My name is John Di pippo and I'm 18 years old. I weight 153 pounds, and I'm about 6 foot. I have short brown hair, and my eye's are hazel. I see myself as an emotionally strong person. I usually never get worked up about things or overreact in most situations. I'm calm and mellow and don't let my worries get to me. One down side of me being like this is that it makes me lazy. I have a bad habit in just letting things go, and doing stuff the last minute or not doing it at all. Another one of my weaknesses is that I'm very shy around people I don't really know. I'm also quiet around people I don't know which makes me seem opposite of the way my personality really is. My sisters are the only real close family I have. My parents died when I was very young and my uncle was my legal guardian. I wasn't really close to aunt, uncle and cousins so I never felt comfortable. My sisters and I always felt like it was never our home and in a way it was true because it wasn't. When my sisters both turned 18 we moved out and got our own apartment. Most of the time we always got along, and I understood that I had to take of myself more then most kids would have to at my age. I learned to be a lot more responsible about many things. I lived with both of my sisters, Roseann and Stacy, for about 5 years, and Then stacey got married right after she graduated Iona. She now lives with her husband, Vinny, and has a daughter with another one on the way. To this day I still live with my older sister Roseann. I also have some aunts, uncles, and cousins that we still keep in touch with on birthdays and holidays. The schools I went to were, Jefferson Elemenatry School, Issac Young Middle School, and New Rochelle High School. It's hard to remember much from elementary school but what I do remember is when my parents died they left me back in 2nd grade. Other then that my elementary school days were okay from what I remember. I had a good amount of friends and usually stayed out of trouble. I still hang out with some people who I went to school with back then. My middle school days were good. I made a lot of new friends and did well in all my classes. My first year of middle school was when we moved out of my uncles house. I enjoyed the freedom which was more then most kids had. I had later curfews then most kids and never really had any pressure put on me about anything because my sisters had their own problems to worry about. My high school years were the best of all. I met so many new people and made a lot of really close friends. I had no curfew at all and did pretty much of what ever I pleased. I always had a lot of fun and made the most out of everything. I spent most of my free time with my friends. Especially when I was living with my uncle because I never liked being home. If I wasn't hanging out with my friends I would usually spent time alone. I used to play Nintendo a lot and other video games. I also liked collecting rocks. When I stared high school I got a girlfriend right away so she took up most of my free time. I've worked in three different places since I was about 14. First, a deli down the street from my house. I only worked about 15-20 hours a week and made $4 an hour. It was my first job so I learned responsibility and money management. Then my next job was in a country club that my sister had gotten for me. I worked in the pool snackbar and on the golf course. This was a full time summer job and I made $5.25 an hour. Then after the summer ended I worked as a bus boy their for a few months. I was making $6 an hour and would only work about 20 hours a week. This was my first on the books job so I mainly learned about how taxes work and getting pay checks. Now I work in a restaurant I first started out as a bus boy but now I'm a waiter. This was my first job where I had to work for tips. I make money depending on how busy it is. I work about 3-4 shifts a week which are about 6 hours each. I really learned a lot from working at the restaurant especially how to get along with different and older people. I never really had any role models. I would do what I wanted to do and it was and still is very hard to influence me. I only had a few major changes in my life. The biggest one was my parents dying but I was so young it didn't really effect me then. When I moved in and out of my uncles house. Then going from middle school to high school. The last major change is going to college. Myers Briggs Type was a INFP. I found this to be very true because my personality matched up to what all the letters meant. I learned There's really a way to determine what kind of personality you have. Also whats jobs I might be interested in based on my personality. Ten how to take a Myers Briggs test. My work type in The Self-Directed Search was ECR. The professions listed under my work were very broad. The only one that really interest me is a supervisor. I think I'm a good leader and would do well in such a field. I only grew up in a few aspects in the last four years. I did most of my growing up when I was younger especially in responsibility and money. The way I've grown in the last four years would have to be socially I learned about making friends and keeping them. The one value I always try to keep up is to have fun no matter what you do. I also try to be nice to others, honest, loyal, and responsible The philosophy I live by is that "You only live once" and to make the most out of everything you do. I never let any thing pass me by. I think the thing that makes me unique as a person is every thing I just wrote about. I felt really good to write my autobiography. It made me sad and happy. It made me remember things I wouldn't have if I didn't write it. Overall I think it was a very mentally healthy assignment that I've done in a while.