Selectric¿ ---------- Version 1.10 November 1993 (c) 1992, 1993 Stefan Radermacher Selectric¿ is Shareware Introduction =========================================================================== Oh no, not another replacement File Selector you're thinking! OK Selectric¿ is a File Selector but it's certainly different offering lots of tasty extras, see for yourself..... Mmmnnnn. (Hey lighten up...) Selectric¿ offers so many indispensable extra features it's more than a replacement File Selector, it's a concept which can revolutionise the way you work with your Atari. The philosophy --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selectric¿ is designed to appeal to anyone who likes to have everything to hand, that's most of us, right? All the important functions are there ready to use and the less common options are neatly tucked away in BeamUps. It's difficult to please everybody but hopefully i've done enough to ensure Selectric¿ remains on your boot disk, let me know if I haven't. Features --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Shows not only the filenames, but also the size and datestamps at a glance. Particularly useful when you've forgotten which version of your program code or best selling novel was the most recent. * The number of files which can be handled is dynamic, limited only by the amount of free memory (not static like so many other File Selectors). Selectric¿ only reserves as much memory as it needs. One little comparison test you might like to try with other FSs is to try handling over 1000 files without problems... * In many cases Selectric¿ does the thinking for you. Open up a folder then close it again and the slider remains where you left it, it doesn't return to the top again! * The real time slider make's moving through the file list very intuitive, for many the built-in FS is fast enough but faster is better right? * Nearly all of the main functions can also be accessed from the keyboard. Installing Let 'em Fly! takes care of the remaining few. * The number of files displayed changes automatically depending on the current screen resolution. This ranges from 8 files in ST high, through 12 files with OverScan up the maximum of 24 files using TT high and some graphic cards. Each time Selectric¿ is called it checks the current resolution and displays the appropriate number of files. Ideal for Autoswitch-OverScan users. * Using the optional Auto Locator only the first letter of a filename needs to be entered, Selectric¿ will seek out the first matching filename and select it. Also if an Application passes a filename to Selectric¿ it will attempt to localise the correct file. * Other selection options are possible, using the Cookie Jar more than one filename can be opened. Naturally the Application must follow the protocol, refer to SLCTPROG.TXT for more details. * Wildcard entry is fully supported so it is possible to select files using lines like: '*MOUSE*.[A-Z]??' * Five different Search criteria with two optional switches, reverse and numerical order. * Currently ten different file extensions and paths can be stored for rapid activation. Applications which pass parameters to Selectric¿ can recall the full path. * A wide selection of file operations are available (including Copy). Most functions work recursively, so it's possible at a single stroke to copy/delete etc a folder containing files and other folders. * Let 'em Fly! is supported, to provide keyboard shortcuts and flying dialogs. * Selectric¿ works on all ST/TT Computer in all resolutions and naturally with all graphic cards. *************************************************************************** Selectric¿ is Shareware and may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes. If you use Selectric¿ regularly you are honour bound to pay a Shareware fee of DM 30 to the author, although I won't object if you send me more... Selectric¿ is NOT a Freeware Program! PD libraries, magazines or any other organisations may only distribute Selectric¿ with my written permission. Any contravention of my wishes will be strongly challenged. Selectric¿ comprises of the following files: - SLECTRIC.PRG The program itself (should normally be placed in the AUTO Folder) - CALLSLCT.ACC An Accessory which calls Selectric¿ and can switch Selectric¿ On/Off - SLCTCONF.CPX A CPX Module, which offers the same functions as the accessory. - SLECTRIC.TXT This documentation - SLECTRIC.IMG A labelled screenshot of Selectric¿ main functions - CHANGES.TXT Lists the changes between Versions (IMPORTANT!) - SLCTPROG.TXT Some information for programmers - FSEL_INP.C A universal fsel_(ex)input()-Routine - FSEL_INP.H The header file to go with the above - SAMPLE.C An example program which utilises some of the Selectric¿ specific features. - README Short Info file - FRACT016.PRG Fractal set for 16 Kb. - FRACTAL.TXT Instructions for Fractal. Selectric¿ may only be distributed complete with all the above files. *************************************************************************** First of all the disclaimer... I accept no liability or responsibility for any direct or indirect damage that may arise, either financial, material or any other kind from either the use or misuse of Selectric¿ All trademarks mentioned in the Selectric¿ documentation is acknowledged and recognised. The accompanying documentation was put together by Oliver Scheel and then (loosely) translated by Joe Connor so there is plenty of room for misunderstanding, error and omissions, feel free to point them out and ask questions!!! Getting started =========================================================================== Selectric¿ (SLECTRIC.PRG) can either be started from the Desktop or automatically each time the computer is started by placing a copy of SELECTRIC.PRG in the AUTO folder. Some programs take liberties with the Operating System and it is possible that the physical execution order of Programs installed in the AUTO folder could cause problems. So far I am not aware of any such problems (apart from other File Selectors). If you would like to be able to call Selectric¿ on demand there are several options available: a) To call Selectric¿ as a desktop accessory copy the program CALLSLCT.ACC into the root directory. On rebooting CALLSLCT will be available from the Desk drop down menu. b) To call Selectric from the desktop rename CALLSLCT.ACC to CALLSLCT.PRG and run it normally from the desktop. It is possible using CALLSLCT.ACC or CALLSLCT.PRG to switch between the built-in FS and Selectric¿ by holding down either a [SHIFT] key or the right mouse button whilst selecting CALLSLCT. A dialog box appears from which Selectric¿ can be turned ON/OFF. c) The remaining option is to use the Atari CPX Control Panel. Copy SLCTCONF.CPX into your CPX folder. On rebooting SLCTCONF.CPX will be installed as a Control Panel module from where Selectric¿ can be switched ON/OFF and called to the screen (if Selectric¿ is switched OFF the built-in FS will appear). The File Selector itself =========================================================================== Included in the distribution is an picture 'SLECTRIC.IMG' in which the main functions of Selectric¿ are labelled. Ideally the picture should be printed out (use GUCK, 1st Guide/View etc) and studied together with this text file as this document will concentrate in depth on particular functions.... General --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within Selectric¿ the right mouse button and either [SHIFT] Key are treated the same. The Individual Elements --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Window close icon (top left); in Selectric¿ this icon is used to move up the directory tree, a single click on the icon moves up a single level (ie out of a folder) whereas a double click moves directly to the root directory. Window open icon (top right); in Selectric¿ this icon is used to select and deselect files, a single click on this icon selects all folders/files in the selector window (or if ALL the files/folders are already selected deselects them all) Holding down the [SHIFT] key (or right mouse button) whilst clicking the open icon deselects the selected files and vice versa (a toggle action). Holding down the [CONTROL] key whilst clicking on the open icon causes a dialog to appear into which any desired file mask can be entered. (The available file mask options are described later). Any file matches will be selected. Selecting the same file mask again deselects the selected files. The Slider; all the usual functions are available plus a few more, the up arrow moves up (where possible) and the down arrow down (where possible). A double click on either arrow moves to the top/bottom of the list. The patterned area roughly represents the files not displayed either above or below the actual files displayed, which is represented by the white slider itself. The slider can be moved up and down (more or less) in real time, we call it the "Real time slider" anyway. Double click anywhere in the slider area to centre the slider exactly on the selected point. File and folders; a single click on a folder (or the small box before it) or file will select (and invert) it. If a file is selected the filename will also be copied to the editable File name field. A double click on a folder will open the folder and a double click on a file will select the file and exit Selectric¿. It's also possible to force Selectric¿ to behave like the built-in FS and open folders with a single click, to do this select the Options button and clear (uncross) the Extras box 'Open folders with double click' option. Multiple file selection can be made by holding the left mouse button down and moving up or down through the list, the window scrolls automatically. To select multiple files which are not adjacent to each other in the list select each file individually whilst holding down either [SHIFT] key (or the right mouse button). If the 'Double click folders to open' option is active multiple folder selection is also possible, otherwise selecting a folder is likely to open it. The Info Line; (along the bottom of the selection window) reports the total size, in Bytes, of all files selected, unfortunately the contents of folders are not included in the total which does limit the usefulness of the line! Use the 'Info' command from the 'Functions' BeamUp to display the total byte count inside a folder (this is described in more detail later). Click and hold down the left button for a report on the free space remaining on the drive and whilst continuing to hold down the left button press the [SHIFT] key or hold down the right mouse button for a bar graph style display of the remaining free space (especially added for users of 'FuzzyClock'). BeamUps; these appear whenever a shadowed box is selected... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Unknown User: Hey, hold on! What on earth are 'BeamUps'? The Answer: BeamUps are really just Pop-up menus but since Julian F. Reschke coined 'JazzUps' I felt the need for my own jargon... BeamUp = Pop-up +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BeamUps are comparable to traditional Drop down menus except they appear from within dialogs instead of from the Menu bar. Selection from a BeamUp can be made in several ways: a) Hold the left mouse button down over a BeamUp to display it, selection is made by moving the mouse to highlight (invert) the desired option then releasing the mouse button. The selected option (except for the Functions button) is displayed as the button text. b) Click once on the BeamUp and the menu will appear and remain until an option is selected. Again, the selected option (except for the Functions button) is displayed as the button text. c) BeamUps can also be called via keyboard shortcuts (see keyboard layout table). Once activated BeamUps can be navigated using the up and down cursor arrows, [ESC] key which exits without change and the [RETURN] key which exits and selects the highlighted (inverted) option. The Flying donkey; if Let 'em Fly! is installed you will find a 'donkey ear' at the top right hand corner of Selectric¿ click on and hold down the left mouse button the reposition Selectric¿ as desired. Using Let 'em Fly! V1.16 or later is recommended as the 'donkey ear' is automatically disabled if there is not enough free memory. Most Selectric dialogs and alerts take advantage of the 'Donkey ear' when installed. Drive/partition change BeamUp; open the BeamUp and select the desired drive/partition (not much clever about that, eh?). Well there is actually, all thanks to Atari's brain dead media change routine! When a Floppy disk or removable hard disk is changed TOS doesn't always recognise the disk has been changed. A 'forced media change' is often necessary to log in the new disk, a double click on the drive/partition button does the trick. This works fine except in a multitasking environment where any files left open during a media change are unlikely to survive! One solution is to install 'CHK_OFLS', this is a small utility which informs Applications (which ulitise the protocol) which files are open. Naturally Selectric¿ does follow the protocol. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Unknown User: What's this 'CHK_OFLS' thing then? The Answer: 'CHK_OFLS' is short for 'CHecK Open FiLeS'. It's a resident program written by Hansi Richstein (The Kolbold programmer), which maintains a log of all open files, escpecially useful for Multitasking environments, Selectric¿ uses this protocol. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Extensions (Masks) BeamUp; it is often desirable to display only certain filetypes. This is achieved by setting a file mask which 'filters' the files displayed (eg '*.ACC' only displays active Accessories) Selectric¿ can store up to ten user-definable masks in addition to the dummy *.* and the parameter passed by the calling Application. If a parameter is passed to Selectric¿ it appears as the first mask in the BeamUp. Multiple file masks can be selected, up to a maximum of 16 characters, and these appear on the line above the selection window, any extra characters are lost. To add file masks first select the BeamUp then hold down the [SHIFT] key (or right mouse button) and select another mask. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Unknown User: How are the masks in Selectric¿ different? The answer: The syntax is borrowed by the *nix world. Unfortunately the syntax is only partially implemented by TOS (and many other programs). Anyway, here's how Selectric¿ handles file masks.... ? Any character (already familiar to TOS users) * Any (or no) characters (again familiar to TOS users). Selectric¿ however takes this one step further: '*' is equivalent to '*.*' (see examples below..) [...] Between the square brackets one class of characters can be specified (eg all numbers or all characters or all apart from numbers) the valid alternatives can be more strictly defined than is possible using the '?' option. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Some examples... '*' finds everything, same as '*.*' 'MOUS*' finds 'MOUSEREF.TXT', 'MOUSE.INF' or simply 'MOUS' '*MOUSE*' finds 'MOUSE2', 'QWKMOUSE' or 'MOUSE.DRV'. '*.AC?' finds all in/active accessories (same as *.ACC, *.ACX). '*.AC[CX]' same as the above mask but more concrete, whereas the above example would also find *.ACT this example would not. 'TEXT???.*' finds 'TEXT001', 'TEXTABC' and 'TEXT123.TXT' but not 'TEXTS' or 'TEXT.TXT'. 'PROG*.[CHS]' finds 'PROG1.C', 'PROGRAM.S' and 'PROGGER.H' but not, 'PROGRAM.CH'. 'PROGRAM.HS or 'PROGRAM.CS, Hmmmnn.... An exercise: Find at least 10 Filenames, which match the following pattern... '*[A-Z]B?[^0-9]*.P?[0-3]' If you spotted the example has more than 16 characters well done! Did I forget to mention the Selectric¿ search option handles 22 characters? Yes, I thought I did! OK, so the exercise was a bit unfair, but still good practice, CABLE.PI3 would be OK for starters... Installing the user-definable filemasks; double click on the Extensions BeamUp and a dialog appears. From the dialog the Actual (current) filemask and ten user-definable masks can be edited as desired. If you don't need all ten then you can simply clear the fields, Selectric¿ will tidy up the BeamUp automagically. Applications can, in theory, pass masks to Selectric¿, which can handle up to ten. The Macro path (Mac-Path) BeamUp; enables easy movement up and down the directory tree. Imagine for example: a file 'WORK.TXT' stored inside a folder called 'OFFICE', stored inside another folder called 'TEXT' and the whole lot is stored inside a folder called 'DATA'. Most of use divide our storage up into similar catagories and this has one major drawback: In order to move our example file from 'D:\DATA\TEXT\OFFICE\' to 'D:\TRANSFER\MODEM\CIX\UPLOAD it's necessary to go all the way up the tree heirarchy and back down again which gets very tedious after a while. Selectric¿ offers several improvements over the built-in FS. First of all Selectric¿ can move directly to the root directory by double clicking the close icon as explained earlier. More often than not though you only want to close a couple of folders so going back to the root directory is not the perfect solution. The solution we came up with is the Mac-Path BeamUp. As you move down through the directory tree, opening folders inside folders each sub path is automagically added into the Mac-Path BeamUp which can store a maximum of ten nested folders. So, to move up several levels (ie close folders) simply BeamUp Mac-Path and select the desired level. Path BeamUp; up to 10 full paths can be stored by the Path BeamUp (across the top of the selection window). To store a path move Selectric¿ to the desired path then call the path BeamUp then holding the [SHIFT] key (or right mouse button) assign the path to any slot. Assigning a path to an occupied path overwrites the previous path. To move directly to a stored path select the BeamUp and choose the desired path. Naturally everything can also be controlled from the keyboard. The actual path can be edited by double clicking (or press [F5]) on the path button which brings up an editable dialog box. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Comment: Garbage pathnames (and non-existant pathnames) will be truncated into suitable entries. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sorting; diverse filenames demand flexible sorting criteria and Selectric¿ offers five different criteria plus two options to display the files/folders in the selection window. The criteria can be selected from the Sort mode BeamUp button (just to the right of the Extension BeamUp) which displays the currently active sort criteria. Inside the BeamUp the active criteria and options are ticked. 'By Name' Folders then files listed alphabetically (A->Z) 'By Date' Folders then files listed in date and time order (new->old) 'By Size' Folders then files listed in Size order (largest->smallest) 'By Type' Folders then files listed alphabetically according to the extension type, folders/files without extensions are placed first, folders/files with matching extensions are listed in alphabetical order according to folder/filename 'No Sort' The physical order folders/files were stored on the memory medium, (particularly useful to analyse the execution of files in the AUTO folder) 'Reverse' An optional switch to reverse the order folder/files are displayed 'Numerical' An optional switch to take account of numerical order, An example to avoid confusion: Without the 'Numerical' switch... MOUSE1.TXT MOUSE10.TXT MOUSE2.TXT With the 'Numerical' switch (Hocus pocus)... MOUSE1.TXT MOUSE2.TXT MOUSE10.TXT The Auto-Locator; has it ever occurred to you whilst scrolling through a long list of files that there ought to be a better way to find a file? Often you even know the approximate filename? Does that sound all to familiar? You can breathe a sigh of relief! The Auto-Locator performs two functions, first when a filename is passed to Selectric¿ as a parameter (usually from the Application which called the FS) the Auto-Locator trys to find and highlight the filename for your attention. Secondly as you type characters into the editable 'Filename' field the Auto-Locator constantly searches the current directory and refines its selection, sometimes a single letter will be enough! When the desired file is highlighted simply hit the [RETURN] key or click [OK] and Selectric¿ exits and passes the file to the Application. If you press [RETURN] or click [OK] while a folder is highlighted, the folder will be opened. If you enter a selection and the Auto-Locator cannot find an item to go along, the highlight will disappear. The Auto- Locator remains active even after you change directories and will always try to select a file which fits your selection. Example for Auto-Locator: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consider the following list of files, the sequence is not listed alphabetically to illustrate the way the Auto-Locater works: AUTO .TXT MEDIZIN.TXT MAUS .TXT MANN .TXT USER .TXT Enter Selection --------------------------------------------------------------------------- M MEDIZIN.TXT MA MAUS.TXT MAN MANN.TXT U USER.TXT IMPORTANT: Somtimes you may want to enter a filename on the edit field that cannot be found in the current directory, e.g. when you are creating a new file. Now and then, however, the Auto- Locator will select a file which already exists. For example: you want to save a file called SOURCE.C. There is alreay a file calles SOURCE.CX in the current directory. If you enter SOURCE.C on the edit field, SOURCE.CX will be selected by the Auto-Locator. If you press [RETURN] now, SOURCE.CX will get overwritten, which ist not what you want. In this case, you MUST finish the dialog by pressing [SHIFT] or holding the right mouse button while you press [RETURN] or click [OK]! If you do this, Selectric¿ will return with the filname on the edit field insted of the highlighte one. Special Functions; it's very desirable for a FS to offer more than file selection. In many cases it is very useful to be able to rename, delete or move/copy folders/files from within the FS. Selectric¿ provides all these features and more in the best manner possible. The following functions can be selected from the Functions BeamUp, in some cases functions will be unavailable for selection at that point in time. For example it is not possible to perform a Delete operation if no file/folder has been selected. New item; a dialog appears from which a file or folder may be created. A file created using this function will have zero bytes. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Joe Connor: What's the point of creating a zero length file? The Answer: Sometimes programmers use zero length files for test purposes. Then there are also those programs which insist on having their own FS, which often cannot be turned off, and these really wind me up. If you're lucky such applications (eg Tempus, Pure C..) can be passed parameters from a command line which makes it possible to pass a zero length file and avoid the FS. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Info; provides all the usual information for a selected file/folder. With TOS Versions 1.04 or later it's possible to rename folders from the Info box. File attributes are also displayed and can be edited as desired. If more than a single file/folder is selected Selectric¿ displays an Overall dialog detailing the number of files/folders and the total Byte count, this dialog may take a little longer to appear depending on the contents of any folders selected. The usual individual Information dialogs for each folder/file selected can be displayed in turn by pressing the 'More' button. If any changes are made when more than one folder/file is selected be careful to use the 'More' button to move to the next dialog without saving any changes and the 'OK' button to move to the next dialog and save the changes. The 'Cancel' button aborts multiple Info dialog display. Disk Info; provides complete details for the current drive/partition. The drive/partition label may also be changed. The lower third of the dialog shows the occupied space on the drive in bargraph and percentage format. Note: The following five functions can be aborted using the [ESC] key before the Confirmation dialog box appears. Delete; use this Function to delete selected files/folders. The contents of any folder/s selected will also be deleted. Touch; a handy option especially for programmers and TeX users. Changes the time and date stamps for any files/folders selected to the current time and date stamp. Copy; use this function to copy files/folders (including folder contents). After making then selection and selecting 'Copy' from the BeamUp notice the title line of Selectric¿ has changed to reflect the copy operation. It is still possible to use all the functions (except 'Copy' and 'Move') before completing the copy operation. For example, create a new folder, delete some files, use Info and resort the selection window, neat eh? To cancel the copy operation select the Cancel button, to complete the copy operation press the [OK] button. Another dialog appears offering a last chance to cancel the operation along with the relevant file details and two option switches. 'Warning on Overwrites' if checked (crossed) displays the rename dialog as described below. If the 'Rename item' option is checked (crossed) the rename dialog appears offering options to rename (or replace) the existing file or cancel the copy operation. Move; similar to the Copy function described above except the original folders/files are deleted. This function is only directly supported with TOS versions 1.04 but Selectric¿ supports the Move function for all TOS versions. Search; when you've forgotten where you put that file use this function. A dialog appears into which the filename or mask can be entered together with options to search the current folder/drive/partition or all drives/partitions (apart from A & B). If a matching file is found the search routine pauses offering a chance to stop the search or continue to look for another match. After a satisfactory match has been located press [OK] to leave the dialog and the desired file will be automatically highlighted. Selectric¿ supports the environment variable DRIVEMAP, also supported by the Gemini replacement Desktop, which specifies which installed drives/partitions/ (apart from A & B) may be utilised. If Selectric¿ cannot find this environmental variable it will search all available drives/partitions apart from A & B. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ UNKNOWN USER: Yeah, great, but how do I set the environmental variable? The answer : There are various AUTO folder prgrams which can set enviornment variables, the Boot manager JCNBOOT by Jens C Neffe, for example. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Options; everyone has their habits, in Selectric¿ we offer you can decide these things for yourself... Display --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show hidden files; if this box is checked (crossed) files with the 'Hidden' file attribute set will be displayed in greyed out text. Such files can still susequently be selected like any other file. Use lower case; implemented to keep *nix enthusiasts happy. Everything becomes lower case except the Filename field. 'Show time for todays items'; this option displays the timestamp instead of the datestamp for any items created on the current day. A small clock symbol denotes such entries. Number of items; depending on your resolution a BeamUp will offer a choice of items. At resolutions of 1280x1024 or greater it's possible to select between 8, 12, 16 and 24 lines from the BeamUp. If only 8 files can be displayed the option remains greyed out. Extras --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double click to open folders; the built-in FS only needs a single click to open folders but apart from personal preference there are advantages in Selectric¿ for requiring a double click to open folders (refer to the section on multiple file selector). Save and restore paths; Normally Selectric¿ modifies the Path settings from the Operating System. Some applications cannot cope hence the ON/OFF switch. After Copy/Move operation --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stay in destination path; Selectric¿ normally returns to the original pathname. If this box is checked (crossed) Selectric¿ remains in the destination pathname. Save; all parameters, settings, paths and extensions (except any paths/extensions passed to Selectric¿ by an application) will be saved in a seperate file called SLECTRIC.INF which will be created in the same directory as SLECTRIC.PRG by Selectric¿. Keyboard layout =========================================================================== Selectric¿ can be almost entirely keyboard driven. After the main table a summary is provided: Basics --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [RETURN] Exits dialogs and from the main Selectric¿ dialog returns the path and selected filename to the calling application. If no filename was selected the content of the editable Filename field is returned. [UNDO] or From the main Selectric¿ dialog returns to the calling [CTRL]+[U] application without returning a filename. [HELP] Displays a Copyright/Info dialog. [ALT]+[A-Z] Changes to the corresponding drive/partition. If the selection is unknown to the operating system the entry is ignored. [ALT]+[1-0] Selects the corresponding preset path (1 to 10). (Hold down the [SHIFT] key to save a new path to the selected path slot). [ALT]+[Esc] Selects the 'captured' path. [CTRL]+[Num 1-0] Selects the corresponding preset extensions (1 to 10) (Hold down the [SHIFT] key to append new extension). [CTRL]+[Num .] Select the 'captured' extension. [CTRL]+[Num *] Selects the '*.*' extension. [CTRL]+[1-10] Number of steps up the directory tree (similar to Mac-Path'). [CTRL]+[A] Selects (toggles to deselect) all entries. [CTRL]+[S] Displays file mask dialog. [CTRL]+[BS] Closes the current folder. [CTRL]+[Space] Re-reads the current drive/partition. NO media change command is forced (refer to media change details). [F1] Brings up Drive/part BeamUp . [F2] --- " --- Mac-Path -- " --. [F3] --- " --- Extension -- " --. [F4] --- " --- Sort -- " --. [F5] --- " --- Path -- " --. [F10] --- " --- Functions -- " --. [SHIFT]+[F1] Displays Media-Change dialog. [SHIFT]+[F3] Displays the extension dialog. [SHIFT]+[F5] Displays editable change path dialog Cursor actions within the selection window --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selectric¿ supports a myriad of cursor actions. If no file is selected no cursor is available. The behaviour of the cursor varies between different functions. When a file is selected the highlighted (inverse) area represents the cursor and if several files are selected the last selection represents the cursor. Subsequent cursor movement may deselect all entries. The cursor will be lost if the path or drive/partition is changed. [CsrUp] Moves the cursor up the list a single entry. If the cursor is not present the last entry within the selection window will be selected. [CsrDown] Moves the cursor down the list a single entry. If the cursor is not present the first entry within the selection window will be selected. [SHIFT]+[CsrUp] The cursor is 'paged' up. Analogous to clicking the shaded grey area above the slider in the scroll bar [SHIFT]+[CsrDwn] The cursor is 'paged' down. Analogous to clicking the shaded grey area below the slider in the scroll bar. [CTRL]+[CsrUp] Moves the list up a single entry. The cursor continues to highlight the same entry. Analogous to clicking on the up arrow above the slider. [CTRL]+[CsrDwn] Moves the list down a single entry. The cursor continues to highlight the same entry. Analogous to clicking on the down arrow below the slider. [Home] Moves the selection window to display the top of the list. Analogous to double cliking the up arrow above the slider. [SHIFT]+[Home] Moves the selection window to display the bottom of the list. Analogous to double cliking the down arrow below the slider. BeamUps --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within BeamUps the following keys are available: [RETURN] Closes the BeamUp and selects the highlighted option. [ESC] Closes the BeamUp without selecting an option. [UNDO] Same as [ESC]. [CsrUp] Moves the cursor up an entry. Pressing the up arrow on the first entry wraps the cursor around to the last entry. Greyed out entries are always skipped. [CsrDown] Moves the cursor down an entry. Pressing the down arrow on the last entry wraps the cursor around to the first entry. Greyed out entries are always skipped. [Home] Positions the cursor on the first entry. [A] - [Z] Moves directly to the first occurrence of the [0] - [9] letter/number pressed. In cases with more a single match the alternatives are cycled through in turn. Non alphanumeric keys are ignored. Functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CTRL]+[C] Copy function. [CTRL]+[D] Delete function. [CTRL]+[F] Search function. [CTRL]+[I] Info function. [Tab] Same as [CTRL]+[I] above (especially for Gemini users) [CTRL]+[M] Move function. [CTRL]+[N] New file/folder creation function. [CTRL]+[O] Calls Options dialog. [CTRL]+[Y] Disk info function. [CTRL]+[H] Sort by Filename. [CTRL]+[J] ---"--- Date and time. [CTRL]+[K] ---"--- Size. [CTRL]+[L] ---"--- Extension. [CTRL]+[X] No Sort. [CTRL]+[R] Reverse display list option. Overview --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key Dialog element Function --------------------------------------------------------------------- [CTRL]+[A] Window full icon select/deselect all [CTRL]+[C] Copy function copy selected files/folders [CTRL]+[D] Delete function delete selected files/folders [CTRL]+[F] Search function search for files by file mask/s [CTRL]+[H] Sort by name sort files/folders alphabetically [CTRL]+[I] Info function displays file/s/folder/s info [CTRL]+[J] Sort by date sort folders/files into date order [CTRL]+[K] Sort by size sort folders/files into size order [CTRL]+[L] Sort by type sort folders/files by extension [CTRL]+[M] Move function move selected files/folders [CTRL]+[N] New item function create file/folder [CTRL]+[O] Options button calls options dialog [CTRL]+[R] Sort reverse sort folders/files into reverse [CTRL]+[S] Window full icon select by mask/s [CTRL]+[T] Touch function touch selected files/folders [CTRL]+[X] No sort display physical files/foldersorder [CTRL]+[Y] Disk info function drive/partition details [CTRL]+[BackSpace] Window close icon close folder [CTRL]+[Space] --- re-reads the the folder. This is NOT a forced media change. [ALT]+[A-Z] --- select drive/partition A to Z [ALT]+[1-0] --- preset paths 1 to 10 [ALT]+[Esc] --- select 'captured' path [CTRL]+[Num1-0] --- select extension 1 to 10 [CTRL]+[Num .] --- select 'captured' extension [CTRL]+[Num *] --- select '*.*' extension [CTRL]+[1 - 10] --- select directory level 1 to 10 [ESC] --- clear edit field in Filename [Tab] Info function info about selected entries [RETURN] OK exit Selectric¿ and return filename [HELP] Info display info dialog [UNDO] or Cancel abort dialog [CTRL]+[U] [CsrUp] --- move cursor up [CsrDown] --- move cursor down [SHIFT]+[CsrUp] Slider move cursor up one 'page' [SHIFT]+[CsrDn] Slider move cursor down one 'page' [CTRL]+[CsrUp] Up arrow icon move cursor up one entry [CTRL]+[CsrDn] Down arrow icon move cursor down one entry [Home] 2x Up arrow icon move cursor to start of list [SHIFT]+[Home] 2x Down arrow icon move cursor to end of list [F1] Drive button BeamUp display [F2] 'Mac-Path' ------ " ----- [F3] Extension ------ " ----- [F4] Sort button ------ " ----- [F5] Path button ------ " ----- [F10] Functions ------ " ----- [SHIFT]+[F1] 2x Drive button force media change dialog [SHIFT]+[F3] 2x Extension call extension edit dialog [SHIFT]+[F5] 2x Path button call editable path dialog Tips & Tricks =========================================================================== This is the place to look if you are having problems using Selectric¿ with other programs or if you are looking for an easier way to perform those tedious chores... Not enough memory; there are still a few programs around that insist on grabbing all the memory for themselves, so when Selectric¿ asks nicely for a few Bytes it is refused. You will have to use the built-in FS. There are two alternative solutions: 1. Pester the programmer of the offending program until he/she implements dynamic memory management or at least frees up some more memory. 2. Unfortunatly there are stubborn programmers! As a consequence I have created a small utility program which fragments memory. In many cases this will cure the problem but unfortunately not all. The utility is called 'Fractal' and is included with Selectric¿. Refer to FRACTAL.TXT for more details. MiNT; Selectric¿ supports virtual drives and this raises the possiblity of several FS running concurrently! It only remains to say there are some interesting possibilities in store for Selectric¿ users! Signum!3; is one of the stubborn programs that refuses to call Selectric¿. There's nothing which I can do except to suggest you write to Application Systems Heidelberg and ask them to adapt their program to accept the built-in TOS (and consequently Selectric¿) File Selector, good luck! Internal =========================================================================== Selectric¿ redirects the AES/VDI vector (Trap #2) and also the BIOS vector (Trap #13) and uses it with XBRA aware 'SLCT'. Additionally a call to the 'FSEL Cookie' is made. Using these Cookie entries it is possible to hook into other functions. The 'FSEL Cookie' can be used in order to check whether a replacement FS supports the function fsel_exinput() introduced with TOS 1.04. For further information please refer to the included file SLCTPROG.TXT. Afterburner (Appendix) =========================================================================== Credits; thank you to the steadfast Beta testers, especially me (Hey, I don't need a new FS.... but then again! Stefan Eissing and Gereon Steffens for the new malloc routines used in Selectric¿ . Thanks also to Wolfgang Wander, who suggested the Key method of registration. Thanks to Joe Connor for translating the manual into English. A special mention also to Oliver Scheel, for all the suggestions many of which Selectric¿ were based on. I wish him good luck and continued success in the future. How to Register Selectric¿ =========================================================================== The Shareware fee for Selectric¿ is DM 30, which can either be paid directly into my Bank account or by cheque, my banking details follow. UK users can, if they prefer, register their copy of Selectric¿ in the UK. Send a cheque or Postal Order for 13 Pounds to: Joe Connor, 65 Mill Road, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5LJ Who can also be contacted by Email: The latest English Version can be obtained from Joe Connor free of charge by sending a Stamped Addressed Envelope enclosing a formatted floppy disk. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon registration I will Email/post your personal 'Key'. This 'Key' can be used to 'unlock' the current and future Selectric¿ versions. To convert your Shareware version to a registered version first make sure Selectric¿ is called SLECTRIC.PRG then click on the 'Info' button to call the copyright dialog. Click on the 'Register' button and enter your name and personal 'Key' and voila you now have a Registered version. You no longer have to suffer the 'Ping' as Selectric¿ installs! Using the 'Key' method will, I hope, suit all users and encourage me to release more frequent upgrades. Registered users can obtain the latest release version at any time by sending me a SAE including a formatted disk. =========================================================================== Address: Stefan Radermacher Under Krahnenbaeumen 52-54 50668 Koeln Germany Telephone: (from the UK) 010 49 221 122268 Q Email: The latest version of Selectric¿ is always available from: BBS: MAUS K”ln; Telephone: (from the UK) 010 49 221 1390008; 8-N-1. V32bis (14400 baud/V42bis) even better 16800 and 19200 with ZyXEL modems. Guest download is allowed from 0800 to 1800 hours and from 2200 to 0400 hours. The BBS is in German! Bank details: Stefan Radermacher Account No: 3140 62-503 Post giro Koeln Sort Code (BLZ): 370 100 50. Credit transfer (especially BTX) can cause problems so be sure to include your name and address, telephone number and Email address (a separate postcard or letter or postcard would be ideal) otherwise I have no idea who sent the money or where to send the key to! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Stefan says: It's not a trick, it's Selectric¿! Hey! Where's Oliver gone? I've run out of things to do! So all that remains for me to say is, enjoy Selectric¿. Someone turn out the lights... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EOF