SMALL SCALE ANARCHY by WiREhEAD & DR.STOOPID This phile is real cool for everyone! if you like to blow stuff up this here is for you!if you blow off your hands makin' one of these i assume no responsi bility. in fact i will personally laugh in your face.heheheheheheheh! P.S. I, in no way, condone nor encourage the practice of any illegal activities whatsoever. ANYONE FOR TENNIS! ingredients: 1 tennis ball 1-3 boxes of STRIKE ANYWHERE matches duct-tape something sharp To begin, take the tennis ball and use your sharp instrument to gouge a long slit that is about 1 inch long. Now comes the tedious part, take the matches and cut off the wood part, leaving only the match heads. Proceed to pack the matchheads into the tennis ball(VERY CAREFULLY) until you can't pack anymore in. Rap it with duct tape. The tighter the tape and the more layers the bigger the explosion. A variation to this method is that instead of making a cut you can put a small hole in the ball then fill wit the matches. If you use this method you do not need any duct tape, however the explosion will be much smaller. Both ways work great, but I prefer the duct tape method because it creates a nice earthquake effect. Now comes the time to reap the benefits of your work. Call a couple of friends (perhaps even 1 with a car!) and tell your mom you're going to the bowling alley or something, and go cruising for a good target. When one is found, throw the ball at 'em. A good arc works best considering it explodes on impact. Have phun! SODIUM IS YOUR phRIEND If, by any chance, you can get your hands on some pure sodium (no, not salt) you can have a hell of a lot of phun. Pure sodium comes in rectangular cubes about the size of a long slab of butter. Your best bet on gettin some is through a catalog or somethin'. The kewl thing about it is that if you add a drop of water to a small amount of the sodium it creates instantly, a small phlame. You can crush the sodium into a powder in your hand (wear gloves whenever youtouch it)and huck it at anything wet. This can be a great diversion for getaways or just plain phun! My phavorite is to throw a bunch at someone when they get out from the pool! Other ideas are to spread it evenly on your phriends lawns at night when they are covered with dew or put it in a pool. WARNING!!! Make sure your hands are dry when you handle it. This has been a -=DEPhiLERS=- PRESENTATION... in cooperation with THE HATEMONGERS! written by WiREhEAD