K I W I R E P O R T 0 0 1 [Keeping Individuals Well Informed] BEGIN TRANSMISSION ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The following is the WORLD ORDER MODELS PROJECT (WOMP). The following bureaucratic apparatus for world government has been designed by the Rockefeller/Carnegie-funded WOMP. This "central guidance system", as outlined by WOMP director Richard Falk in "A Study of Future Worlds" (1975), is designed to administer GLOBAL SOCIALISM. It includes a global police authority slated to control all nuclear and conventional weapons. The WORLD GOVERNMENT, now growing steadily upon the framework of the United Nations, will require millions of authorities to maintain effective control and surveillance of several billion global citizens. Americans presently have ZERO electoral control over the thousands of appointed United Nations bureaucrats who already administer decisions affecting the U.S. both economically and militarily. As the world authority gains ever more power, global citizens will continue to have little or no electoral control of the elitists who dictate world policy. Here is a skeletal outline of the world governing authority as envisioned by WOMP master planners: A. WORLD ASSEMBLY: This is the principal policy-making (legislative) body comprised of three chambers: Assembly of Governments, Assembly of Peoples and Assembly of Organizations and Associations. This body will "set world standards" and render "binding decisions". B. COUNCIL OF PRINCIPALS: This is the chief administrative body designed to implement and enforce directives of the World Assembly. The Council will be comprised of a Secretary-General and twenty-one other officials chosen from the three chambers of the Assembly. C. WORLD IMPLEMENTING BOARD: This nest of overseers will link the World Assembly and the Council to the following: 1. WORLD SECURITY SYSTEM: This is a massive, tripartite bureaucracy charged with disarmament of all nations (World Disarmament Service); the maintenance of global "peace" through a global military force (World Security Forces); and settlement of disputes (World Grievance System). 2. WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM: This network will coordinate a computerized global socialist economy. It will enable the Cartel to centralize control of all major components of global wealth including natural resources, trade and labor. (a) WORLD ECONOMIC PLANNING AND EQUITY COUNCIL: This department will maintain a global network of authorities who will "equalize" the economic status of the masses. It will ensure full employment for global citizens who may be shifted from place to place to fulfill their employment "duties". (b) WORLD TRADE SYSTEM: Directors will supervise all business and commerce, and shape global trade through "redistributive and equalizing objectives". Officials will impose duties on transfer of goods which, in Richard Falk's words, "embellish life with ornaments of super-affluence". (c) WORLD MONETARY AND TAX POLICY COUNCIL: Directors will regulate the "single paper currency" used in world trade and they will administer a global taxation program. (d) WORLD TECHNOLOGY BOARD: Officials will maintain "continuous scrutiny of all human activity" in order to assess environmental consequences. (e) WORLD DEVELOPMENT OFFICE: Officers will coordinate socialist redistribution of wealth and global economic leveling. 3. WORLD SYSTEM FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: This apparatus is designed to supervise the "development of man". According to Falk, world order bureaucrats will reshape, restrict or prohibit policies which do not reflect the Cartel's approved (Humanist) world view. The raw power to be exercised by this authority can be assessed from Falk's didactic statement: "However, we do take a position of generalized opposition to 'fashion' and 'advertising' which encourage waste of resources and shallow horizons of personal aspiration." (a) WORLD FORUM OF LONG RANGE PLANNING FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: Directors will manage the "human welfare" of global citizens and coordinate "town meetings" on a global scale to deal with all facts of mental health and human development. This authority will also coordinate world order propaganda for satellite television. (b) WORLD FORUM FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: This network will insure that environmental factors "facilitate the development of personality and character along WOMP lines" so that all global citizens will be sure to share a uniform (socialist) world view. (c) WORLD COMMISSION AND COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS: These officials, selected by the Secretary-General, will render decisions regarding "abuse of human rights" in order to advance WOMP's commitment to what Falk calls "pursuit of racial, sexual, religious, and economic equality". 4. WORLD SYSTEM FOR ECOLOGICAL BALANCE: Officials will deal with issues of pollution and they will operate a surveillance network designed to "facilitate greater understanding of the facts, risks and choices facing the control centers of the preferred world". Bureaucrats will specialize in "identifying areas of consensus" and concentrate on "strategies to mitigate dissent". (That, friends, means to terminate any dissenters!)