[Help] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Please use format /? [topic,command or keyword] = [/borg] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Says the BORG version to the window = [/torxdcc] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Runs the XDCC offer program TORXDCC and enables xdcc offers = [/torxoff] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Turns XDCC offers OFF = [/tordde] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Makes TORXDCC do a command = [/toffer] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Offers current XDCC offer to channel = [/rnick] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Changes your nick name to a random nickname = [/mark] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Marks your current place in a window with a line = [/cls] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Clears current windows screen = [/wi] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Does a WHOIS on given nickname = [/ww] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Does a WHOWAS on given nickname = [/w] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Performs a WHOIS and a WHOWAS on given nickname = [/op] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Ops specified users from command line syntax: /op nick = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Also use /o1 - /o4 for some fun +o action = [/q] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Quits IRC with a random quit message = [/rj] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Parts then rejoins current channel = [/k] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Kicks given nickname also use /k1 - /k12 for fun = [/dop] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = DeOps specified users from command line syntax: /dop nick = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = also use /d1 - /d3 for some fun deopping stuff = [/stn] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Sets current channel mode to secret,no external msgs and topic for ops only = [/j] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Joins channel given on command line = [/p] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Parts channel given on the command line - also use /p1 - /p5 to exit current channel = [/m] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Sets current channel mode to parameters given on command line = [/t] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Sets topic to given parameter on command line = [/homeserver] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Connects you to your home server (specified in configuration) = [/home] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Joins you to your home channel = [/dnick] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Changes your nick to your default nickname = [/anick] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Changes your nick to your away nickname = [/time] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Displays current time and time you logged on = [/lock] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Locks current channel with +stinml 1 and a key = [/unlock] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Unlocks channel that was locked with the /lock command = [/wall] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Sends a notice msg to all ops on channel i.e. /wall Hi there = [/n] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Jots down everything after /n to your notes.txt file = [/clockon] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Displays time every given seconds i.e. /clockon 60 = [/clockoff] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Turns off timed clock display = [/stealthon] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Changes you nick every given seconds i.e. /stealthnick 60 = [/stealthoff] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Turns stealth nick off = [/bust] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Tries to bust into a channel every 10 seconds i.e. /bust #mirc = [/stopbust] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Stops the bust in to channel timer = [/i] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Invites given nick to current channel = [/goto] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Parts current channel and joins given channel = [/pall] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Pings the current channel = [/lag] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Pings the current channel = [/xall] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Xdcc list's the current channel = [/vall] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Versions the current channel = [/chan] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Ctcp's the current channel with the given parameter = [/dc] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = DCC CHAT the given nick = [/ds] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = DCC SEND given nickname a file = [/pa] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Parts you from all channels = [/to] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Turns all timers off = [/my] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Sets your personal mode with parameter specified i.e. /my +i = [/hah] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Says hahaha to current channel/nick = [/heh] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Says hehehe to current channel/nick = [/muh] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Says mean laugh muhahaha to current channel/nick = [/dict] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Websters online dictionary /dict1 thru /dict6 ;) = [/mekill] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Sends a fake kill to the channel that fools LAMERS = [/fuqmsg] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Shows a fake message to the channel i.e. /fuqmsg JoeBlow I like U = [/digme] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Says Chicks dig me for my large warez-sites = [/lovethought] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Says some stupid love saying to the channel = [/face] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = ßorg faces - Also found in popups = [/art] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Plays ascii art to the channel i.e. /art Frog = [/yomama] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Says a nasty YOMAMA joke to the channel i.e. /yomama JoeBlow = [/fallout] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Sends an annoying NOTICE to the channel = [/cmdchar] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Requests command character from given nick = [/khaled] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Searches in VAIN to find the maker of mIRC - hahaha = [/exec] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Pops up a file box that you can pick and run a program from = [/last] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Shows last message you recieved to current channel = [/allclone] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Makes all clones do a command i.e. /allclone say Hello = [/clone] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Makes # clone do specified command i.e. /clone1 say Hello = [/.clone] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Shows clone # information and status i.e. /.clone1 = [/smile] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = A nice smile that some may find intriguing = [/adon] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Shows specified action to all channels every 90 seconds i.e. /adon is away... = [/adoff] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Turns off previous /adon command = [/xdcc] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Xdcc list's the current channel = [/bsay] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Encrypts a message and sends to channel for all other borg = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = users decoding. (Written for ßorg by GandalfCc) = [/cton] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Turns channel takeover ON for current channel = [/ctoff] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Turns channel takeover OFF for current channel = [/lazlong] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Picks a random quote from Lazurus Long and show to channel = [clonehelp] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = ßorg v4.2 Clone War Commands Help = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Use alias /clone# (command) and alias /allclone (command) = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Clone commands - = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = TVF (nickname) - Version floods nickname specified = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = TEF (nickname) - Echo floods nickname specified = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = TPF (nickname) - Ping floods nickname specified = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = TXF (nickname) - XDCC list floods nickname specified = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = TTF (nickname) - Trout (mirc) floods nickname specified = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = TMF (nickname) - Msg flood nickname specified = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = LINK - Enables channel link to home channel (spy) = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = UNLINK - Disables channel link to home channel = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = TOFF - Turns all floods off immediatly = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = RNICK - Changes clones nick to a random nickname = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = TNICK - Changes nick really quick 9 times (flood) = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = LECHO - Turns on DDE spy (all text displayed to you only = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = NECHO - Turns OFF DDE spy = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Example - /allclone TTF Nickname would make all = /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = clone's Trout flood NICKNAME. = [/bton] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Toggles BorgTalk decryption ON (will decrypt BorgTalk messages) = [/btoff] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Toggles BorgTalk decryption OFF (you can still use /bsay to talk) = [/no] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = A quick alias to say Negative (nickname) = [/ya] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = A quick alias to say Affirmative (nickname) = [/jackhand] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Says to the channel a random quote by Jack Handey = [/rose] /echo 5 ßorgHelp - = Sends a ROSE through msg to the nick specified =