HOW TO HACK STAMPS This article will show , in easy to understand terms, how to remove the cancellation mark from a used postal stamp. This method has been proven to be about 80% effective on all stamps that I could get my hands on. The 20% that did not work were composed of stamps that were taken off of large or irregular shaped packages. I suppose the manual cancellation devices use a different ink. 80% is not that bad though, you can still save mucho dinero and even the lives of some trees. Here is how it is done: STEP 1. Obtain the following materials: 1 bottle of Isopropyl Alcohol (rubbing). 1 bunch of used stamps. 1 Medium sized glass of room temp water. 1 Telephone book (These always come in handy) STEP 2. Remove the stamps from the envelope by tearing around the stamp, thus removing the stamp and the paper. STEP 3. Let the stamp(s) soak in the glass of water until they float off of the paper. This usually takes at least 5 minutes. STEP 4. Blot wet stamps dry in a telephone book. Do this by placing the stamps between some pages and pressing lightly so the stamps are fust about damp. Next remove the stamps. STEP 5. Soak stamps in the alcohol for 3 hours or until the cancellation mark vanishes. It helps a bit to agitate the alcohol about every 45 minutes or so. Be sure to change the alcohol when it starts to get dark. If you do not, the dissolved ink will start to turn the white parts of the stamps black. STEP 6. Pull out clean stamps and repeat step 4. STEP 7. Now repeat step 4 AGAIN in a dry section of the phone book and leave the stamps in until they are dry. A good time period for that is overnight. STEP 8. Remove and use stamps to your content. The best way to fasten the stamps to an envelope is to glue them on with white glue. *NOTE: THIS IS FOR INPHORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY (HEHE) IF YOU USE THIS IDEA IT WOULD BE MAIL FRAUD (OH NO!)