README.TXT ---------- Salvation is a comprehensive program and file manager that replaces both the the File Manager and Program Manager as the "startup" shell. You should have the following files included in SALVTION.ZIP: COPY.DLL MESSAGE.EXE ORDERFRM.TXT README.TXT SAL.EXE SALVEDIT.EXE SALVEDIT.HLP SALVLIB.EXE SALVTION.BTS SALVTION.EXE SALVTION.HLP SETUP.EXE STDFILE.DLL SWITCHER.EXE Before setting up or running Salvation, we recommend that you create a seperate subdirectory for Salvation. We recommend, "C:\SALVTION". To set up Salvation for use with Microsoft Windows, run the SETUP.EXE program. You may do this from the Program Manager. Select "Run" from the "File " menu entry. On the command line, enter the directory where Salvation resides followed by "SETUP.EXE". For example, if Salvation was in the directory called "SALVTION", you would enter "C:\SALVTION\SETUP.EXE". Setup computes a checksum of the executable files for Salvation. Setup verifies that these files have not changed in content or in size. If you get a message from Setup indicating that the length or content of a file has been altered, please contact Vitesse, Inc. before running Salvation. The files may have been tampered with. They may contain a virus or cause other destructive harm. You may "uninstall" Salvation at any time be running the SETUP program. SETUP automatically determines whether or not Salvation has already been set up. SETUP then removes all of the set up information from WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI. You must remove the files for Salvation from the hard disk manually. Simply go to the directory containing the files for Salvation and delete each file listed above. Be sure that you run the SETUP program from the same directory containing the files for Salvation. SETUP uses the directory information to set up Salvation. Running SETUP from any other directory may result in an incorrect set up. We hope that you find Salvation easy to use and useful to your everyday computing purposes. If you have any questions about Salvation, please contact our Technical Support department at: 818-813-1278. Please have the version number available (1.15), and be at your computer if possible. Thanks for trying this Vitesse, Inc. product.