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Well I guess you understand how great it fells to win an Olympic medal. And you probably wondering how all this started so me try to fill you in. The exact date if the first Olympics is not none, but it is believed to have happened in 776 BC, it was held in honor of the Greek god Zeus. The Olympics continued on until Romans banned it when the took over Greece. It was later revived in 1896 and has been continued on. The main difference is that the ancient Olympics were held for the gods of the Greeks and the modern Olympics is held for amateur athletes to show the athletic skills. The Olympics have been used many times for protest by a country. Like when the US did not attend the 1980 Olympics to protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. That was one the biggest boycott but several others have occurred to. So the Olympics are the celebration of sports. If I speak of names of Olympic greats then I would have to name every person who has ever competed so I will leave it at that. The Olympic future looks very bright with the 1996 summer game in Atlanta, Georgia. Also the games will return to the US in 2002 for the winter games in Utah. So I believe as long as there are sports, glory, pride, and the power to strive on there will always be an Olympic games. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"  ╨╧рб▒с>■  ■ _рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0░Ш▄$ H l Р┤╪ № D hМ                                (C:\MSOFFICE\WINWORD\TEMPLATE\NORMAL.DOT Have you ever accomplished anything really great? Do you remember how you felt? Did you feel almighty and ever powerful? Kind of like you could take over the world. Well this is one of the many sensations an athlete gets after winning a gold medal at t Mac Randall Mac Randall@╔з!╗@└дYЛ╖▐@╔з!╗[@Microsoft Word 6.01╨╧рб▒с>■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ▄еe3└ e╘ ╢▓▓▓▓╛┌ ц  h1$:::JJJJwyyy)в╘v╘JЩTэ)h▓ JJJJJhJ▓▓J$JJJJ▓J▓Jw·▓▓▓▓JwJ-J  EMBED Photoshop.Image.3 \s  Have you ever accomplished anything really great? Do you remember how you felt? Did you feel almighty and ever powerful? Kind of like you could take over the world. Well this is one of the many sensations an athlete gets after winning a gold medal at the Olympics. Can you imagine standing high in the air and tilting your neck so the gold metal can be placed around your neck. Wait, can you hear that there playing your nations anthem. Wow, look up towards the sky your flag is being raised above all the others. Your mind begins to wonder off as your anthem continues to play. You think about all the years of practice it took to get where you are right now. Well I guess you understand how great it fells to win an Olympic medal. And you probably wondering how all this started so me try to fill you in. The exact date if the first Olympics is not none, but it is believed to have happened in 776 BC, it was held in honor of the Greek god Zeus. The Olympics continued on until Romans banned it when the took over Greece. It was later revived in 1896 and has been continued on. The main difference is that the ancient Olympics were held for the gods of the Greeks and the modern Olympics is held for amateur athletes to show the athletic skills. The Olympics have been used many times for protest by a country. Like when the US did not attend the 1980 Olympics to protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. That was one the biggest boycott but several others have occurred to. So the Olympics are the celebration of sports. If I speak of names of Olympic greats then I would have to name every person who has ever competed so I will leave it at that. The Olympic future looks very bright with the 1996 summer game in Atlanta, Georgia. Also the games will return to the US in 2002 for the winter games in Utah. So I believe as long as there are sports, glory, pride, and the power to strive on there will always be an Olympic games. PAGE \# "'Page: '#' '"   #$' & ' ! 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