*************************** *************************** *** WaterProof Co2 Bomb *** *************************** *************************** Written by: BlackOut Materials: 1 Empty Co2 cartridge 1 Cannon fuse Teflon tape Gun Powder (I recommend musket powder) Spare time Well first of all, if you happen to blow off your fucken hand, your are A FUCKIN LAME Piece of SHIT. Get an empty Co2 cartridge and make a hole on the top. Drill it, get a nail and hammer, just make a hole. Fill the Co2 container about 75%. Don't fill it up all the way or the powder won't burn all. Tap it at the bottom so the powder is packed. Now get the fuse and wrap it up with teflon tape. Wrap it all up and make it thick in the middle: | *|* **|** *|* | Stick the fuse in and now tape the Co2 cartridge up with teflon tape around top where you have stuck the fuse. Now try lighting it, and drop it into a pool. KABOOM!!!!!!! The ground shakes. The WATER goes up. Throw it into a pond. Have fun. The finish product should looks like this: | _*|*_ |*|*| | | | / \ I suck at drawing... | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____|