Questions & Answers ------------------- Below are a few questions that we have been frequently asked, and we would like to provide you with the answers in the event you have the same questions. Q: Do I need any special hardware or software to access your service? A: NO, all you need is a computer, modem and UUCP mail tossing software. Q: Is this a commercial service? A: Yes, Global Connect is dedicated to providing the Internet to BBS operators, companies and the general public. We are staffed with knowledgable and helpful employees and are available for support 7 days a week. Q: Why would I want to use your's and not someone else's service? A: Unlike most Commercial Internet providers, we we're once sysops too. We know it can be hard to keep up with the demand of users, and can certainly get costly. This is why we decided to offer sysops a commercial connection at a price that won't kill them, unlike others who don't care who you are, they just want your money. We are the lowest priced commercial provider in the country for what we offer! Q: Do I have to pay an hourly connect fee? A: NO, and we don't limit your time, or how many times you call. We leave that up to you. Q: DO I have to pay a setup fee? A: NO, why should we charge you for something that takes about 5 minutes to do? Q: Is this a live feed you have? A: Yes, our UNIX box is connected to a DS3 leased line, meaning we are pysically connected live to the Internet 24 hours a day, unlike some places and Satellite services that mail can be up to 5 days old. Q: What does my membership give me? A: Your membership gives you FULL Internet access. E-mail, Newsgroups, FTP, Telenet, Gopher, Archie, IRC, WWW, WAIS, PING and more. * Just check with your BBS software company to see which features your BBS supports *. Q: Will my mail get out quickly? A: Yes, when you send mail to our site, it is sent out to the Internet within SECONDS of being recieved. Q: Is there a limit to the conferences I can recieve? A: NO, you can pick up only 1 or pick up all 10,000+, it's up to you, and your monthly costs stay the same. Q: How long does it take for me to get my domain name? A: 1-2 weeks average. Q: What if I get my mail through PageSat or Planet Connect? A: We offer a special membership for sysops on PC or Pagesat. HOWEVER, due to the reduced rates, you may send and recieve E-mail, but will only be able to send Newsgroup replies. Q: What is the monthly fee? A: $30.00 a month for regular BBS UUCP accounts, $12.00 a month for Satellite BBS UUCP accounts. Q: What is SLIP/PPP? A: In general terms, SLIP is a low cost way of getting a direct LIVE connection to the Internet without having to buy costly hardware or leased lines. This can be an inexpensive way of allowing live Internet access to your callers. We hope this has answered any questions you may have had.... If not, please don't hesitate to give us a call.