lost in the purification process). If a gram costs $100 and is only 50 percent cocaine, the actual cost of the cocaine is $200 per gram. Consumers who use a purification method to remove adulterants frequently find the resulting purer cocaine too intense, and add an adulterant of their own choosing (much as someone would take hard liquor with soda or water) or simply use much less. The real difference between snorting one gram 50 percent cocaine or one-half gram of pure cocaine lies in the other 50 percent, the contents of which can clog the nose, numb the brain, stiffen the muscles, or just do nothing. THE ACETONE WASH When cocaine burns the nose, the problem may be that it has not been washed properly at the end of the manufacturing process. Most of the illicit cocaine consumed in the United States comes complete with excess hydrochloric acid and an overabundance of oily organic material like hygrine. This extra acid was added in order to speed up the crystallization process and force the oil out of an ether solution with the cocaine. The oil, which may make up as much as 50 percent of the hydrochloride weight, might otherwise remain in the ether. Once the crystallization is complete, the cocaine plus oils plus excess acid are collected by filtration. The ether will pass through the filter and the solids will remain. Much of the extra avid and some of the impurities could be removed at this point if fresh solvent was poured over the cocaine and allowed to pass through the filter; this is called a wash. Since most suppliers of illicit cocaine desire a maximum yield, the wash is often deleted. To further complicate matters, the filtered cocaine is rarely dried completely. This adds a small amount of weight in the form of solvent residue. The dangers of snorting cocaine that contains even small amounts of hydrochloric acid and/or ether residue should be quite obvious. These chemicals will not only sting the nose on contact but may well cause deterioration of the nasal membrane. In addition, they are likely to cause head-aches with repeated use. Hygrine acts as a local irritant on the nasal membranes. While this is partially due to the acid that it contains, hygrine is poorly absorbed in the nose and will remain long after the cocaine has dissolved. If the nose is not properly cleaned, membrane damage may be the result. It is unnecessary for the consumer to subject himself to this kind of humiliation. the cure is as simple as the cause. All that is necessary to correct the problem is to complete those parts of the process that were omitted. Since the cocaine did not receive a final wash, it is put back in solvent so that this simple procedure can be properly performed. The most efficient way to wash cocaine (HC1) is by decantation. This technique is routinely used to separate a fine wine from any sediment that it may contain. In washing cocaine the solvent in which the cocaine was crystallized is poured off. This solution is called the mother liquor. After decanting the mother liquor, fresh solvent is added to the cocaine to remove more of the impurities and excess acid. The fresh solvent and cocaine are swirled together and allowed to stand until the cocaine has settled to the bottom. The solvent on top may then be decanted also. Each time this procedure is done, the cocaine is washed. In the case of cocaine that has been crystallized but not washed, the mother liquor has already been removed. The wash procedure must begin by placing the cocaine in a beaker and covering it with fresh solvent. A small stirring rod is used to break up pieces so that the insoluble material (the cocaine) is of an even consistency. The entire contents of the beaker are swirled and covered with a watchglass. In a few minutes, the cocaine will settle to the bottom and the solvent with its soluble impurities will be on top. When all the solid particles have settled to the bottom, the solvent is decanted through a filter and collected in a separate container. Any cocaine that is accidentally poured off with the solvent will remain in the filter. The cocaine that remained in the beaker is covered with fresh solvent, swirled, and the entire contents poured into the filter. Once all solvent has passed through the filter, a small portion of fresh solvent is pouted over the cocaine and allowed to pass through the filter. Any soluble impurities that may have been trapped at the bottom of the filter cone will be the first to pass though the filter when this is done. This type of filtration is called gravity filtration. It is based on the same principle used to filter coffee the "Melitta way." When a solid is separated from a liquid by gravity filtration, there will always be traces of solvent that remain in the solid. These are removed by evaporation. To facilitate this, the filter cone containing the solid material is pressed between the hands in a downward motion so that most of the remaining solvent will be forced out the bottom. The trace of solvent that remains is evaporated when the filter cone, complete with cocaine, is placed under a heat lamp to dry. The filter paper acts as a protective shell, preventing the cocaine form being exposed directly to the heat lamp. The choice of solvent is a critical one and must satisfy certain criteria. Most important of these is that the solvent dissolve the impurities without dissolving the cocaine. Second, it must evaporate at a temperature lower than that which would melt the cocaine, and it should leave no residue once evaporated. One solvent that meets all of these criteria is acetone. Contrary to cocaine mythology, acetone is an excellent solvent that leaves 0.001 percent residue after evaporation. Cocaine hydrochloride is almost totally insoluble in acetone, but hydrochloric acid will totally dissolve. Hygrine hydrochloride and other organic impurities are partially soluble in acetone. The base forms of most drugs used to adulterate cocaine are very soluble in acetone. Acetone is extremely flammable but will not form explosive peroxides as does anhydrous diethyl ether. It is the peroxides that can simply explode when dried and are probably the cause of frequently reported and rumored "underground" laboratory fires. Acetone is sold in several grades that vary in purity. It is important that the acetone be "chemically pure," that is, free from alcohol and water, both of which will dissolve cocaine. Aside from purifying the cocaine, the acetone wash may significantly improve its aesthetics. It is often the impurities that obscure cocaine's crystallinity. The acetone wash will seldom if ever lower the quality of cocaine. However, it does have negative aspects that should also be understood. First, there is bound to be a weight loss, usually 8 to 12 percent, very little of which will be cocaine, Second, cocaine that is washed in acetone cannot be consumed for at least 48 hour after it is dry. the aging process is critical to the taste and smell of the cocaine as well as to the health of the consumer. Aging is ever more effective when the cocaine is screened to a fine powder, spread out on a nonporous surface, and dried under heat. Since the quality of the washed cocaine is likely to be much better than its predecessor, it is much easier to consume larger amounts in a shorter period of time. The negative effects of dirty cocaine often act as a deterrent to its use; when the dirt is removed, so is the deterrent. -Gemini 1) The equipment used for the acetone wash include: acetone is a plastic wash bottle; a 125-milliliter Erlenmeyer flask; a ribbed funnel with a medium-speed filter paper; a 20 ml beaker with a watchglass moisture. 2) Add 10 ml of acetone to one gram of ample and stir for one to two minutes. 3) Allow the crystals to settle to the bottom, leaving the acetone above clear. The watchglass prevents dirt from falling into the breaker. Decant the acetone off the crystals, pouring it into the filter. 4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 and pour the entire contents into the center of the filter. Rinse the beaker with acetone to remove the last traces of sample. After all the acetone has passed through, pour 10 ml of fresh acetone over the sample. 5) When all the acetone has passed through, remove the filter cone from the funnel. 6) Fold the filter paper at the sides, as shown, and then down from the top. Squeeze out the last drop of acetone, and use a paper clip to secure the folded filter, with the sample inside.