BmpPak Copyright (C) 1991, Kamyan Software. 1228 Robin Drive Carol Stream Il. 60188 All rights reserved Index for BmpPak 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Disclaimer 3.0 Registration Information 4.0 Distribution Information 5.0 File list 6.0 Credits 1.0 Introduction BmpPak is the product name for a group of shareware bmp image files for use with Mircosoft Windows. These images are unique repeatable patterns designed to be tiled for use as Windows wallpaper however they suit a wide variety of computer graphics needs. These BmpPaks are divided into volumes each containing around 30 images and this document file. 2.0 Disclaimer Kamyan Software makes no representations or warranties with respect to these images or documentation, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantablilty or fitness for any purpose. Further Kamyan Software reserves the right to make changes to any and all images, at any time, without obligations to notify any person or organizations. Kamyan Software will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if Kamyan Software or an agent of Kamyan Software has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall Kamyan Software's liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for the license to use the images, regardless of the form of the claim. 3.0 Registration Information BmpPak is a group of shareware bmp image files which has a five day free evaluation period after which a payment of $10.00 per volume is required. Your payment will give you the right to use and incorporate these images into your work and products, with the only restriction being the distribution of the BmpPak images by themselves ( In other words the BmpPak images can not be resold by themselves). Calculate your payment as follows: $10.00 multiplied by the number of BmpPak volumns you or your firm will register. Send payments to: Kamyan Software 1228 Robin Drive Carol Stream Il. 60188 Also available are GifPaks and CelPak, these paks contain gif images for general computer graphics needs and cel images for use with Autodesk Animator Pro. 4.0 Distribution Information BmpPaks contain copyrighted images. These images can not be resold by themselves. Only purchasers of a BmpPak volume have the right to use or incorporate these images into their work or products. Kamyan Software allows BmpPak volumns to be freely copied and distributed in its unmodified form via electronic means, this document file must be included with the volume. You are specifically prohibited from charging or requesting donations for any copies made or distributed with the exception of organizations which distribute shareware products for a small fee ( less then $7.50 per disk) to cover distribution costs. BmpPak volumns can not be distributed with any retail product without the express written consent of Kamyan Software. 5.0 Files list The following files make up a BmpPak volume: v??b??.bmp - Series of cel files BmpPak.doc - This file 6.0. Credits Animator Pro is a registered trademarks (tm) of Autodesk, Inc. GIF and 'Graphics Interchange Format' are trademarks (tm) of Compuserve, Incorporated, an H&R Block Company. End of Document