ÍÁÄ! ÐÒÅÓÅÎÔÓ... ÇETTING ÅVEN ÐART #9 ÔHE INFORMATION PRESENTED IN THE FOLLOWING FILE IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. ÉT IS NOT FOR CHILDREN OR THE MENTALLY UNBALANCED. ÔHE AUTHORS OF THIS FILE TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY OF ITS CONTENTS. ÔHE AUTHORS ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY ILLEGAL USE OR MISUSE FOR THIS FILE. ÔHE FOLLOWING WAS TAKEN FROM ÇÅÔÔÉÎÇ ÅÖÅÎ THE SUBBOARD ON ÐIRATES ÃORNER ÍAIN 313-386-4698 ÌÏÃËÅÒÓ BY ÅAGLEHAWK Çot someone at school ya don't like? Ìocker partner ya hate? ×ell try this one on em-Take a medium sized bag, preferably thin plastic, and fill it with what- ever you feel is appropriate (flour, fake barf, ping-pong balls). Using strong tape, secure it to a shelf or wall in his locker, so that it is in reach of the door. Put a coating of good glue on the end, so that it sticks to the door when shut. When the mark opens the door, RIP, POUR!! Ùour mark is now coated with (barf,flour, ping pong balls) undesirable garbage. ÅAGLEHAWK IS Asst. Principal at PC High (4) 313-388-6657 24Hrs. Ôhe Äestroying Äisk By ÊAMES ËELLER Á more safer way to destroy a enemy'S disk drive Head is to do this:go out to your local hardware store and purchase a coarse grinding wheel go and put that in a disk jacket (the black plastic one) and scrape away the grit where he could see it. then take some black paint and paint those parts then through a friend of a friend or just mail it to him (the disk) and tell him that it is a new disk drive cleaner! it will grind his head to wHERE there is no head. ×e did this to a problem user (leech) in our user group and we have not seen him since.. ÊAMES ËELLER IS SYSOP OF Ôhe Ãounsel ÂÂÓ 313-477-0836 ÓÁÎÄÂÌÁÓÔÉÎÇ By ÓTARSCREAM Èey Dudes, ×ant to get back at someone who is fucking with you, well do this, go to the store and buy some EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK and find you marks car or something else of great importance and pour the stuff all over it and if it gets a chance to dry, lets put it this way nothing short of SANDBLASTING will remove it.... Ánother thing, if you get a chance try to open your masaks car and pour the condensed milk under his seat making sure its not noticable and after about a week it will start to fermentate and give out a smell worse than a rotting corpse. the smell lasts for about a month and its a pain in the ass to clean up..... ÂÉÇ ÆÉÓÈ By ÓTARSCREAM Ôry this for fun, if your friend or mark has a salt water aquarium, drop a copper pennie into the tank, and within a couple of days, all those expensive fish will belly up..... More Stuff By ÓORCERERS ÁPPRENTICE Á friend and I did this this past summer and it was hilarious:If there is a park near you with a pool and you have access to a lAke or something where you can fish, catch some fish (preferably SheepheaD cause no one likes 'em anyway) and throw 'em in the pool. Do this in the evening and by morning they'll be dead, and the lifeguards will have fun cleaning up dead fish. Not to mention the pool smells like shit so they have to close it for the day and clean it out! Álso here's something I did in school last year to one of my teachers:He was a coffeeholic (coffee all the time) and was grading papers as we lefT class. He'd just given me a bad grade on an essay so I was pissed. Ás I walked by, I "accidentally" knocked his coffee (full cup) all over his grade book! It smeared all the ink and he tried to salvage it but he couldn't. I apologized over and over and I didn't get in any trouble, but our grades were all wrecked, and the teacher was so mad about it he looked like he was gonna cry! Álso, here's one courtesy of The Iron Soldier, Dr. Dove, 2600 Club and Phrack INC. Ãall up the business office from a pay fone. Say "Hello, I'd like to order a phone book for Upper Volta (or any other out-of-the-way place with direct dialing). This is Whoever, ship to 111 Anywhere, Anywhere, USA 99999. Yes I understand it will cost $xx($25-$75!!). Thank you. Guess what happens now? Another By ÓORCERERS ÁPPRENTICE Óome more courtesy of The Iron Soldier Dr. Dove, 2600 Club, and Phrack INC. Ãall up a PBX and get an outside line (if you don't know what a PBX is, forget it). Dial 0+ the number desired to call (preferably a recording of some kind out of state) and say "I'd like to charge this to my home phone at xxx-xxx-xxxx. Thank you. The Iron Soldier and Dr. Dove said they did that to some loozer and left the phone off the hook all night. They calculated that it cost him $168! Call up the business office from a pay phone. Say you'd like to order call waiting, forwarding, 3-way, etc. Once again use the name and number of some loozer. They'll get charged the surcharge for it, and wonder what those beeps are when they're talkin to someone (call waiting). It's really funny if they only have one line and that's the one he uses to call out on his modem. Do the same as above, but say you'd like to have your number changed and non-published. Then when someone calls his line they'll get:"DEW DEW DEW. The number you have reached, xxx-xxxx, has been changed to a non-published number..." Ôhis requires an accomplice or two. Around Christmas time go to Toys R Us. Get everyone at the customer service or manager's desk away (Hey, could you help me?) then got on theiR phone and dial (usually 9 first) the business office again. So you'reALLY calling from Toys R Us and you'd like to have your calls forwarded to xxx-xxxx. They'll get 200-600 calls a day! ÁDDITION By ÍÁÄ ÍÁØ ÂettER yet, call from Toys Ò Us, and yet from HOME. Here is the Local Toys R Us PBX. 313-259-1334 The code is 1234 an of course 9. ÍORE ADDITIONS By ÓORCERERS ÁPPRENTICE If you want to do something in the last two posts, you'll probably need the number to the business office. For 313 area code, it's either 800-443-2082 or 456-9800. If you're at a payphone, call 456-9800 collect because they have to accept. car phone revenge By JAMES KELLER every time someone calls a car phone, the owner of that car is charged 0.35 a minute (35 cents). set your computer or auto dialer to keep calling the car phone. even after midnight when he is in bed or in the early morning. every time he answers it will cost him 35 cents ÔROUBLE BY ÔHE ÃOMMODORE ËID *ÍÁÄ!** ÈERE IS A GOOD WAY TO GET A FEMALE mark in trouble. ÆOR instance if your her brother, you could tell her parents you heard her say shes PREGNANT. This would work great on Roman Cathlics. You could also pretend to be her boyfriend and call up her parent while shes away to tell them. Or send her a post card saying, 'I will pay for your child,(OR ABORTION)' or something to that effect. This would also work great to make a husband think you got her pregnant instead of him. ÓPORTS ÔRICK By ÐIRATE ÐETE **ÍÁÄ!** É was talking with Âroadway ÈACKER and he reminded me of a stunt that a few friends of mine pulled on another friend. É'm sure this has seen variations galore, but anyway What they did was, during track season, they put a good amount of "Icy Hot" in one kid's jock. He didn't really notice 'til they were out running, and by the time he got back, it was starting to bother him a little. So he went into the showers to try to wash it off. Îow if you read the label, it tells you to dilute the stuff with water to make it really hot. He came running out of that shower screaming his brains off and running around the locker room. I have to admit that was a blast. Îot only that, but "Icy Hot" doesn't smell, unlike Ben-Gay, so you can get them before they know it. (ÓOME FRIEND YOU ARE ÐETE) ÏÆÆÉÃÅ ÄÏÏÒÓ By ÔHE ÃOMMODORE ËID **ÍÁÄ!** Âuy a long nontapered punch at the hardware section of a department store or regular hardware shop. Árrive early at your office, school, ect, and use the punch to remove the pins the hold the two or three hinges to the inner office, school, police station!, ect. dorrs. The doors will open and close a couple of times, then fall loudly to the ground. People panic, scream, faint, and have seizures. ÄEMENTED By ÐIRATE ÐETE **ÍÁÄ!** Á friend of mine has been pulling this one on campus. Ço into the bathroom, and find the stupid plastic soap dispensers they use. Look where the soap comes out by the lever. You'll be a little button or switch. Use it to open the thing up, and inside (at least where I go to school) is this little plastic bag filled with the soap shit, and a little rubber dick-like thing that squirts the stuff out. Ùou can set up all sorts of tricks with this thing, but he just takes them and puts them in the milk machines, inside the trap door. Ét's funnier than hell watching someone go to grab a milk and pull that thing out, especially when it's cold. ÎURSES By ÔHE ÃOMMODORE ËID **ÍÁÄ!** Åveryone has a problem with a crabby nurse. Mark Lochte was required as part of his major to pass a physical examination. He secreted a small can of apple juice in his pocket first though. ×hen they got to the urinalysis part of the test, he was ready. Èe went into the room, and poured the cup half full of apple juice. Èe brought this out with a sheepish grin. She snapped at him 'I said fill it.' He shrugged, took the cup, and drank the apple juice, then headed for the bathroom. The nurse nearly fainted. ÅÎÄ ÏÆ ÆÉÌÅ ÔYPED BY... ÔHE ÃOMMODORE ËID ÔHE ÍÁÄ! BULLPEN... ÍÁÄ! ÄÅÔÒÏÉÔ (ÃOVERING THE ENTIRE ÅAST ÃOAST)-ÔHE ÃOMMODORE ËID, ÔHE ÅXORCIST, ÍR. Ø, ÑÖÉ, ÄEATH-ÓTALKER, ÔHE ÄEFENDER, ÖULCON, ÇÉ-ÊÏÅ, ÃINDY, ÐIRATE ÐETE, ÂLACKBIRD. ÍÁÄ! Ì.Á. (ÃOVERING THE ×EST ÃOAST)-ÐHONE ÂANDIT, ÌUCKKY ÓTARR, ÆILTHY ÍCÎASTY, ÍR. Ù, ÂÏÂ 213. ÍÁÄ! ÃÈÉÃÁÇÏ (ÅVERYTHING IN BETWEEN)-ÔHE ÇREMLIN, ÄURKHEIM, ÈARD ÈAT ÍACK, 007. ÍÁÄ! ÔÏÒÏÎÔÏ (ÃÁÎÁÄÁ) ÍÒ. Ã0ÓÍÏÓ, ÄIEHARD THE ÈUNTER, 8 ÂÁÌÌ, Í, ÓTRIKE (Ã) 1985 Í!ÕÐÎ (ÍÁÄ! ÕÎÄÅÒÇÒÏÕÎÄ ÐÕÂÌÉÃÁÔÉÏÎÓ ÏÆ ÎÏÒÔÈ ÁÍÅÒÉÃÁ) ÄISTRIBUTED IN THE ÕNITED ÓTATES BY ÍÁÄ! ÕÎÄÅÒÇÒÏÕÎÄ ÐÕÂÌÉÃÁÔÉÏÎÓ ÏÆ ÎÏÒÔÈ ÁÍÅÒÉÃÁ. ÄISTRIBUTED IN ÃANADA BY ÍÁÄ! ÔÏÒÏÎÔÏ, ÌÔÄ. ÍÁÄ! IS A GROUP OF WRITERS DEVOTED TO Ç-FILES, AND IS A MEMBER OF Ç-FILES ÕÓÁ. ÉF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS CONTACT ÍÁÄ! ÄÅÔÒÏÉÔ AT ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING BOARDS... ÐIRATES ÃORNER ÍAIN 313-386-4698, ÅLECTRONIC ÕNDERWORLD 313-278-9629, ÔHE ÃRYSTILLINE ÃAVERNS ][ 313-291-6005, ? 4 313-381-1880 ÔELL THEM ÍÁÄ! SENT YA. 12/27/85