>>>> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE <<<< >>>> RE: SHARE THE MAGIC <<<< >>>> 09/05/93 <<<< >>>> CRS <<<< Just a few days ago, an associate, whose judgement I have come to trust, showed me some information and told me to take a look at it. My first re- action was, "Get real! This is just another scam!" and I almost threw it away...then I took a closer look and did some research - including talking directly to the creators of the program (who, by the way, are well known in the marketing industry and have an impeccable reputation for integrity). What I discovered was truly amazing! This system took months to create and each facet was carefully analyzed by some of the best legal minds in the entire Network marketing and Mail Order industries to make it 100% LEGITIMATE and ABOVE REPROACH! The end result is truly a masterpiece! A system which will allow you to generate an ENORMOUS amount of TAX-FREE CASH within an incredibly short period of time! Even though this system is brand new, it is so powerful and exciting, that people from all over the United States and around the world are eagerly getting involved! I keep calling it a "system" because this is not a busi- ness in the traditional sense of the word. There are no products to sell or stock, no sales to be made...and this is absolutely NOT MLM!! ALL YOU NEED TO DO TO RECEIVE OVER $263,000 TAX-FREE IN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS IS SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH OTHERS! That's right! You don't have to try to "sell" anyone on this system, be- cause IT SELLS ITSELF!! If someone you show this to isn't interested, that means they are only dreamers, not doers - so...don't waste your time on them. (Let's face it: If they aren't interested in a foolproof way of gener- ating over ONE QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS, TAX-FREE within just a few months, then they probably aren't interested in much of anything!) This incredible system is called SHARE THE MAGIC, created by Success Systems International...and even though it isn't really "magic", the elaborate and exclusive computer software which runs the entire program, as well as the ingenuity, integrity and dedication of the staff at the headquarters (who are readily available to help YOU succeed), make the entire Share the Magic program probably the closest thing to real magic you'll EVER find! The main reason most people fail in starting a new business, is that it usually takes a long time before they start making any money. They soon realize that they are spending far more than they are making, and they get discouraged and quit...NOT SO with "Share the Magic"! Not only is your initial out-of-pocket cost very low with "Share the Magic", but you will also recover it within a few days - and be in profit within a couple of weeks! This unheard-of speed in generating income is one of the key elements that make "Share the Magic" so exciting! With "Share the Magic", you will be making more in a few weeks than the most successful MLM professionals are able to make in several months to even a few years of constant, dedicated effort! (We're talking 6 digit monthly income: $100,000+ the first month, and $162,000 the second month, starting with practically ZERO! And you can repeat the process as often as you like!!) Another major problem which people participating in nearly any form of network marketing encounter is: The success of the marketer depends largely on the success of his or her "downline". As we all know, most people who undertake a new experience, fail to follow-through on it...therefore, the person who is actively recruiting new participants, must constantly recruit more in order to succeed! If your recruits aren't successful, then you won't be, either! But, in "Share the Magic", your success depends on YOUR actions, not on the actions of others!! Since this isn't MLM, if your recruits aren't particu- larily active, you will still succeed!! At last, you will finally enjoy the financial freedom you've been seeking! And you will also enjoy an even greater reward: the opportunity to truly help others do the same! Success Systems International brought together the best business and legal minds to create and implement this program. Having never been seriously interested in any similar program, I am VERY excited about "Share the Magic", and believe that it will make history in creating MILLIONAIRES! All the details are in place. The vision is simple and refreshing. If you, too, have this foresight and vision, call me at 415-255-9063 (8am - 8pm) and leave your name and address. Or, if you prefer, write me at the following address: CRS 2261 Market Street Suite 246 San Francisco, CA 94114-1693 I'll rush you your FREE packet of registration materials and more specific information on "Share the Magic". If your future seems cloudy or just stagnant, here's a way to jump-start your life MAGICALLY! Join TODAY! It can't hurt to take a look...it's my dime and I want to show you how easy this method is to implement...give it a chance; you won't regret it!