The Ultimate Hacker by: Sub-Thought ______________________________________________________________________________ The underground computer scene, as it has become to be known, is filled with a mix of many people. Younger users usually like trading illegal software (couriering) or drawing ansi pictures to gain fame and prestige. This is only regarded as child's play to the core of the computer underground. Older users write zines or articles that concern a wide variety of topics, from drugs to the rights to bear arms. Then there is the super-user (coined after the largest access level on the internet.) The super-user is the heart of what is known as h/p/a/c or hacking, phreaking, anarchy, coding. Through all the waring younger users in the couriering (warez) scene, one can see the 'lame' attitude of these users. Warez pups only feed their egos to gain respect by the older users which never prevails. They backstab and constantly compete for the number one spot in the global warez scene. The user sinks into h/p/a/c or should I say the 'Ultimate Hacker.' The 'Ultimate Hacker' usually must break into a phone line and secure his position to properly hack into the more prestigious sites (government, military installations, etc...). Thus he does what is referred to as phreaking (tapping into the phone lines by any means illegally.) Even when the site is broken by the super-user (top level user access), he must make files and program utilities to automate and speed up his entry into the system. The programming of files is known as coding, making the super-user complete and in his quest for the open system. Although, as the adventures and conquests of the uebercracker (rooted word coined by a hacker under Nitzche philosophy) or 'Ultimate Hacker' continues, a sense of self-meaning and thine directive takes over. The nomad like behavior of the true hacker is in a state of anarchy. No one can control the 'Ultimate Hacker' or organize him. The 'Ultimate Hacker' has no ego to boost or word to spread. The only goal is, knowledge and the drug-like experience that rushes through the veins and adrenaline which feeds the body. A mentor of the electronic realm. Everyday is the last day and the 'Ultimate Hacker' pulls the strings of every system. Every word that dashes across the screen; access denied, bad password, permission denied. This is just seen as; hack me, try again, break into me now, try harder. The 'Ultimate Hacker' lives to the name and breaks the code. Nothing is sacred and all is lust. In the reality of life, we are all just counterparts and limited to our placement in society. Authority acts in a pseudo-caring way but remains ready to crush and wage war. The ignorant just pass us off as playing games and knowing nothing. Society sets the rules and punishes the abnormal. A hacker sees the computer as his eyes and the console as his actions. There are no limits to what he can do and the knowledge is limitless. Yet the authority ridicules us as being "criminals" and "irregardless thieves." The killing and corruption continues in authority and we are the ones who are at wrong. Knowledge is a powerful source and power tries to restrict knowledge.