*--* Qmodem Scroll Back Dump File *--* L$DL$DL$DL$DL$DL$DL$DL$DL$DL$DL$DL$DL$D ####################################### $ $ # Call these mega-important boards: # D D # # L The Complete Giude to School Terror L # The Broadway Show [][][][][][] # $ by $ # 718-615-0580 [\/ tWOF \/] # D Thomas Covenanr and Xerox Zeke D # [/\ tCOS /\] # L L # Stronghold North [][][][][][] # $ $ # 612-588-7856 # D D # # L$DL$DL$DL$DL$DL$DL$DL$DL$DL$LD$DL$DL$D ####################################### Note: This opening banner is referenced to the drug LSD, and is not meant to rip off the Legion of Doom. Part I: Basic Theory of Terrorism ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This file and its contents are by no means meant for anyone other than the serious anarchist. By this we mean the person who has been going to school for at least half of his/her life and then realizing the true worthlessness of the American school system: i.e., the fact that it represses creativity, destroys imagination, and screws you up for the rest of your natural life. (Unless you are the type of person who ENJOYS the school ha what a laugh, in which case you should throw away this file and go jump off a high place.) The authors of this file have decided not to put in any sort of disclaimer, due to the fact that A) Disclaimers are of no use and will not help you in the least if you are really busted, and B) We don't really care if we are responsible or not for your actions. Far from it. As a matter of fact, we whole-heartedly reccommend them. Part II: The Golden Rule ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Actually, there are two golden rules to follow when terrorizing a school. One is that you must do unto others before they do you. Two is that, no matter what this file reccommends, you will never go wrong if you follow your heart and use your imagination. These two qualities will be of more use to you than any file could possibly be. With that said, let's get going. Part III: Beginning terrorism ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Your basic goal is to spread chaos and disorder throughout the entire school, but the best place to begin is in your own classroom. Here, you will find hall passes, absence excuse sheets, and many other things that the school uses to control you. Steal these and give them away. If you're mercenary, sell them. But do NOT use them yourself! It's very un-anarchistic to profit from this sort of thing. Your goal is to introduce a thing called FREEDOM, not to make your life easier like the bloated capitalist pigs who are controlling you... Changing grades is another thing. You can give that little freshman geek who sits next to you and gets all A's and sucks up to the faculty a big F. Watch him squirm. As before, don't give your self an A. Don't even change your owngrade! Everyone else's is fair play. Besides, that takes suspicion off of you... Now for more physical stuff. Krazy Glue has unlimited possibilities when it comes to school fun. You can glue the teachers' desk drawers shut, or if you're dexterous enough, glue her body to her chair. Also, glue things to the walls. We don't mean ordinary things here, we mean stuff like CHAIRS, TABLES and PEOPLE. (It's one way of mounting your trophies without ruining them.) Stretch fishing wire across the outside of a classroom door just before the end of sixth hour on a Friday, and watch the fireworks. Part IV: Getting Downright Nasty ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Coat the insides of peoples' underwear with NAIR hair remover. You will see quite a lot of uncomfortable faces. Get some snakebite antidote, making sure its the "harmless" kind. Drink it all down, walk into the principals' office, and puke your guts out all over him and his office. Apologize profusely. Buy a few family-size bottles of floor wax and empty them all over the halls.(Make sure to leave yourself a clear space to escape!) Open up the ceiling and stick dead animals inside. Open up someone's locker and put LIVE animals inside. For added effect, make sure they have eaten a while before. Part V: Bathroom Fun ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We were going to put this up there, but we decided that this subject needed a section of its own. Bathrooms are neat places. Hardly anyone ever uses them for their intended purpose. Girls use them to gossip, boys use them to smoke, and we're quite sure they've been used to masturbate on occasion. (Not that we are accusing either class.) Smoke bombs are fun to use. For a real treat, get the kind that smell like burning marijuana. Blow up a balloon, seal it, and flush it down a toilet. Bring about 50 boxes of JELL-O (tm) to school and fill the toilets with it. It takes about 30 minutes to solidify if its not stirred (and who's going to stir it? Not I...) Or, use the toilet without flushing it, and THEN add the JELL-O. Write your favorite phrases all over the walls. An oldie but goodie is: "FUCK THE WORLD! ANARCHY RULES!"Or advertise your favorite musical group. Coat the toilet seats with Vaseline or some equally greasy substance. Use any kind of bomb to explode the toilet. See g-files such as CHEMICAL CORNER and HOME DEMOLITIONS for details on the best compact bombs. Part VI: Definitely Not for Weaklings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Find some way to get into your school at night, and the world is your oyster! A friend of mine told me how her mother when she was going to high school, got hold of some pigs, painted the names of some obnoxious faculty members on their sides, and let them loose in the school to roam and play for the wJwkend. Those pigs did EVERYthing and then some. They got shit tracked all through the halls, they ate up a big shipment of cafeteria food, and in general had a high old time. Now THAT is what I call classic. Any animal will do as long as it is a very curious and large one. If you have the nerve, piss in your pants while giving an oral report or rehearsing for a play. Shave your head. Or better yet, shave someone else's head. Replace the American flag with one of your own devising. Use your imagination here. Pretend to sell oregano and aspirin with the name rubbed off at lunchtime in sight of a teacher. Pretend to have an epileptic fit. Get up on top of the school and keep warning them that you'll jump unless the letter "M" is stricken from the English language. Pretend to shoot up while being watched by some asshole faculty member. Ask to make a phone call from a teacher who has his/her own phone in the room. Phreak with a box that is easily traced and tip off Ma Bell. If Ma doesn't believe it's a teacher, tell her it's " " (put in the name of some geek you despise.) Part VI: In Conclusion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Watch for PART II of the Complete Guide coming soon. Don't take any wooden nickels. Practice what you preach. Pass this file around and encourage your friends to do the same. Give me all your money. --------------------------------------- Don't forget to call the STRONGHOLD EAST ELITE at 516-549-0268: LOGIN: SUPERSCAM --------------------------------------- (c) 1985 A Three Sheets to the Wind Production