Hobbes Some of my ideas on government, sovereignty, and the power of the people are that the government should have absolute power. Absolute monarchy is one common example of this form of government. I believe that people should turn over rights in exchange for an orderly society. Quoting my book Leviathan I believe that "People are innately selfish and grasping, and that competition and dissension rather than cooperation, characterize human relations." I observed that "People are reluctant to alter their ways, because passion, not reason, governs their behavior." From these reasons I feel that an exchange of some rights for an orderly society would be needed to keep unity and safety within the society. My views of human nature are that "Life is nasty, brutish and short." I feel that the state will end the perpetual strife and provide security. Quoting Leviathan, "The state is merely a useful arrangement that permits individuals to exchange goods and services in a secure environment. I feel that the ruling authority in the state, the sovereign, must have supreme power or society will collapse and the anarchy of the state of nature will return." My opponent, Locke, feels that people have natural rights, and that they are born with these rights. He says the governments are instituted to protect these rights, but I feel that these people can't handle having these rights. If a leader is to lenient the people will take advantage. As Machiavelli said, "It's better to be feared than loved." Ancient Athens was a lenient society while Sparta on the other hand was strict and defeated Athens because of their military and stronger society. Lockes society will quickly fall apart because of the peoples lack of control on themselves while he is being so lenient.