PPPPPPP EEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEE LL LL P P E E LL LL P P E E LL LL PPPPPPP EEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEE LL LL P E E LL LL P E E LL LL P E E LLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLL P EEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEE LLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLL Raising hell in ya h00d Recently my phriends and I snuck out. Here is what we did: First we walked around. We walked to the gas station. Here we bought 7 44 oz. fountion pops. It cost like a penny an oz.. Then we walked some more (this sounds lame). We saw a small truck with it's windows down. There we opened one of our 7 sodas. We just took off that little lid and poured it in. I would hate to be that S.0.B.. In our h00d (because rich people live there) there are those huge trampolines. 5 of those things on one street. We ran around and tipped them over. Hahahahahahaha heheh!!! With great luck we found a house window open. We didn't bother taking tha lids off our Mountain Dews, we just threw them in. Hahaha!!! They landed on a leather chair. 5 pops left. Well, let me put it this way, 2 more houses and 3 more cars. So we were out of pop. That sucked. We found those damn trees from Earth Day. They were still small. Now they are half as tall. Broke them all. We saw a school. Ideas. Since we did drink some of those sodas, we had to go. We pissed all over those slides, and took a shit in those big yellow tubes. Then we saw something. It was a toy that made kids think they were panning for gold. A little pump moved water though a throft. We tried to break it. That didn't work. So we found were the plumbing is. It was a wooden box with a lock on it. Since it was late we decided instead of breaking or picking tha lock we just took out of screw drivers [out of our terror kit e.g. screw drivers, allen keys, knives, firecrackers, wrenchs, wire cutters, (it's a weekend thing)] and unscrewed the hinges. We found a large rock and moved it near. We lifted tha lid, dropped in a smoking M-80, closed tha lid, put tha rock on top and ran! That rock flew!!! When it is enclosed like that an M-80=1 1/4 sticks of TNT!!! Lights went on and we jetted!!! We went back tha next day to see what we did. We had totally twisted tha pluming. Water was leaking. Tha box wasn't there. I was looking up a lot to see if that rock was still up in tha air. Well, back to tha story. After we blew that up, we went home to warm up. We made some bridgers. Bridgers are small bombs that can get powerful, but usally just make noise. We made one, because my phriends are fools and thought they would kill us. They are lamerz. Bridgers don't have enough power to kill us. I decided to cause some KaoS and dropped it on tha floor. They drove onto tha ground and I thought they would pray. Back to my story. We threw it off a bridge onto tha highway. BANG!!! Loud as hell. Sparks flew and it lighted up tha sky. We ran like hell to get away. My phriends and I went down to see what happened. A TWO INCH HOLE had happened. Two inches wide and about 1/2 deep. We could not find tha bolts. Then tha cops drove by. Thank God their are deep weeds next to highways. We hid in there. They left and we ran. One tha way home we found a street light. We unscrewed the metal casing and cut tha wires. Armed with 4 bridgers, 2 poles (3 feet long each), and two poles of packing tape, we left tha house again. First we threw tha bridgers, all at once, now that is loud!!! Then we went to an intersection with no lights. We stuck tha poles in tha ground and ran tha tape (facing out so it will stck to a car) around them. We all hid (trees, bushes, etc.) and waited. It was comedy when a car went threw it and stopped. It was a kewl little sport coupe. The guy swore and ripped it off. He took some of tha paint with him. After that we settled down...NOT!!! We stile had a role of tape. We went to one of our teachers house. It was 3 in tha morning and tha lights we off. Her doors swing outward, so we put tha tape on tha corner or tha house and ran around it a few times. Hahahahahaha!!! I wish I was there when she tried to get out. Then we settled down...sorta. _--=PeEll=--_ and phriends!!!