Here are sveral ways to go about unprotecting programs that he programmer has had the audacity to actually try to protect!! Part 1 : Fun with int3 Part 2 : Fun with int8 Part 3 : The Prefetch Part_I : Fun with int3 Int three is the debugger breakpoint. Every time a debugger breaks while tracing through a chunk of code, it will call int3. Int3 is called after every instruction is executed in trace mode, and after a breakpoint is reached. Note that protected mode debuggers do not execute int3 in trace mode, but they will break when int3 is called from your code. You can use this to your advantage. Simply install a new handler for int3 and it will execute instead of the debugger if a thief tries to trace through your program. start: mov ax, 2503h mov dx, offset int_start int 21h ; put in the new handler at ds:dx ... ; rest of real code here int 20h text db 'Smoke Mah Ass!$' int_start: mov ah, 9 mov dx, offset text int 21h int 20h As soon as the first int21 call in this program is made, the code at int_start will execute if it is being traced in a debugger. Otherwise, the int call will be ignored and your normal code will execute. The program can do whatever you want if a debugger is found. For example, you can format the hard drive or display a message. The possabilities are endless. By the way, it might be wise to restore the old interrupt handler before you exit the program, because it is bad programming practice to leave interrupts pointed into non-allocated memory. compatability:(works against all debuggers marked with an X) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debug Turbo Debug Turbo Debug 386 Soft-Ice X X ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part_II: Fun with int8 The next segment will show you how to make a program nearly impossable to trace. The concept is simple. All you need to do is place the main body ofyour program into an int8 handler. Int8 is the timer interrupt, and it is called 18.2 times a second. Debuggers do not execute int8, so whatever you put there will only go when it is run from dos. The only drawback to this is a short delay before the main program is executed. It will probably go unnoticed, in most cases. Here is some code: thyroid:mov ax, 3508h int 21h ; get int8 handler mov word ptr [int_store], bx ; store it mov word ptr [int_store+2], es mov dx, offset prog_start mov ah, 25h int 21h ; install new int8 handler yip: cmp flaag, 1 jne yip ; wait for int8 to be called ; int8 must set the flaag to 1 push bx pop dx ; restore push es ; old pop ds ; int8 int 21h ; handler int 20h flaag db 0 int_store dd ? prog_start: _main_program proc far ; save all the necessary registers here ; ... your code mov flaag, 1 ; restore the registers jmp dword ptr [offset int_store] ; chain to real int8 handler _main_program endp This code is quite useful in that if some guy tries to trace through it, he will be stuck forever in the 'yip' loop. The main code will never be executed. If he tries to get out of the loop by 'executing to' the next instruction, he will end up running the entire program. No debugger I know of can trace through this, because int8 is not called from within the debugger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debug Turbo Debug Turbo Debug 386 Soft-Ice X X X X ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part_III: The Prefetch My favorite way to confuse debuggers is to mess with the prefetch queue. All intel processors have a small queue where the next instructions to be executed are stored. In this way, the CPU does not have to waste clock cycles by fetching the next instruction, except in the cases of branching instructions such as jmps and calls. The next chunk of code makes use of this: eapple: mov ah, 9 mov word ptr [offset ear_lobe-2], offset sukk_debug mov dx, offset text ear_lobe: int 21h int 20h text db 'Whee!$' sukk_debug db 0Ah, 0Dh, 09h, 'Suck Me!', 07h, 0Ah, 0Dh, '$' All this program does is print out a text string. If it is run from dos, it will print out 'Whee!'. If it is traced through by any debugger, however, it will print 'Suck Me!', and beep the PC speaker (07h is ctrl-g). Let me explain how this works. When any chunk of code is executed by dos, the first few bytes are sent into the prefetch queue. The actual number of bytes depends on the model of intel chip, and what year it was made in. My computer is a 386DX-20 (early model), which has a 16 byte prefetch. Be sure to check your code on several machines to insure compatability. When the second instruction is reached, it places the offset of sukk_debug into the next instruction. That is, the next instruction becomes 'mov dx, offset sukk_debug', rather than 'mov dx, offset text'. The system memory will be changed, but the prefetch will not, therefore only a debugger will respond to the new code. Dos will execute it as if the instruction had never changed, because the instruction will already have been loaded into the prefetch. This theory can be used, with a little modification, in order to branch to various subroutines, rather than just printing out different text. One interesting application of this is to use the prefetch area to store registers. This way, a person debugging your code can not simply nop it out, because it will be referred to later on. In fact, you can even put the stack on the prefetch. Try to debug through the following fragment, and watch what happens: nee: mov ax, 4Ch mov dx, offset text mov sp, offset fin_rot push ax mov ah, 9 fin_rot:int 21h pop ax int 21h text: db 'Duck is proud of her feet. They can catch things.$' If you run it through debug, the entire program will be corrupted as soon as you move the stack pointer. This is because the debug code uses the stack and expects it to be in a safe location. If you run it through soft ice, the code will be corrupted as soon as you push ax. The stack area will be overwritten when int21 is executed, because the interrupt uses the stack. However, in this example, the instruction pointer will already be beyond this area, so the program will execute normally. Remember not to place the stack past any calls, because then the prefetch would have to be reloaded after the main program was returned to, and the instructions that were there before will be gone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debug Turbo Debug Turbo Debug 386 Soft-Ice X X X X -------------------------------------------------------------------------                       Remember: Unprotected code is public domain!                       [] The Underground cell is Looking for U.S. Distro Sites for our [] [] Unique Brand of Hacking and Virus Files.Contact One of [] [] The fine Boards that Carry our Symbol of Danger. [] Written by: Keeper of Souls - Member