============================================================================== Use the ARROW keys to navigate the highlight bar up and down. Hit ENTER to make a selection. Hit ESC to go back to the last menu. ============================================================================== ACT123.ZIP 109666 06-14-92 Actions 123 for children ages 2-6. Fun | introduction to math. ACT123_A.ZIP 124545 04-04-94 Action 123 v0.2 for Windows: Simple | counting and math program for chilren aged | 2 to 6. APLMTH10.ZIP 38485 05-03-94 Teaches elementary mathematics to children | between the ages of 5 and 8. APPLMATH.ZIP 43491 10-03-93 Math Apples for Windows, v. 1.0 is an | educational tool, for Windows 3.1, to help | teach elementary math concepts to children | 4 - 8. It uses apples, and groups of | apples, to show values and operations in | the decimal number system. It reveals the | intermediate steps involved in calculations | for +, -, *, and /. Requires VBRUN200.DLL, | not included. Shareware registration fee is | $5.00. BCS104.ZIP 101649 01-06-93 Mathematical Tool for Windows. CBMATH.ZIP 45952 02-01-92 Chalkboard Math for Windows is a fun, | easy-to-use math tutor program that teaches | and enhances elementary math skills. It | can be used by a single child or by a child | and an adult. CMAT15.ZIP 76363 04-22-94 Chalkboard Math Version 1.5a All new | release of the popular math tutor (ages | 5-10) for Windows. Music, animation and | difficulty levels. Bright game-like design. | Shareware. Pegasus Developement EDAM03.ZIP 298363 04-20-94 Edwin Add/Subtract Version v3.0 - A | Windows 3.1 course in Addition/Subtraction | covers: Addition through 999+999+999 and | Subtraction through 9999-9999 in a | multilevel tutorial. Uses graphics, mouse, | keyboard, printer. Options for levels, | saving session, standard testing. FLASH100.ZIP 159061 03-17-92 Flash Card Math Teacher - gives 'reward' | for correct answers! FLASHMTH.ZIP 286048 10-15-93 Flashmath for Windows - helps students | learn addition, subtraction, multiplication | and division. The program displays the | problems in flash card fashion on top of a | .BMP picture that you can change. Limits | and ranges can be set for each student. | Tests can also be created and saved. FLASH_21.ZIP 62379 05-23-93 WinFlash v2.1 - WinFlash is a | first-rate flash card program for Windows. | Allows Question/Answer (Q&A) pairs of up to | 1000 characters each. Priority modes allow | asking "tough" questions more often. Q&A | files are easily constructed using NotePad | or other ASCII text editor. Easy for your | children to use - no computer experience | needed. Memorize coursework or professional | material fast! Windows 3.1 - Shareware FLSH.ZIP 286601 09-28-93 FlashMath Flash Card program for Windows | 3.0 FLSHCA10.ZIP 26110 05-16-93 Flash Cards - Another fun math flash card | program. FLSHCD10.ZIP 755801 08-08-93 The Flashcards System for Windows, v. 1.0 | is an educational tool, for Windows 3.1 to | help teach math to children 5 - 8 yrs old. | It has graphical representations of math | concepts using apples, number lines and | tables. Parameters and feedback can be | maintained individually for each child. | Complete audit trail of problem solving | sessions gives the parent/ teacher the | ability to pinpoint strengths and | weaknesses. Shareware registration = | $29.00. FLSHCD11.ZIP 727796 02-22-94 The Flashcards System for Windows, v. 1.1 | is an educational tool, for Windows 3.1 to | help teach math to children 5-8 yrs old. It | has graphical representations of math | concepts using apples, number lines and | tables. Parameters and feedback can be | maintained individually for each child. | Complete audit trail of problem solving | sessions gives the parent/ teacher the | ability to pinpoint strengths and | weaknesses. Shareware registration = | $29.00. GENMTH10.ZIP 1610929 04-20-94 Genie Math v1.0: MS-Windows program | designed to be used as a timed math lesson; | most useful when used as homework on a | daily basis;by using the pgm as a daily | drill the user will learn to answer the | question by sight memory instead of | counting on his or her fingers;req | VBRUN300.DLL. MAGIC104.ZIP 413018 12-23-93 Magic Squares version 1.04 This is a | Windows educational game for kids age 7 to | 11. A 3 by 3 grid of 9 numbers is shown | where each row, column and diagonal all add | to the same number. This number is know as | the magic number. You have to fill in all | the unknown numbers to win. Requires | Windows 3.1 or later. MATHFL.ZIP 24700 02-27-94 MathFlash 1.0 MATH_Q.ZIP 12680 08-26-92 Math Quiz for Kids SQUARES.ZIP 455549 05-10-94 Math for kids ages 7 to 11 years in a | positive game style format. WIN_MATH.ZIP 169659 07-21-92 WMath 1.0 Math Tutor WNMATH11.ZIP 42345 06-12-93 WinMath v1.1: MS-Windows educational | program for children to practice their | basic math skills. Req VBRUN300.DLL. | 06/12/93. Jim Fox, Mainstay Computer.