College 100 Informational Interview As I walked up the lonely halls, beyond the big blue doors of Beatty Elementary School. I heard a loud bell. Suddenly hundreds of children came thrashing by me. Some tall, some short, but all of them had smiles knowing that they were on their home and tomorrow was the last thing on their minds. As I walked through a orange door I saw sweet Mrs. Georgia Haxton, a fourth grade elementary-teacher. There she stood by a small green chalkboard, preparing her daily schedule for each subject. Creativily she used valentine candy hearts to show the children how to categorize, count, and use them in a color graph. She greeted me with a big smile, and open arms, as if we were long lost friends. She asked me to take a tiny seat at the tiny table. As I sat, a cool breeze hit me, But there wasn't a window in sight. The air from the vent blew the hand made wind- socks that hung from the ceiling. The class room was clean, bright and full of colors. As she brought out pictures of her students our conversation began. We began to talk about her job duties, she explained how each teacher would take a turn at watching the children in the play yard. Which, originally I had thought that was one of the easiest parts of teaching. When I expressed that opinion, she laughed aloud, and said "That is where the children are most active, so they are more prone to get hurt or hurt each other. That's what I think is one of the worst parts of teaching- discipline." She continued to explain, "The best part of the job is often the hardest- the children. It all depends on their daily attitude. If your going to work with children the three top quality's are, knowledge of your work, compassion and empathy for your students. Although class could be fun, and playing with the children could be great, the stress level at times could be extremely high. Teachers have paper work, parents, students, and principals to think about on a daily bases. Becoming a teacher is no fun and games, after four years of college with your B.A. you continue your education for another year in teaching class." Mrs. Haxton worked in an office and put herself through school and completed another sixty units in special education. If it wasn't for her extra special ed. training, Mrs. Haxton feels she wouldn't have been hired when she first started teaching. Only three teachers were hired in her district and she was one of them. Now, she feels that since there are more students, and therefor a higher demand for teachers. The job outlook is very good for present and future. Originally the idea of being an elementary teacher sounded really appealing, But after learning that it was as much about socialization as education, I Began to lose my zeal for the Idea. I think that if I were to teach, it would be at college level. Where I could be more focused on the material at hand, and not have to worry if seat one is kicking seat two. In closing the whole experience was very educational. vid-kid