DeltaNet is growing! We are presently searching for qualified individuals to fill a number of open full-time employment positions and for consultants that can take on varied sub-contracted projects.
Telecommunications Engineer
The applicant should be a 'jack of all trades'. A thorough mastery routers,
modems, ISDN, frame relay, leased-line circuits, fiber optic networks,
and advanced
telecommunications is a must. Prior experience dealing with local phone
companies and other carriers will be necessary. This position calls for
an organized, resourceful and thorough individual who can 'roll up
their sleeves'.
UNIX System Administrator
The ultimate position for a seasoned UNIX professional with a hunger
to exercise their expertise on the Internet. An absolute mastery of
UNIX is required and a working knowledge of SUN, SCO, and BSD in an
Internet context is essential. Resourceful, dedicated, organized,
flexible, personable...
Technical Support Engineer
Customer support is Delta's #1 priority. If you gain satisfaction from
helping people solve problems and have a solid understanding of
communications, modems, PPP and SLIP, Windows, Macintosh, UNIX, and
the Internet, then we have the ideal position for you. You must be
able to communicate clearly and have endless patience.
Advanced HTML and CGI Developer
Delta has numerous sub-contacting positions available for advanced
WWW application developers. A proficiency with HTML, CGI scripting,
and database applications is essential. The applicant must have an
artistic eye and a flair for creativity in addition to being
technically competent.
Advanced Windows Application Developer
Delta is developing advanced Windows-based TCP/IP and Internet applications.
If you are skilled in developing Windows applications and drivers in
C++, have experience with Visual Basic, and have a working knowledge
and the Internet, then Delta may have the perfect opportunity for you.
Internet Research Assistant
The Internet can be overwhelming. Delta is looking for a 'free-spirited'
individual with a somewhat non-traditional view of the world to handle
various Internet research projects and to be responsible for ferreting
out the 'latest and greatest' as well as the 'obscure and bizarre'
on the Net.
If you would like to apply for any of these positions and live in Southern California, contact Delta's Human Resources Department at or send your resume to the address listed at the end of this page.
DELTA Internet Services - Career Opportunities at DeltaNet
731 East Ball Road, Suite #204
Anaheim, California 92805
714.778.0370 FAX: 714.778.1064
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Web Master:
(jobs.html - 03/03/95)