Mt. St. Helens erupted on May 18th 1980 8:32 a.m. An earthquake shook the Volcano. Steam came out of cracks in the volcano top. A side of the volcano blew off and ash flew everywhere. Everything was covered in ash. In the mudflow houses were lifted off the ground and trees were knocked down. Melted snow caused an avalanche that made the mudflow. Colonizers are animals that came after the eruption. Plants are also colonizers. Seeds blew in with the wind. Survivors buried themselves underground like the Pocket gopher. If the pocket gopher didn't come out of the hole arter the eruption and cover the ash with seeds that flew in wouldn't grow. Links are inportant because if we didn't have them we would die because there would be no food. Like if the gopher didn't cover the ground with dirt seeds that flew in wouldn't grow and animals that eat those plants would die and meat animals would die because there would be no food for them to eat